Thursday, June 2, 2011

I will (A Man's Love)

If I lose my sight,
I will never forget how you look,
I will still see you in my heart,
Your ever beautiful smile,
With a gentle feeling,
So warm with just a smile,
Those eyes,
Those happy eyes,
Clear and pure,
The stare into you eyes,
That makes me calm,
You are ever so beautiful,
Like an angel,
I will never forget the sight.

If I become deaf,
I will never forget your voice,
Your gentle and kind voice,
Sometimes filled with excitement,
You call to me,
And my heart will respond,
No matter how far,
I will remember that voice,
Though the sounds and melody are gone,
Your sweet singing in my ears.
I will never forget that voice.

If I ever lose my memory,
I will never forget you,
You were there for me,
In joy and despair,
You listened,
You listened to me,
When I needed,
The kindness and care,
So gentle,
I will never forget you.

If I were to die one day,
I will think of you,
Before closing my eyes,
I will see again,
Those sweet memories,
Your voice,
Your smile,
Your whisper in my ears,
Your kindness,
Your love,
I will die and watch over you,
From up there,
Because you were always there for me,
I will always be in your heart,
I will never leave you.

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