Saturday, December 4, 2010

2010 Youth Camp

Exactly a week from the confirmation camp...
Our annual Youth Camp but this time we had it in the Catholic Center due to the renovations being done in the church the hall can't be used...
Today was a great day...
The moment I arrived I ran towards my friends, regardless boy or girl, and gave them a big 'bear' hug....
I missed them so much thats why I did that....
For today's one day camp, we had Eric( A happy-go-lucky looking person)
As the sessions went on I realised his style of speaking has some similarity to Martin Jalleh...
Until he mentions that he knows Martin, my curiousity was answered....
His sessions were fun though...
I got blindfolded, again like some years back in another youth camp, and the team members who got 'cacated' are not allowed to speak while only the normal person can...
We were instructed to build a tower out of newspaper...
Ideas were flowing in my head but I was unable to speak, but the team did well( though the tower was unstable)
The sessions went on and it got more exciting...
I learnt something new today, about people who attend camps like this...
1) People who are forced to come are known as 'Prisoners'
2)People who come to have fun like crazy are known as 'Vacationers'
3) People who come to learn and ask questions are known as 'Explorers'
And another thing about fun, there are 2 types of fun...
1)Fun as in fun
2) Monkey fun, meaning a type of fun to attract everyones attention
And another thing...(I'm not sure how to spell it but thats how it sounds like)
1)Introverts, Quiet people that think before talking
2)Extroverts, Talkative people who talk before thinking
And something about HABIT...
Habits are never really thrown that easily because:
-When you throw away the H, you still have ABIT
-When you throw away the A, you still have BIT
-When you throw away the B, you still have IT
Eric sure made a lot of sense in this....

Finally I want to write a funny joke here that Eric told us,
Eric has a friend who is working as a air attendant(if I think thats what its called)
So one day there was a longgggggg que and it was a big group of people trying to get on this flight,
So this one man cut the que and came in front saying "I have to get on that plane now"
She replied "Sir, I will attend to you but you have to que up"
And he asked, "Do you know who I am? Do you know who I am?"
So she went to the PA system and said "Can anyone come to the counter now to identify this man? He does not know who he is."
And of course this man got pissed so he says "F**k you"
She replied, "Sir, even if you want to F**k me you this have to que up"

Hahahha, this joke was hilarious...
In short I learnt a lots of new things today....
Eric is awesome but still not as awesome as Martin...
He comes 2nd to Martin though...

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