Thursday, September 30, 2010

Couple fighting

Do you think everything you watch in dramas or movies are fake?
Well not all of it are.
You know how you usually see couples fighting in drama or movies where they start shouting and the guy slaps the girl or somehting like that?
Well I actually saw one today.
As usual I followed my aunty who lives next door to school.
She drops me off at the bottom of the hill as usual.
But what was rather unusual today was at the exact spot where my aunty always drops me off, there was a couple arguing there.
They were shouting rather loud that you can actually hear them from the inside of the car.
Ok as a guy I admit that the girl was hot, with tattoos on her body and blonde hair(most likely dyed) and there is the guy who at that moment was fierce looking pointing his finger at the girl.
The girl pushed the boy's hand away and continued shouting out loudly.
The guy almost wanted to slap her(as how I actually remembered it)
By the way they were speaking in Chinese(Its a good thing I still understand Chinese a bit but not sure whether is Mandarin or Cantonese)
Then the guy walked off and the girl followed his back.
The guy then turned around a shouted (again in Chinese) stop following me and he walked off.
But the girl continued to follow his back from a longer distance this time.
To me it just doesn't seem right when two loved one can shout and fight like that in public.
This is basically our epic drama fight.
Well is their problem I should not mess with it.

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