Saturday, September 11, 2010

Accounting at its Peak

Why did I say 'Accounting at its Peak'??
Its because my friends who came over to do our accounting documents ended up finishing it in matter of minutes and ended up playing..
How you say??
Well its easy, Vijaya finished it all beforehand and brought the pendrive over.
Then we all juz passed the file around and all we need to do is some adjusting here and there and we are done. Magnifict.
Those who were present in my house was Vijayawarman(a.k.a Namrawayajiv), Sachin( a.k.a Jamz), Sharweshwaran(a.k.a Black) and Lai(a.k.a Badak)
In the end, we played DOTA(Defence of the Ancients) and ended up almost screwing each match and won, for 3 whole HOURS!!!!
Black went home after that, and we had our lunch. Tasty rendang, mutton, dal curry and some vegies.
After lunch, we went and play the X-box.
Badak had to go home early so I had some Naruto fun with him.
After Badak went home, Jamz, Vijaya and I played COD(Call of Duty) Modern Warfare 2.
We had some great fun. As usual we also played football(in the X-box not real life) and wrestling(WWE Raw vs. Smackdown 2010)
Jamz went home and I played Halo, and COD again with Vijaya.
Soon after, Vijaya that called and he had to leave.
So I had some fun today.....And yes a great dinner, rendang, fried chicken, chicken curry, some leftover dal curry and mutton.

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