Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Child's Love

Have you ever seen your parents crying before??
Do you love your parents or do you know it in fact??
Well, everyone does no matter how they treat them..
A child can never hate their parents...
I know that I love my parents a lot especially my mum...
Till something happenned..
Then only did I realise how much more do I actually love her...

I can still remember it well..
It was last Friday night...
My parents went out leaving me and my two brothers at home playing games..
After a few hours, they came home...
My mother came back complaining about my father scolding her so much or blaming her...
Then she went and did some house work...
Soon after my dad came over to the three of us and ask whether we wanted to go out for supper...
We said ok and started to turn our computers off...
My mum did not wanted to follow...
But my dad insisted that she came...
So my brothers went in to call her...
Then my eldest brother came out telling me, "Mama crying"
I was shocked and asked "When??"
He replied "Now" and started to get angry at my dad for doing that...
I saw her coming out locking the door with those tears rolling down her face..
Its no ordinary tear, it was tears of hurt..
In my whole life I think I have never seen my mum cried so sadly before except when she watches drama (that is different XP)
I tell you, each tear was like a needle piercing through the heart...
I felt her pain, I was quiet...
I told my brother, "We should have not gone out la. See now made mama cry"
I felt so bad in a way...
I wanted to just hug and kiss my mum telling her "I love you"
But in the end I did not...
I let her cry her sadness out while I watched..
I almost shed tears looking outside of the car window...
My dad did not know that she cried..
Even despite feeling hurt, she still talk to my dad as though nothing has happenned...
By now I think my brothers would have forgotten that sad moment, but I still remember it clearly...
I never want to see anyone close and dear to me cry ever again...
Its not something nice but if you can feel them, then you love them...
The next morning I asked her "Why you cry la?? Make us so sad you know"
But I said it, not because I did not want her to cry...
I was trying to tell her I love her but I could not speak the word out...
But inspite of all this, I do not hate my father for doing that...
Its just I wish he could show just a little more love for her...
She is a very nice person...
In my life, I think there is no one as good as my mum...
I love you mum...

Dear readers,
Our parents...
They cannot be replaced or bought...
They are God given blessing to us in our lives...
I hope that you all love your parents...
No matter what they do or how annoying they can get at times...
Remember, they always love you and you should love them too...

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