Thursday, December 9, 2010

Moments never forgotten/ My day in Jusco with my 'Family'

Today was yet another wonderful time spent with my 'Family' which I have explained about in my previous post...
As usual the ideal place to hang out with friends around here is JUSCO!!!
It was all well planned through Facebook...
But the thing is, I never planned to go for this, what they all called 'ROMBONGAN' 
But last night, Samantha, my dear friend, asked whether I was coming or not...
At first it was a "No" , but later after talking for a while I said "I'll try my best to come ok??"
And in the end I got a lot of screwing from my mum because I have been spending a lot of money of late, but I went to Jusco...
It was Calvin's birthday, but we celebrated his along with Brendan for Brendan's birthday was just three days away...
I got there and met up with some of them, then we headed for the cinema...
There we saw Brendan all alone who have been waiting for around 30 minutes or so...
We bought tickets and waited for the rest there..
When everyone was here we headed to have lunch at KFC...
Most of us did not eat, which we so called "Diet" .... hehe >.<
Later, Sonia and Esther said they wanted to go to the toilet...
They had it all planned but I think I was the only blur case who did not know that they were gonna surprise the birthday boys...
By the way, I did not had lunch :(
Sonia and Esther actually went to get a birthday cake for them...
They came back with a cake( like I said) with lighted candles of course... 2 candles for 2 boys... hehe XD
We sang a birthday song a took a photo together... Sadly, Elysia, who was not suppose to be with us, did not dare to take a photo with us because she is afraid her mum will find out if it gets posted on Facebook...
We sat there for some time, I shared Brendan's fries and had some of the cake to fill my hunger...
We sat there till it was almost time for us to head for the movie we wanted to watch, Narnia....
Samantha bought a big box of popcorn... Big like as in BIG!!!
And everyone bought whatever they wanted... Not everyone (including myself... coz I came with only RM20)
We shared the popcorn while watching the movie, I think I ate a lot (Coz I was hungry lol >.< )
Anyways the movie was awesome, because I'm a crazy guy when it comes to battle and myth related stuffs, and Narnia is one of them...
It was 2 long hours in that cold, dark cinema room (number 5 hehe ^^ )
We came out and headed for bowling, but sadly not everyone played....
But it was fun, I got a total of 119 score today hehe.... So many strikes and spares ^^
Whenever I see them laugh or smile, I just feel this sense of happiness...
Its like sharing what they feel, its an awesome feeling....
They when for a second game, but my thumb was hurt from the first so I did not join this time....
After that, Sonia and Judy went to play at the basketball machine for a while and then he headed off to McDonald's to eat... Again!!
On the way, we saw Natasha with her mum at the money changer, to change money of course, as they were going to go to Hong Kong the next day...
Daryl went home feeling stressed that he had to go for karate for the second time today while we were eating, and then Samantha headed home too after eating...
After eating, Judy and Sonia wanted to head for Silver Dragon ( or the other way round... I not sure >.< ) , to get their ear pierced (although they already had their ears pierce many times before)
On the way there, Esther left us too... So sad :(
Anyways, ear- piercing is no fun thing to watch...
When I saw that stapler gun looking thing to pierce the ear, I could just imagine how painful it would have been...
Sonia and Judy had their ear pierced (Ouch!!), Brendan was excitingly watching how it was done, I was blur just wondering how painful it is gonna be and Francisca was so scared to watch she actually closed her eyes..
After that painful experience (even though it was not being done on me), Francisca went home with SOMEONE!!! ( I don't want to mention) walking her out.... hehe XD
We went to the arcade again for a game of pool...
Boys vs. Girls 
Brendan and me vs. Sonia and Judy
Horrible, boys lost to girls :'(
Used the remaining tokens to play Time Crisis 2 with Brendan...
Sonia went home...
We all called our parents...
Reached the ground floor and I bid my farewell to the those who were still around (Calvin, Brendan, Judy, Wendy) with a nice big hug....
I just love all of this people...
They make me feel so complete in life, its like they make life so beautiful...
I am really blest just to know them, and I hope everyone feels blest with the friends they have...
Friends are magical, they give you a sense of belonging....
Dear readers, I will write on something about friendship in my point of view in another post to come...
But now I have to head for bed because I'm starting work tomorrow.... Haha...
So good night everyone (If it is night when you read this post... Haha XD )

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