Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Praise and Worship for the Paulians

Ok, this activity was held yesterday actually.
Basically the name tells it all.
Yes we started off with some wonderful Praise and Worship by Uncle Dominic.
Then, we had some fun ice-breaking games by Mr.Govi(who is Sonia's father, I only found out in the shirt designing competition)
We played a game called 7 to 9.
In this game, we are not suppose to mention any multiples of 7 or the number 7 in it.
When the sequence come to those numbers, we must call out another person's name and the number sequence goes on.
Later, sister Amy had a session with us.
It was about growing like a tree.
Similarly to a tree, we have to grow in all directions.
The tree represent 3 things:
  1. The roots is our foundation. For example, faith, friends and family
  2. The trunk represents our characteristics.
  3. The growing branches shows how we reach out to the community.
Well I drew my tree, I will upload it later after I scanned it.
Finally, we had an activity to make the most stable and tall structure using balloons.
And my team won the game(hehe XD)
Basically, thats what happen during the Praise and Worship.
Hope you continue reading my blog to read on the Media Camp.

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