Friday, December 10, 2010

The First and Last Day of my First ever job

Today was my first day of work...
I'm suppose to go through 10 days of hell...
But thats not what it seems like...

Here is what happened...
This morning I woke up with the thought of not going to work...
I think I actually felt nervous to go to work for the first time ever... I felt like puking a few times...
I even felt like falling sick since yesterday after I came home from Jusco after hanging out with my friends...
I got there around 8.50 or so to make a good first day impression...
Guess what... I waited for a whole freaking hour just for the supervisor, Encik Mazihan ( actually a friendly big guy) , to attend to me...
While waiting I saw many people walking in and out of the staff entrance...
I was asked once too many times why I was waiting there or whether I am a casual worker or whatever that came across their mind...
Soon a nice, soft-spoken young man, Sani, came in to report for duty too...
It was his first day too but he is taking full time...
I had a little conversation with him and we became friends.... But not so close though...
Around 10+ , Encik Mazihan attended to the both of us....
Before going to the admin's room, we were to have a body check , show our identity card ( IC ) and put our bags in the man's locker room...
We went up the unfamiliar pathway in the building towards the admin's room....
We were both seated on an empty desk and Sani was asked to fill a form and later a photo of him was taken...
After all that was done, we were shown around the very familiar parts of the building...
But the thing is he was explaining about how things work around here...
I found out that the staffs (or maybe just Encik Mazihan) followed the Japanese culture which is to bow the moment we come out of the staff area into the working zones...
Jusco is actually split to two different parts.... The Store Department and the Complex Department ...
We were both shown around until we reached the Store Department, which is where they sell the groceries or as we know it as the supermarket....
He took us to the storage room where everything was piled up high....
He introduced us to the guards and showed me how to punch a card ( Yay!! First time punching a card)
After all was explained, Sani was dedicated to another nice man, an experienced worker of course, Encik Fariq...
While I was being shown to where my job is located at...
And guess what??? My job is to actually do what I told everyone I was gonna be paid for... To "Stand and Smile" .... My job is to guard the hampers.... What the hell kind of job is that???
I started work at 11 (according to the time stated after I punched my card)...
I stand at that particular spot for a whole 2 hours.... VERY VERY LONG 2 HOURS!!!
It felt like the time would not even pass by....
The first hour I was standing there happily.... The 2nd I was already half dead I think....
Sani and I were bored like crazy during the 2nd hour.... We had nothing to do actually...
At around 1.20 , Sani and I went to ask the security guard at the staff entrance about our break time....
Well we were way pass our break time, we were not sure about it....
Sani headed off to the mosque for his Friday prayers while I headed to the canteen (actually the Food Court) to have my lunch, Nasi Lemak.... Yummy !!! My mum bought it this morning....
The annoying thing about being a staff is you always have to go for a body check whenever you going out of your working area...Even when heading to eat... LOL!!!
After I was done eating, I went to the toilet (because I had hold it for almost 4 hours since I came) and I returned to the locker to keep my stuff....
Then I walked around a little and finally went to sit on a bench near the World of Feng Shui....
I had a horrible headache.... I was sitting there actually dead >.<

After around an hour or so, I headed back down through the staff entrance to go through the security and enter back to the Store Department to return to my boring old post....
Well the problem people had and all did help me occupy just a little, very little bit of time...
For example, the first man I helped today before my break was showing him to the weighing counter.
Then, a man came by and asked something related to the rice packs he was holding...
He spoke in Chinese so I was not sure, I asked him to speak to the supervisor nearby... Hehe..
Then an unsatisfied customer told me about the cashier charging him an extra 28 ringgit for the cooking oil he bought...
A lady asked me stuffs regarding the hampers...
Besides all that, I saw some of the people I knew...
Some saw me while others did not....

Anyways I was working at the hamper section like I said earlier....

This is it... I stoned there like crazy...

Right in front of this place, the Big Apple's Donut and Coffee...

The thing that actually got me going a little today was this CUTE!!! FUNNY!!! BIG BLUE BEAR MASCOT!!!
At first I took a snapshot of it from my working post....

Then later I roamed a little and took its photo nearby...
Its adorable isn't it???
Many kids gave different reactions when they saw it...
They either get excited, laughed like crazy, or cried...
But the picture is nothing compare to what he was doing...
I don't know how to explain but his actions was very very funny ^^

Later around 4 after 2 long hours of waiting at my post, Encik Fariq came and ask me whether I was tired at my post...
So he asked me to help with this group of Indonesian man I think with the stocks...
We are to remove the products which are expired or about to be expired...
It is 3 months for local products and 1 month for imported products...
Meaning if it is dated to expire within January to March for local products we are to remove them so they can be replaced with new ones...
That really helped me to pass the time a little...
And then there came a time where these group of man asked me to go to the cereal corner by myself to do the whole row of it....
And guess what.....
I came up with this many items...

Most of it were expired 3 months ago...
So the lesson I learnt here is always check your product's expiry date before purchase...
And then it finally reached...
Time to go BACK!!!
As I was about to leave, Encik Fariq asked me where Sani went...
I realised though before he asked, that Sani never actually came back...
Its either he got too bored of it and did not wanted to come back, or something just happened...
I told Encik Fariq that I am gonna head back home...
I went to the security for yet another body check and returned my pass to them...
Then I headed out and called my mum who was here earlier to pick me up from the back door...
I explained what happened to my mum...
This job was....
And finally when I came home, I felt a little sick...
I could not stand this job for another day...
So after much talking with my mum I decided to quit tomorrow...
Do you know that standing on a spot for an extended amount of time is crazy...
I thought of all the things I could possibly think of to pass the time until I went totally blank in my head...
Time did not even pass at all...
For example, when I looked at the watch it was around 3...
When I looked at it again only 3 minutes passed..
I stopped looking at my watch and space out for a little..
Another 3 minutes...
And it went on and on and on...
This could be the worst experience in my life yet...
I hope you all don't get this sort of experience ever....


  1. lol, sounded like you had a good time collecting those expired stuff :p

  2. So study hard. Get good results so that u don't have to do this kind of job agian. Money is not easy to earn unless you are born with a golden spoon.

  3. I did though.... That was the only thing that was fun.... collecting the junks... hahaha ^^
