Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Confirmation Camp Shirt Designing Competition

Hi guyz,
I am suppose to blog about the media camp but I got no time.
Still I will blog about it but it is quite long.(Hopefully the note my fren wrote will do for now)
And the praise and worship yesterday I will post after this one.
So again due to laziness I'm gonna use my fren's note again. Thx Ezra.
Here is how it goes:

ha....its the 7th of september my friends
Tshirts designs all over the place
some were small some were big
one with a skull
almost all with crosses
caligraphy writing
wat a sight
thank god there were no critics
now may i begin on this plesent day
there was team one to eleven
many were black and white
there were two with a cross heart and wings
with feathers to represent the holy ghost
the stars to represent the father
and the cross to represent the son
that was group 2's shirt
Don julian, kung and jason
fuiyoh....caya wei....
the dead reaching to heaven for forgiveness
nice picture
daring to be different?
yese we were
all who attended made the difference....
they sure did man...
the group shotz
how many were there again????
lost with the number of camera's by top paparazzi
....uncle vincent (stephanie's dad)....
uncle desmond stopping amos from helping...
amos...listen to god father la....
well he did anyway....
sonia....dance queen...
dancin 24/7....
luke with the smallest shirt....
bt it was nice
tday was just not about tshirts
team building as well
this is flight DON17
you are on HOLLOWCOWTAKAO airlines
boarding on Daniel island
and landing at church of visitation....
our turbo engines were supplied by Jullian and francisca
of form 4....
then....choo choo train calvin
......with the best horn in the world...
calvin...dont lose your voice
hellicopter luke
with blades by aloysious.....
then.....after landing....
engine failure...
luke...hope your ok....
then the final group pic....
come on parents....
have more activities for us will u...

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