Saturday, September 11, 2010

Going high on CAKE AND COKE!!!

Wh@t wilL haPpen if y0u aRe hiGh oN COKE AND CAKE??
wEll, i'M kinDa higH 0n 1t noW......
ReMemBeR, COKE and it you change O > A, U Will g3t CAKE.....
seE WaT haPPen HeRe.....
oK, s0 i hAD C@k3 a+ H0m3..... 
@nD I WanT3d 2 Tak3 a B1t3
Op3n WIDE!!!

bUt I wAnt3D CAKE AND COKE!!!!
sO I w3nt to The INTERNET.....anD s3arCh for COKE!!!

N0t onE buT loT5 and loT5 oF iT.....

And so I aM h1gh on COKE AND CAKE wHen I wRote this poSt~~~~~
Ok, I am back to normal now....
Sorry readers, let me explain what happens when you get high on COKE AND CAKE....
As you can see the words above are not written properly, you might not even be able to understand anything.
But let me show you what happens when u get high on COKE AND CAKE(lol I said that twice already now, still slighty high I guess)
P.S. I alreaady showed a picture show of me getting high on CAKE.
This sequence is if you are high on COKE.

You will end up drinking COKE,getting fat and going high trying to follow the models on the COKE posters.
Heck, you might even end up with diabetes.( I hope I don't lol >.<)
You will end up working for COCA-COLA as a bloody red COKE machine trying to sell of COKE and get everyone addicted.
You will even end up trying to take over PEPSI with the COKE brand so that everyone can go high along with you.
You will cause polar bears whether in the north or south pole to love COKE.
And the polar bears will make Santa Claus(a.k.a St.Nicholas) to go high on COKE and get his nose red making him unable to send all the Christmas present before the end of Christmas Eve.
You will end up getting the thought that DIET COKE, will help your DIET!!! and make you lose weight.
But in truth you are just drinking more COKE for god sake.
And what will happen to you in the end????
You will end up dying and be buried with a COKE can as your tombstone.

Ok, ok, this is purely fictional okay.....
I am sorry to the Coca-Cola company if this was an insult or anything...
But this is to show how much I actually love COKE, dispise the fact people say its not good...
And CAKE as well.....
Haha, thx you reader for being such a great audience >.<

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