Thursday, June 9, 2011

Road to getting my driving license (Computer Test) (Section I)

Today was my computer test...
I woke up early in the morning with both of my brothers...
We got ready and left for the driving institute to get our Identity Card(IC > MyKad) checked...
After that we went to the MyEg branch to do our computer test there...
We were waiting in queue for our turn to be allocated to our computers...
One by one me and my brothers were allocated to our computers..
This must have been the first time in my life I've ever been nervous before and during an exam...
I was afraid I would fail the exam....
42/50 is no joke to pass an exam...
So I did the exam cautiously with the advice and tips from my friends (Sonia and Marc)
When I finished answering the questions, I rechecked my questions (which I don't normally do) as my friend had adviced me to....
So I found some mistakes and corrected the answer (Thank God XP)
So when the page appear and ask whether you want to end the exam or recheck it, I was so nervous....
I clicked on the end the exam button and....
When the page appear, I cannot explain how relieved and overjoyed I was when I saw the result...
Sharp on the dot, 42/50
I passed, just on the borderline...
Can you imagine how scary it was...
So I went out of the room to get my results printed and I waited there for my two brothers....
Sadly one of them failed with the marks of 41/50 ...
Later, me and my brother who passed the exam went for our Pra 'L' course on that day itself while waiting for my other brother to redo his exam....
There wasn't many people who attended the course but I was happy to see Encik Rosli as the speaker again....
He made it quick and straight to the point....
Whereas for the second session we had this bald guy who spoke in a way I could hardly understand...
He spoke so fast I almost did not get a thing....
After all that , we went out for the final session which is the introduction to the car engine system...
We were told how to maintain it and all....
And after that we went out to take back out IC and give our form at the counter and we headed for lunch while waiting for my brother to finish his exam....

So all in all, everything went well except the fact my brother failed a few times...
I hope he passes it when he redo it again this Saturday...
And so my road to getting my driving license continues...

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