Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Road to getting my driving license (Lesson Begins)

The 21st of June 2011...
My driving lesson has begin...
I came home at 1.50pm feeling tired after a long day at school...
I waited to have my lunch and then quickly wash myself up to freshen up...
At 2.30pm, the instructor arrived at my house and we headed to the driving circuit...
The whole journey towards the place, I was being lectured for not being able to speak in Chinese as a Chinese.... (haha >.<)
When we arrived there, he stopped at the first track and started introducing everything about driving and all the parts in the car...
After that, we exchanged place and the driving lesson begins...
He first thought me about how to move a motionless car...
Then we went around the circuit about 2 to 3 times and then he left me to continue trying out by myself...
Later, we went to the slope...
It was kinda tricky to learn that but it was fun at the same time...
I got frustrated at first but then when I got the hang of it, it felt kinda fun...
Finally, the last lesson for the day was how to park a car...
This was the most tricky and annoying one that I learnt that day...
It really took a lot out of me...

Throughout the process of learning all this, the instructor scolded and shouted at me a lot...
It almost got the best of me..
I was starting to get annoyed and angry...

But then at one point of learning, he called me out and asked me:
"Am I hurting your feeling? Am I scolding you?"
I replied : "No, you are teaching me."
He said : "No, I'm being straight with you because I want you to do well. I have no reason to scold you because I do not even know you. So no matter what I do remember its so that you won't fail your driving test"

Those words really made me feel better...
But there are times when I panic while driving...
It is my first time on the wheels so I'm not all that good...
And again on the way back, I was lectured about speaking in Chinese...
I find that the instructor was a great man but the only annoying thing is that he keeps smoking...
Well, it was a fun experience though and I'm kinda looking forward to the next lesson...
I hope I do better...

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