Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Excitement of Being Cheered / Historical school event

Today is both a historical and exciting day for Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan St.Paul (SPI)...
SPI has made history for being the first school in the country and in Negeri Sembilan to be handed the Maybank account book for the recycling project...
A ceremony was held to celebrate this and officially starting this project...
Well respected guest came for this event and so did RTM2 (a.k.a TV2) ....
As usual there were many speeches and finally it was officiated with a symbolic event...
The guest of honor is handed a bunch of newspaper to be weighed and is given money...
This event symbolises the actual event of the students bringing in recyclable objects and being given money..
After that, the principal and the honored guest went down to have a press conference...
The link to the news about this event is :
And the students went back to class...

Later in the afternoon,
We had the lucky draw for the concert tickets that has been sold...
My class , 5 Anselm, has sold the most amount of ticket according to statistics amounting to RM2030.00 while all the other classes have not even achieved above RM1000.00
Because of that I expected that most of the draws will be students from my class....
Me and my friends were getting excited outside of the science lab...
All around the students were standing waiting for the lucky draw to begin...
With my friends, I was acting like my name was being called...
Then, one of my friends came telling me that I have to represent my a classmate to take his prize for being a person who has collected a donation above RM500.00
So I ran across the assembly yard from the science lab and the whole school went wild when they saw me...
They started shouting, whistling and clapping...
I was running down the lane waving my hands and giving out flying kisses ( hehe... )
When I got up to the stage, the teachers were laughing too...
And jokingly, the principal was holding the prize which is a umbrella saying :
"I hit your head then you know" (laughing)
And while walking back to my place everyone continued cheering...
From afar my friends ask me to open the umbrella to show off the prize...
And I did it while walking like a model...
It was so fun...
But the fun did not end there...
As how I acted out earlier where my name was being called, it really happened...
The first draw was my name...
So again I ran across the assembly yard with all the students cheering and clapping....
I ran down the lane again feeling much more excited....
And when I got there one of the teacher said with laughing :
"Looks like it wasn't a waste for you representing your classmate. It was like a practice for you"

Well, what I'm trying to imply is...
The feeling of being cheered on...
It is a very amazing feeling...
It feels like everybody is encouraging you and giving you some sort of energy...
Now I know how it feels when stars or national players are being cheered by the crowd...
It really gives that amazing energy to a person...
Wow... I really hope that in the future I can experience more events like this where I'm being cheered by many...
And to you my readers, I hope you all do your best in life and let everyone cheer you on for who you are, not for who you are not....

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