Thursday, June 9, 2011


In the sky so blue,
So open and wide,
With clouds above,
With many shapes,
The beauty of it,
The vastness ahead,
Beyond and above,
There is no limit,
Nor boundaries to all,
The freedom is there,
For all those above.

For when God created the world,
He made no boundaries,
For man or woman,
Or creatures alike,
Birds were not made,
To be kept in cages,
Dogs were not made,
To be chained away,
As humans were not made,
To be locked in away,
From the freedom out there.

For there is much to see,
In the world out there,
The sceneries so beautiful,
So pretty and rare,
Mankind destroy,
This beauty,
With creations of destructions,
War widespread,
The freedom for all,
Humans and nature,
Are gone from fear,
And danger alike.

In countries of war,
The battles go on,
Brave men fight on,
For their country,
They die,
The innocents are scared,
Locked up in despair,
For hope they desire,
No freedom is there.

So brothers and sisters,
Lets hold our hands,
Together we stand,
To protect our freedom,
From the oppressors,
We do not falter,
For freedom is,
Our right from above.

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