Friday, June 17, 2011

School Mini Sports (Sport's Day)

Today was our school's mini sports ( or actually Sport's Day)
Me and some of the ninjas ( actually only 4 others) was suppose to do a demonstration today...
We stayed back on Wednesday and discussed and trained for this demo...
Then again yesterday but in the end we decided not to do it because of the lack of members and proper equipment...
So instead I trained with them...
I sparred with Azriel because it has been long since I sparred with him...
As we were sparring, I went in for his head and caught him but then our leg tripped him over...
He almost knocked the edge of a cement floor but I held on to his head...
Instead I got a horrible cut across my shin...
It has been very long since I last got a wound like that...
Blood kept on coming out...
I washed and tried to stop the bleeding but it did not...
So blood kept dripping out but there was nothing I could do about it...
So I left it to drip and harden eventually...
Then I continue training with them...
Instead I did some weapon sparring with Azriel with a strong scent of blood coming from my leg...
Soon after Azriel went home and Alex (my senior) thought me something new...
At around 4pm, he had to go home so I made a call to my mum and went to buy something over at Terminal 2...
I went there with the blood still on my leg and people who passed me was staring at my wounded leg...
So I bought my game and went to the roti canai shop where my mum was waiting...
She was shocked to see my leg....
She kept saying it was serious but I said it was ok....
What is funny is I have a game of tug-of-war (tarik tali) for the mini sports and I have a blue black and a wound on my leg...
When I got home, I washed it again while taking a shower..
The next day (which is today) my mum put on bandages before I went to school....
So everything went on until my event came...
The tug-of-war...
The floor was slippery because of the drizzle..
As usual the adrenaline is there the moment you are waiting for the whistle to be blown...
The moment it started...
My team was pulled forward...
We could not fight back...
It just seemed like there was no energy coming out from my body today..
I did not know why...
We could not fight back and lost the first round...
For the second round, we started well and pulled the opposing team a lot...
But all of a sudden my arms ran out of energy and I could not pull no matter how much I shouted to "PULL!!! " to my team...
I was exhausted...
But we did not give up...
Despite knowing that we might lose fighting back...
We kept on pulling with all our might...
We held on with every last bit of energy left...
We lost that match but was not so disappointed....
We were still happy to know that we got 2nd place and am going to get a medal...
Its better than nothing...
Though our teacher was sad she was proud of us for doing so well till the very end...
She cried...
I do not know for sure whether its tears of happiness or sadness....
But she cried and came to us saying its ok...
She massaged my shoulders and was laughing while she cried...
Then we took a photo with my injured leg raised...

I'm glad that things still turned out well after all that...
Thanks for the encouragement teacher and you guys...
But I was really hoping to get a gold medal seeing that this would be my last year in school...
But I've learnt a very valuable lesson...
Never give up and you will find something nice at the end whether it turns out the way you want it or not...

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