Thursday, September 30, 2010

Couple fighting

Do you think everything you watch in dramas or movies are fake?
Well not all of it are.
You know how you usually see couples fighting in drama or movies where they start shouting and the guy slaps the girl or somehting like that?
Well I actually saw one today.
As usual I followed my aunty who lives next door to school.
She drops me off at the bottom of the hill as usual.
But what was rather unusual today was at the exact spot where my aunty always drops me off, there was a couple arguing there.
They were shouting rather loud that you can actually hear them from the inside of the car.
Ok as a guy I admit that the girl was hot, with tattoos on her body and blonde hair(most likely dyed) and there is the guy who at that moment was fierce looking pointing his finger at the girl.
The girl pushed the boy's hand away and continued shouting out loudly.
The guy almost wanted to slap her(as how I actually remembered it)
By the way they were speaking in Chinese(Its a good thing I still understand Chinese a bit but not sure whether is Mandarin or Cantonese)
Then the guy walked off and the girl followed his back.
The guy then turned around a shouted (again in Chinese) stop following me and he walked off.
But the girl continued to follow his back from a longer distance this time.
To me it just doesn't seem right when two loved one can shout and fight like that in public.
This is basically our epic drama fight.
Well is their problem I should not mess with it.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

A day full of activities and fun

Today I woke up earlier than usual.
I usually wake up around 7+ but today exceptionally I woke up at 6+.
Why you ask? Its bcoz I wanted to go school early to see my bro and sis in school as they have a scout and pandu puteri joint competition.
I arrived at around 7+. At soon as I entered the school, I saw Elysia, Azell and Julian at the canteen.
We then headed for the scout's room and picked up their stuffs.
In the end I was sitting alone waiting for my ninjas to come while watching them setting their things up.
And guess what, today I wanted to have a special training session as preparation for the night camp next week, but only 7 members turned up and one of them hardly even trained with us.
We trained different things than usual and ended up playin more ninja games than training...haha XD
After ninjutsu, Azriel and me headed to the scout's competition site to watch them cook and do the piorneering.
We wanted to try out some of the food but ended up being chased by the teacher.
So we headed to the band preparing to perform for the St.John's, my group of friends ^^
We helped them set their instruments up and ended up getting free food from the St.John(yay!!!)
After eating, we brought some food over for the performers and then we enjoy the performance.
I went home taking some nasi lemaks for my family.
Later the very same day in the evening, I went for the christmas campaign for the poor car wash.
I went there for two reasons:
  1. To meet with my friends
  2. To wash cars(obviously)
I had lots of fun washing cars together with my friends and getting wet.
In fact it rained while we were at it, for a short while though.
But this was a worthwhile activity, it was fun to get to play along with my friends while washing cars.
I hope that I can continue having fun like this a lot in the future.
Thats all for today, its getting late and I'm getting sleepy.
Good night readers -.-

Friday, September 17, 2010

An Extraordinary 'School Day'

Hi guyz!!!
Today was suppose to be a school day, the end of the 2 weeks holiday, but so it seemed.
It wasn't anywhere close to be considered a school day.
Today was quite out of the ordinary (extraordinay...haha :P)
The day started off with us having to be in school early which was around 6.30-7.00
It was a rainy day as well today(maybe because my mum prayed for rain last night haha ^^)
We all met up at the pavilion, wondering why the teacher has not called to meet up even when it was time.
Soon after, someone came and called us all, it was a message from teacher.
We quickly moved to the hall, backstage, to make preparations for the history drama, the one which we have been training for recently.
Today, the school was celebrating the Satu Malaysia Day, just a day after the actual day.
Jeyain and I then was asked by the teacher to obtain the bilik persediaan 1 key.
So we got it and came back, everyone involved was getting changed, so did I.
I was using my fathers shirt and tie as I was acting as a British soldier.
During the drama, we had a problem when the soundtrack was played too fast.
Luckily, we were able to improvise and make up for that problem, in the end the drama ended up well.
We got compliments from many teachers, we even got free breakfast from the headmistress after that....hehe
The best part was we did not even need to be involved with the assembly.
We also had fun joining the choir on stage to sing the Satu Malaysia song.(actually we messed it up when it was suppose to be in uniform order haha)
While everyone else was singing the school songs, we were backstage singing with our hearts content, having fun out of it.
We really enjoyed the start of this school day.
Later, we had our Physical Education class, or in short, Sports.
As usual we had difficulties with the warm-up session with the teacher, but later he allowed up to have our sports, in the rain.
It was so fun playing basketball and football in the rain.
I scored three basket today, amazingly, when I usually have problem making the shots.
I played like I never played basketball for years, I enjoyed it sooooo much, I always loved playing in the rain, it makes me feel alive.
In short today was a fun day, it did not even felt like a school day, it was like going out for an activity on the holidays except we are in uniform.
I had alots of fun, not to mention getting to see my friends again after 2 long weeks...but sadly they are not my bro and sis from church, but nonetheless, they are my brothers and I love them all ^^

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Going high on CAKE AND COKE!!!

Wh@t wilL haPpen if y0u aRe hiGh oN COKE AND CAKE??
wEll, i'M kinDa higH 0n 1t noW......
ReMemBeR, COKE and it you change O > A, U Will g3t CAKE.....
seE WaT haPPen HeRe.....
oK, s0 i hAD C@k3 a+ H0m3..... 
@nD I WanT3d 2 Tak3 a B1t3
Op3n WIDE!!!

bUt I wAnt3D CAKE AND COKE!!!!
sO I w3nt to The INTERNET.....anD s3arCh for COKE!!!

N0t onE buT loT5 and loT5 oF iT.....

And so I aM h1gh on COKE AND CAKE wHen I wRote this poSt~~~~~
Ok, I am back to normal now....
Sorry readers, let me explain what happens when you get high on COKE AND CAKE....
As you can see the words above are not written properly, you might not even be able to understand anything.
But let me show you what happens when u get high on COKE AND CAKE(lol I said that twice already now, still slighty high I guess)
P.S. I alreaady showed a picture show of me getting high on CAKE.
This sequence is if you are high on COKE.

You will end up drinking COKE,getting fat and going high trying to follow the models on the COKE posters.
Heck, you might even end up with diabetes.( I hope I don't lol >.<)
You will end up working for COCA-COLA as a bloody red COKE machine trying to sell of COKE and get everyone addicted.
You will even end up trying to take over PEPSI with the COKE brand so that everyone can go high along with you.
You will cause polar bears whether in the north or south pole to love COKE.
And the polar bears will make Santa Claus(a.k.a St.Nicholas) to go high on COKE and get his nose red making him unable to send all the Christmas present before the end of Christmas Eve.
You will end up getting the thought that DIET COKE, will help your DIET!!! and make you lose weight.
But in truth you are just drinking more COKE for god sake.
And what will happen to you in the end????
You will end up dying and be buried with a COKE can as your tombstone.

Ok, ok, this is purely fictional okay.....
I am sorry to the Coca-Cola company if this was an insult or anything...
But this is to show how much I actually love COKE, dispise the fact people say its not good...
And CAKE as well.....
Haha, thx you reader for being such a great audience >.<

Accounting at its Peak

Why did I say 'Accounting at its Peak'??
Its because my friends who came over to do our accounting documents ended up finishing it in matter of minutes and ended up playing..
How you say??
Well its easy, Vijaya finished it all beforehand and brought the pendrive over.
Then we all juz passed the file around and all we need to do is some adjusting here and there and we are done. Magnifict.
Those who were present in my house was Vijayawarman(a.k.a Namrawayajiv), Sachin( a.k.a Jamz), Sharweshwaran(a.k.a Black) and Lai(a.k.a Badak)
In the end, we played DOTA(Defence of the Ancients) and ended up almost screwing each match and won, for 3 whole HOURS!!!!
Black went home after that, and we had our lunch. Tasty rendang, mutton, dal curry and some vegies.
After lunch, we went and play the X-box.
Badak had to go home early so I had some Naruto fun with him.
After Badak went home, Jamz, Vijaya and I played COD(Call of Duty) Modern Warfare 2.
We had some great fun. As usual we also played football(in the X-box not real life) and wrestling(WWE Raw vs. Smackdown 2010)
Jamz went home and I played Halo, and COD again with Vijaya.
Soon after, Vijaya that called and he had to leave.
So I had some fun today.....And yes a great dinner, rendang, fried chicken, chicken curry, some leftover dal curry and mutton.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hanging out in Jusco with my 'Family' for the first time

Well, when I use 'Family' as the post title I mean my group of friends from church that seems like family....
Anyways today is the first time I ever hanged out with them, in Jusco..
It was all planned on the shirt designing competition day.
So when I got there, I met up with Sonia and Francisca first at the cinema.
I also saw some of my other friends hanging out in Jusco on the same day.
To our amaze, teacher Elizabeth was there with her family as well (real shocker)
Anyways, I followed them around and ended up meeting with Lai.
Then I lost them and hanged out with Lai and the rest for awhile.
Soon I received a phone call from Calvin and is time to meet up in the cinema to get the tickets.
Then, we had our lunch in McDonald's. But sadly Natasha was vegetarian so she had to go all the way to Baker's Cottage to get 2 cheese sticks, which are VEGETARIAN!!!
Sonia with her amazing childlike wonder bought a happy meal and got a Bubbles from the Powerpuff Girl thing to be put on the phone.
After we were done eating, we headed to the arcade to have some fun before heading to watch the movie.
Sonia, Daryl and me played Daytona USA, and I won both games haha, peace (bragging a little sorry)
After, enjoyin much in the arcade we headed for the movies 'Cats and Dogs: Revenge of the Kitty Galore' which starts at 2.
The movie was not bad, and again we saw teacher Elizabeth at the back.
After the movie, we went bowling. We may not be the best but at least we enjoyed ourselves,had a good laugh and shared the joy together as a family.
Then, we all headed to book shops(Popular and MPH)
But sadly, Francisca went home early.
Soon after she left, we headed to Secret Recipe for tea break(not really drinking tea)
We ate some desserts and took some photos.
And of course the fun has to come to an end, I had to leave and from there I missed out what little was left of the fun and headed for tuition...
Meeting with teacher Elizabeth today was like God message saying:
"Remember, if it wasn't for her organising the Media Camp, we wouldn't be so close together as a FOC, Family Of Christ.(I just thought of FOC today hehe)"
So deep in our hearts we thank teacher Elizabeth and church for bringing us closer together.
We would not have known how to appreciate and care for each other better if not for it.
Anyways here are the pictures, enjoy >.<  :

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Juz Blogging

Ok, I'm still very busy and lazy to blog about the media camp....
Juz writing a short blog here to say....
YAY!!! We are going to Jusco tomorrow to have some fun...
Well, now all I have to do is get the pocket money from my dad coz I am broke....
I can't wait for tomorrow to have fun with Calvin, Brendan, Daryl, Sonia, Elysia, Francisca, and Natasha.
Well, thats tomorrow(Just can't wait >.<)
But sadly Ezra, Julian and Bryan can't make it...
It just decreases the fun....
Anyways keep reading my blog till I feel like blogging about the media camp....
Till then....

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Praise and Worship for the Paulians

Ok, this activity was held yesterday actually.
Basically the name tells it all.
Yes we started off with some wonderful Praise and Worship by Uncle Dominic.
Then, we had some fun ice-breaking games by Mr.Govi(who is Sonia's father, I only found out in the shirt designing competition)
We played a game called 7 to 9.
In this game, we are not suppose to mention any multiples of 7 or the number 7 in it.
When the sequence come to those numbers, we must call out another person's name and the number sequence goes on.
Later, sister Amy had a session with us.
It was about growing like a tree.
Similarly to a tree, we have to grow in all directions.
The tree represent 3 things:
  1. The roots is our foundation. For example, faith, friends and family
  2. The trunk represents our characteristics.
  3. The growing branches shows how we reach out to the community.
Well I drew my tree, I will upload it later after I scanned it.
Finally, we had an activity to make the most stable and tall structure using balloons.
And my team won the game(hehe XD)
Basically, thats what happen during the Praise and Worship.
Hope you continue reading my blog to read on the Media Camp.

Confirmation Camp Shirt Designing Competition

Hi guyz,
I am suppose to blog about the media camp but I got no time.
Still I will blog about it but it is quite long.(Hopefully the note my fren wrote will do for now)
And the praise and worship yesterday I will post after this one.
So again due to laziness I'm gonna use my fren's note again. Thx Ezra.
Here is how it goes:

ha....its the 7th of september my friends
Tshirts designs all over the place
some were small some were big
one with a skull
almost all with crosses
caligraphy writing
wat a sight
thank god there were no critics
now may i begin on this plesent day
there was team one to eleven
many were black and white
there were two with a cross heart and wings
with feathers to represent the holy ghost
the stars to represent the father
and the cross to represent the son
that was group 2's shirt
Don julian, kung and jason
fuiyoh....caya wei....
the dead reaching to heaven for forgiveness
nice picture
daring to be different?
yese we were
all who attended made the difference....
they sure did man...
the group shotz
how many were there again????
lost with the number of camera's by top paparazzi
....uncle vincent (stephanie's dad)....
uncle desmond stopping amos from helping...
amos...listen to god father la....
well he did anyway.... queen...
dancin 24/7....
luke with the smallest shirt....
bt it was nice
tday was just not about tshirts
team building as well
this is flight DON17
you are on HOLLOWCOWTAKAO airlines
boarding on Daniel island
and landing at church of visitation....
our turbo engines were supplied by Jullian and francisca
of form 4....
then....choo choo train calvin
......with the best horn in the world...
calvin...dont lose your voice
hellicopter luke
with blades by aloysious.....
then.....after landing....
engine failure...
luke...hope your ok....
then the final group pic....
come on parents....
have more activities for us will u...

Monday, September 6, 2010

Media Camp Memories

Hey guyz,
I'm back!!!(actually back yesterday)
Anyways I wanted to blog about the camp now, but I am going out soon.
So I decided to post up a note my fren, Ezra, wrote on facebook for a brief explanation about the camp.(actually quite long haha)
But I will get in too detail later.
Here is how it goes:

it was just a short time ago when we were determined to bo to STM 4 d media camp. in a flash its totally over... but the benefits are priceless.... as teacher elizebeth said ( the feed back is priceless the outcome is what is meaningfull) and augustine (ppl pay for this..the spend a lot on these) what we all experienced was priceless....

lets see...where can i start
or is my question
what can i start
there is the movies
the photo language
the sharing
the joy
the tears
the happiness
the understanding
the love
the bond
the emotions
the communication
the teamwork
the participation
the laughter
the meanings
whats beyond the sight
what is different in the eyes of another individual
i saw many including myself
we were exposed to something different
in a more effective way
i would like to thank
the the others..
especially ourselves
no one expected anything to turn out this way....
ok so i will start
there was
sorry if i get the spelling wrong
Dynamitez (brendan)
who made vast productions
then there was the movie
the boy in the striped pyjamas
ya ....
i am sure you remember
then the sharing
the photo language
how ppl can interprete pictures is amazing
i still remember julian trying to figure out one sequence
n how i and jason were close to the same sequence
and how many fumbles to the last one...
the next movie
(exceptional to 2 ppl i saw laughing i wont say who)
the guys... who paid attention
admit it....honestly
the only difference was that the tears didnt pour out rite...
the MESSIAH (the spacecraft)
ARK (the underground survival ground).....
hw ppl put them in films....
can you ever imagine....
god works wonders....
in many ways...
 the final chapter
the video
freaking out
only one word...
while production
the directors were like...
the time frame
but we made it anyway
the final part was showing what we can do...
many tears of joy was shed
many smiles were seen
many memories were experienced
a picture speaks a thousand words....
an experience lets you enjoy the tale....
the story
the road taken....
thats just a little bit you know...
the ending was spectacular...
i tell you....
life will not get more comfortable then at the camp....
thats all for now man....

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Going for Media Camp

Hi all!!!
Long time no blog.
Just finished my exams today. I think I'm gonna fail some of my subjects but I don't really care that much.
Anyways this is just a short post to tell you all that I am going for my media camp anytime now.
When I get back , I will blog about how the camp was.
Ok everyone take care ^^