Friday, September 17, 2010

An Extraordinary 'School Day'

Hi guyz!!!
Today was suppose to be a school day, the end of the 2 weeks holiday, but so it seemed.
It wasn't anywhere close to be considered a school day.
Today was quite out of the ordinary (extraordinay...haha :P)
The day started off with us having to be in school early which was around 6.30-7.00
It was a rainy day as well today(maybe because my mum prayed for rain last night haha ^^)
We all met up at the pavilion, wondering why the teacher has not called to meet up even when it was time.
Soon after, someone came and called us all, it was a message from teacher.
We quickly moved to the hall, backstage, to make preparations for the history drama, the one which we have been training for recently.
Today, the school was celebrating the Satu Malaysia Day, just a day after the actual day.
Jeyain and I then was asked by the teacher to obtain the bilik persediaan 1 key.
So we got it and came back, everyone involved was getting changed, so did I.
I was using my fathers shirt and tie as I was acting as a British soldier.
During the drama, we had a problem when the soundtrack was played too fast.
Luckily, we were able to improvise and make up for that problem, in the end the drama ended up well.
We got compliments from many teachers, we even got free breakfast from the headmistress after that....hehe
The best part was we did not even need to be involved with the assembly.
We also had fun joining the choir on stage to sing the Satu Malaysia song.(actually we messed it up when it was suppose to be in uniform order haha)
While everyone else was singing the school songs, we were backstage singing with our hearts content, having fun out of it.
We really enjoyed the start of this school day.
Later, we had our Physical Education class, or in short, Sports.
As usual we had difficulties with the warm-up session with the teacher, but later he allowed up to have our sports, in the rain.
It was so fun playing basketball and football in the rain.
I scored three basket today, amazingly, when I usually have problem making the shots.
I played like I never played basketball for years, I enjoyed it sooooo much, I always loved playing in the rain, it makes me feel alive.
In short today was a fun day, it did not even felt like a school day, it was like going out for an activity on the holidays except we are in uniform.
I had alots of fun, not to mention getting to see my friends again after 2 long weeks...but sadly they are not my bro and sis from church, but nonetheless, they are my brothers and I love them all ^^

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