Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Excitement of Being Cheered / Historical school event

Today is both a historical and exciting day for Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan St.Paul (SPI)...
SPI has made history for being the first school in the country and in Negeri Sembilan to be handed the Maybank account book for the recycling project...
A ceremony was held to celebrate this and officially starting this project...
Well respected guest came for this event and so did RTM2 (a.k.a TV2) ....
As usual there were many speeches and finally it was officiated with a symbolic event...
The guest of honor is handed a bunch of newspaper to be weighed and is given money...
This event symbolises the actual event of the students bringing in recyclable objects and being given money..
After that, the principal and the honored guest went down to have a press conference...
The link to the news about this event is :
And the students went back to class...

Later in the afternoon,
We had the lucky draw for the concert tickets that has been sold...
My class , 5 Anselm, has sold the most amount of ticket according to statistics amounting to RM2030.00 while all the other classes have not even achieved above RM1000.00
Because of that I expected that most of the draws will be students from my class....
Me and my friends were getting excited outside of the science lab...
All around the students were standing waiting for the lucky draw to begin...
With my friends, I was acting like my name was being called...
Then, one of my friends came telling me that I have to represent my a classmate to take his prize for being a person who has collected a donation above RM500.00
So I ran across the assembly yard from the science lab and the whole school went wild when they saw me...
They started shouting, whistling and clapping...
I was running down the lane waving my hands and giving out flying kisses ( hehe... )
When I got up to the stage, the teachers were laughing too...
And jokingly, the principal was holding the prize which is a umbrella saying :
"I hit your head then you know" (laughing)
And while walking back to my place everyone continued cheering...
From afar my friends ask me to open the umbrella to show off the prize...
And I did it while walking like a model...
It was so fun...
But the fun did not end there...
As how I acted out earlier where my name was being called, it really happened...
The first draw was my name...
So again I ran across the assembly yard with all the students cheering and clapping....
I ran down the lane again feeling much more excited....
And when I got there one of the teacher said with laughing :
"Looks like it wasn't a waste for you representing your classmate. It was like a practice for you"

Well, what I'm trying to imply is...
The feeling of being cheered on...
It is a very amazing feeling...
It feels like everybody is encouraging you and giving you some sort of energy...
Now I know how it feels when stars or national players are being cheered by the crowd...
It really gives that amazing energy to a person...
Wow... I really hope that in the future I can experience more events like this where I'm being cheered by many...
And to you my readers, I hope you all do your best in life and let everyone cheer you on for who you are, not for who you are not....

Road to getting my driving license (Lesson Begins)

The 21st of June 2011...
My driving lesson has begin...
I came home at 1.50pm feeling tired after a long day at school...
I waited to have my lunch and then quickly wash myself up to freshen up...
At 2.30pm, the instructor arrived at my house and we headed to the driving circuit...
The whole journey towards the place, I was being lectured for not being able to speak in Chinese as a Chinese.... (haha >.<)
When we arrived there, he stopped at the first track and started introducing everything about driving and all the parts in the car...
After that, we exchanged place and the driving lesson begins...
He first thought me about how to move a motionless car...
Then we went around the circuit about 2 to 3 times and then he left me to continue trying out by myself...
Later, we went to the slope...
It was kinda tricky to learn that but it was fun at the same time...
I got frustrated at first but then when I got the hang of it, it felt kinda fun...
Finally, the last lesson for the day was how to park a car...
This was the most tricky and annoying one that I learnt that day...
It really took a lot out of me...

Throughout the process of learning all this, the instructor scolded and shouted at me a lot...
It almost got the best of me..
I was starting to get annoyed and angry...

But then at one point of learning, he called me out and asked me:
"Am I hurting your feeling? Am I scolding you?"
I replied : "No, you are teaching me."
He said : "No, I'm being straight with you because I want you to do well. I have no reason to scold you because I do not even know you. So no matter what I do remember its so that you won't fail your driving test"

Those words really made me feel better...
But there are times when I panic while driving...
It is my first time on the wheels so I'm not all that good...
And again on the way back, I was lectured about speaking in Chinese...
I find that the instructor was a great man but the only annoying thing is that he keeps smoking...
Well, it was a fun experience though and I'm kinda looking forward to the next lesson...
I hope I do better...

Friday, June 17, 2011

School Mini Sports (Sport's Day)

Today was our school's mini sports ( or actually Sport's Day)
Me and some of the ninjas ( actually only 4 others) was suppose to do a demonstration today...
We stayed back on Wednesday and discussed and trained for this demo...
Then again yesterday but in the end we decided not to do it because of the lack of members and proper equipment...
So instead I trained with them...
I sparred with Azriel because it has been long since I sparred with him...
As we were sparring, I went in for his head and caught him but then our leg tripped him over...
He almost knocked the edge of a cement floor but I held on to his head...
Instead I got a horrible cut across my shin...
It has been very long since I last got a wound like that...
Blood kept on coming out...
I washed and tried to stop the bleeding but it did not...
So blood kept dripping out but there was nothing I could do about it...
So I left it to drip and harden eventually...
Then I continue training with them...
Instead I did some weapon sparring with Azriel with a strong scent of blood coming from my leg...
Soon after Azriel went home and Alex (my senior) thought me something new...
At around 4pm, he had to go home so I made a call to my mum and went to buy something over at Terminal 2...
I went there with the blood still on my leg and people who passed me was staring at my wounded leg...
So I bought my game and went to the roti canai shop where my mum was waiting...
She was shocked to see my leg....
She kept saying it was serious but I said it was ok....
What is funny is I have a game of tug-of-war (tarik tali) for the mini sports and I have a blue black and a wound on my leg...
When I got home, I washed it again while taking a shower..
The next day (which is today) my mum put on bandages before I went to school....
So everything went on until my event came...
The tug-of-war...
The floor was slippery because of the drizzle..
As usual the adrenaline is there the moment you are waiting for the whistle to be blown...
The moment it started...
My team was pulled forward...
We could not fight back...
It just seemed like there was no energy coming out from my body today..
I did not know why...
We could not fight back and lost the first round...
For the second round, we started well and pulled the opposing team a lot...
But all of a sudden my arms ran out of energy and I could not pull no matter how much I shouted to "PULL!!! " to my team...
I was exhausted...
But we did not give up...
Despite knowing that we might lose fighting back...
We kept on pulling with all our might...
We held on with every last bit of energy left...
We lost that match but was not so disappointed....
We were still happy to know that we got 2nd place and am going to get a medal...
Its better than nothing...
Though our teacher was sad she was proud of us for doing so well till the very end...
She cried...
I do not know for sure whether its tears of happiness or sadness....
But she cried and came to us saying its ok...
She massaged my shoulders and was laughing while she cried...
Then we took a photo with my injured leg raised...

I'm glad that things still turned out well after all that...
Thanks for the encouragement teacher and you guys...
But I was really hoping to get a gold medal seeing that this would be my last year in school...
But I've learnt a very valuable lesson...
Never give up and you will find something nice at the end whether it turns out the way you want it or not...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Amazing Voices

Music is really inspirational in life...
Especially when singers have great voices....
Such as Josh Groban, Il Divo, Celine Dion, Bee Gees and many more...
This fantastic singers have done so much wonder for us by singing with their great voices....
These voices are wonderful and really touching...
Its reaches beyond...
All the way to the heart....
With lyrics that brings so much of meaning....
I'll continue loving music of all kinds (unless they are really really horrible)
And never forget the oldies which brought about the musics we all have today...
I really hope that I'll also be able to build up a voice as great as them some day...
I hope to be able to sing like them but not to become a famous singer or anything...
But so that I can express feelings through the wonder of music...
With a beautiful voice...
I'll keep singing till that happens...
And keep living life to the very best...
Praise God for all that he gives to us...
Especially for the music and great voices in the world...

Saturday, June 11, 2011

I believe in you

We must never fear when we move forward in life...
We just have to be ourselves and move on...
If we are lost in the darkness, we must allow our love for God to lead us....
For he believes in us...

This is the lyrics to the song :

Lonely the path you have chosen
A restless road no turning back
One day you will find your light again
Don't you know
Don't let go this time

Follow your heart
Let your love lead through the darkness
Back to a place you once knew
I believe, i believe, i believe in you
Follow your dreams
Be yourself an angel of kindness
There's nothing that you cannot do
I believe, i believe, i believe in you

Tout seul, tu t'en iras tout seul
Coeur ouvert a l'univers
Poursuis ta quete
Sans regarder derriere
n'attends pas
Que le jour se leve
Suis ton etoile
Va jusqu'ou ton reve t'emporte
Un jour tu le toucheras
Si tu crois, si tu crois, si tu crois en toi
Suis ta lumiere
n'eteins pas la flamme que tu portes
Au fond de toi souviens toi
Que je crois, que je crois, que je crois en toi

Someday i'll find you
Someday you'll find me too
And when i hold you close
I know that it's true

Follow your heart
Let your love lead through the darkness
Back to a place you once knew
I believe, i believe, i believe in you
Follow your dreams
Be yourself an angel of kindness
There's nothing that you cannot do
I believe, i believe, i believe in you
I believe, i believe, i believe in you
I believe, i believe, i believe in you

[translation of the french]
Aall alone, you will go on your way all alone
Heart open to the universe
Pursue your quest
Without looking back
Don't wait
For the day to arise
Follow your star
Go where your dream takes you
One day you will touch it
If you believe, if you believe, if you believe in yourself
Follow your light
Don't extinguish the flame that you carry
In your heart remember
That i believe, that i believe, that i believe in you

House Renovation

The new furnitures arrived...
After 9 long years, we are refurnishing the house....
New and modern furnitures were bought....
Among my personal favourite of course is the divider (bar counter) and the display cabinet...
Furnitures were moved around for the past few days...
It was very tiring for me....
My dad had even helped to clean the house....
Thought he may be naggy when he does the work but he does it very neatly...
A lot of heave furnitures were moved (Thank God I'm strong XP )
The new arrangement is very nice...
I just almost can't take my eyes off the new furnitures... Hehe XD
Anyways back to the main story....

Three workers came by late at 7pm....
The address written on the bill was wrong so they had a hard time finding our place...
So they brought in the lorry and started to move the furnitures about....
The main point is not about what furniture I got but instead its about the three workers...
I do not know their name but I want to tell you all about these three guys...
First of all we have this tall guy....
He has medium length hair...
He is a quite guy but he is focused when he does his job....
His eyes were almost like none I have seen before...
Full of concentration and focus...
A real wonder even though he may not be very good at his studies but his focus is simply amazing...
Then there is this not so tall dude....
He is a talented guy...
He is good with wirings and putting things together....
But the best of the three was this big muscular guy....
He is strong like crazy I tell you...
He could carry some of those big furnitures by himself....
His strength is natural from being used to this...
He is a friendly guy...
I was conversing with him quite a lot while he was setting up the furnitures and all...

Although these three guys may not have been good at their studies but they are talented in a way...
That is prove enough that you can be talented in anything not only in studies....
Well there is more to these three guys than when it meets the eyes...
I feel happy that there is many type of people ranging all the way from the very bad to the very good....
Thank God for that diversity ^^

Snowy Flower of Love (Introduction)

Hello dear readers,
I have decided that I am going to write my own story called "Snowy Flower of Love" ...
I'm gonna write it by chapters similar to that of a story book...
I may not be a good writer and all but please do comment on it once its done...
I'll slowly upload it one by one but it will take some time (maybe very long)
But do look forward to it for I'm gonna try my best...
The story is about a girl , Janet, who comes from a rich family who runs away from home to do what she wants and experience life out there, and not to take over her father's business....
She is a girl who does not have much friends and is about to experience life in a new way...
And then she meets a boy, James, who then shares a rented room with her....
What awaits her out there is about to be unfold in this story...

Friday, June 10, 2011

Tisbury Lane: Y2Y camp 2011

I suddenly decided to read my all my friend's blogs ....
Then I came across this one blog post...
It was about the Y2Y camp which I did not go or even join the group in the first place....
After reading about his experience there, and the way he wrote it out....
It was beautifully written...
I felt how he felt just by reading it and I almost felt like crying...
I was reminded of my confirmation camp in some way...
Its great that he went for the camp and blogged about it...
Then I saw a song that he posted which I'm very familiar with but I decided to listen to it again anyways....
Nice post Cal ^^

Tisbury Lane: Y2Y camp 2011: "well i rmmbr how keen i was going for this camp. then i got turned off when i heard fran esther and joseph werent coming. i nearly decided ..."

The Desiderata

This was a poem given to me by someone when I was feeling down and not too sure about myself..
And I found it interesting so I wanted to share it...
Its called "The Desiderata" :

Go placidly amid the noise and haste,

and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others,

even to the dull and ignorant; they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexations to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter,

for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your own career, however humble,

it's a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery.

But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;

many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.

Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love;

for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,

it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,

gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.

But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.

Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars;

you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you,

no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive him to be.

And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life,

keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.

Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


In the sky so blue,
So open and wide,
With clouds above,
With many shapes,
The beauty of it,
The vastness ahead,
Beyond and above,
There is no limit,
Nor boundaries to all,
The freedom is there,
For all those above.

For when God created the world,
He made no boundaries,
For man or woman,
Or creatures alike,
Birds were not made,
To be kept in cages,
Dogs were not made,
To be chained away,
As humans were not made,
To be locked in away,
From the freedom out there.

For there is much to see,
In the world out there,
The sceneries so beautiful,
So pretty and rare,
Mankind destroy,
This beauty,
With creations of destructions,
War widespread,
The freedom for all,
Humans and nature,
Are gone from fear,
And danger alike.

In countries of war,
The battles go on,
Brave men fight on,
For their country,
They die,
The innocents are scared,
Locked up in despair,
For hope they desire,
No freedom is there.

So brothers and sisters,
Lets hold our hands,
Together we stand,
To protect our freedom,
From the oppressors,
We do not falter,
For freedom is,
Our right from above.

Road to getting my driving license (Computer Test) (Section I)

Today was my computer test...
I woke up early in the morning with both of my brothers...
We got ready and left for the driving institute to get our Identity Card(IC > MyKad) checked...
After that we went to the MyEg branch to do our computer test there...
We were waiting in queue for our turn to be allocated to our computers...
One by one me and my brothers were allocated to our computers..
This must have been the first time in my life I've ever been nervous before and during an exam...
I was afraid I would fail the exam....
42/50 is no joke to pass an exam...
So I did the exam cautiously with the advice and tips from my friends (Sonia and Marc)
When I finished answering the questions, I rechecked my questions (which I don't normally do) as my friend had adviced me to....
So I found some mistakes and corrected the answer (Thank God XP)
So when the page appear and ask whether you want to end the exam or recheck it, I was so nervous....
I clicked on the end the exam button and....
When the page appear, I cannot explain how relieved and overjoyed I was when I saw the result...
Sharp on the dot, 42/50
I passed, just on the borderline...
Can you imagine how scary it was...
So I went out of the room to get my results printed and I waited there for my two brothers....
Sadly one of them failed with the marks of 41/50 ...
Later, me and my brother who passed the exam went for our Pra 'L' course on that day itself while waiting for my other brother to redo his exam....
There wasn't many people who attended the course but I was happy to see Encik Rosli as the speaker again....
He made it quick and straight to the point....
Whereas for the second session we had this bald guy who spoke in a way I could hardly understand...
He spoke so fast I almost did not get a thing....
After all that , we went out for the final session which is the introduction to the car engine system...
We were told how to maintain it and all....
And after that we went out to take back out IC and give our form at the counter and we headed for lunch while waiting for my brother to finish his exam....

So all in all, everything went well except the fact my brother failed a few times...
I hope he passes it when he redo it again this Saturday...
And so my road to getting my driving license continues...

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Road to getting my driving license (The Beginning)

Hey readers,
I'm starting the road to getting my driving license...
So I just wanted to share my experience about the KPP (Kursus Pendidikan Pemandu)..
Or the Undang ceramah...
It is a 5 hours course you must attend to be able to get your 'L' license...
So I woke up early in the morning to get prepared...
I was expecting a boring day ahead of me...

At the place, I saw a friend of mine...
Though I may not be so close a friend to him but still he is a friend and company for me...
So we were all in the classroom by 8am + ..
We started class at 8.45am with the speaker being Encik Rosli...
He is a nice fellow and he is quite good at talking..
He made what was meant to be boring interesting...
In between class a Malay boy , Syah Rizal, came into class and sat between me and Aiyub...
He is a nice fellow...
Then soon after I saw one of my junior friend, Satish coming in (more company yay me XP)
So the course beginned and we started with the introductions and all...
Then later we did the eye test (which I passed XP) ...
Then came to a certain point where he was explaining about the 2 second distance...
There Syah Rizal started talking to me...
In the end I made a friend through the course...
So the talk went on and on with some jokes in between...
So the first session ended and we went out for a break...
By 11.30am , the next session begin with a different speaker, Encik Kamal...
He is also quite a good speaker...
He did not bore us in the end...
Sharp at 1.00pm , the course ended and we went out to get our certificates...

I thought this would be a boring day but it really did not...
Well, I gotta start studying my laws and road regulations to take my computer test...
So ends the first part of my road to getting my driving license...

I will (A Man's Love)

If I lose my sight,
I will never forget how you look,
I will still see you in my heart,
Your ever beautiful smile,
With a gentle feeling,
So warm with just a smile,
Those eyes,
Those happy eyes,
Clear and pure,
The stare into you eyes,
That makes me calm,
You are ever so beautiful,
Like an angel,
I will never forget the sight.

If I become deaf,
I will never forget your voice,
Your gentle and kind voice,
Sometimes filled with excitement,
You call to me,
And my heart will respond,
No matter how far,
I will remember that voice,
Though the sounds and melody are gone,
Your sweet singing in my ears.
I will never forget that voice.

If I ever lose my memory,
I will never forget you,
You were there for me,
In joy and despair,
You listened,
You listened to me,
When I needed,
The kindness and care,
So gentle,
I will never forget you.

If I were to die one day,
I will think of you,
Before closing my eyes,
I will see again,
Those sweet memories,
Your voice,
Your smile,
Your whisper in my ears,
Your kindness,
Your love,
I will die and watch over you,
From up there,
Because you were always there for me,
I will always be in your heart,
I will never leave you.

A Child's Love

Have you ever seen your parents crying before??
Do you love your parents or do you know it in fact??
Well, everyone does no matter how they treat them..
A child can never hate their parents...
I know that I love my parents a lot especially my mum...
Till something happenned..
Then only did I realise how much more do I actually love her...

I can still remember it well..
It was last Friday night...
My parents went out leaving me and my two brothers at home playing games..
After a few hours, they came home...
My mother came back complaining about my father scolding her so much or blaming her...
Then she went and did some house work...
Soon after my dad came over to the three of us and ask whether we wanted to go out for supper...
We said ok and started to turn our computers off...
My mum did not wanted to follow...
But my dad insisted that she came...
So my brothers went in to call her...
Then my eldest brother came out telling me, "Mama crying"
I was shocked and asked "When??"
He replied "Now" and started to get angry at my dad for doing that...
I saw her coming out locking the door with those tears rolling down her face..
Its no ordinary tear, it was tears of hurt..
In my whole life I think I have never seen my mum cried so sadly before except when she watches drama (that is different XP)
I tell you, each tear was like a needle piercing through the heart...
I felt her pain, I was quiet...
I told my brother, "We should have not gone out la. See now made mama cry"
I felt so bad in a way...
I wanted to just hug and kiss my mum telling her "I love you"
But in the end I did not...
I let her cry her sadness out while I watched..
I almost shed tears looking outside of the car window...
My dad did not know that she cried..
Even despite feeling hurt, she still talk to my dad as though nothing has happenned...
By now I think my brothers would have forgotten that sad moment, but I still remember it clearly...
I never want to see anyone close and dear to me cry ever again...
Its not something nice but if you can feel them, then you love them...
The next morning I asked her "Why you cry la?? Make us so sad you know"
But I said it, not because I did not want her to cry...
I was trying to tell her I love her but I could not speak the word out...
But inspite of all this, I do not hate my father for doing that...
Its just I wish he could show just a little more love for her...
She is a very nice person...
In my life, I think there is no one as good as my mum...
I love you mum...

Dear readers,
Our parents...
They cannot be replaced or bought...
They are God given blessing to us in our lives...
I hope that you all love your parents...
No matter what they do or how annoying they can get at times...
Remember, they always love you and you should love them too...