Sunday, December 19, 2010

Friendship- What it means to me now more than before

Hey readers,
I am feeling kinda down when I wrote this... Well better already actually...
This was how I felt since yesterday evening till now...

I was planning to go to the Christmas Campaign for the Poor caroling yesterday, it was at 7pm...
But I was so obsessed with what I was doing until 6.30...
Then while at was taking a shower, I remembered it all of a sudden....
I have forgotten....
It was too late already at that time...
It was showing 6.45pm on the clock...
I asked my mum and dad whether I can go...
My mum was busy that time preparing for todays BEC caroling...
I was arguing with my mum until she mentioned... "Why never tell earlier??"
Then I replied, "I forgotten lah!!!"...I said it with a hurt in my heart...
I shed tears all alone on the bed after that....
First of all is because I have forgotten something so dear to me that I wanted to do... To go for the caroling with my dear friends...
Secondly, I shouted at my mother...
Third, I am angry with myself for forgetting something that important to me.....
I shed tears all alone on the bed after that....
Till later that night I realised something when I open my cupboard...
I had only one red shirt to use for caroling....
I have to go for the BEC caroling the next day, which is today...
Then I realised God actually had sent a message to me saying... "Don't worry my child. You may have missed that particular caroling. You still have many times to come to spend with your friends. It matters not whether you go for this caroling or not. In the end you have joined the BEC caroling after all the years of staying behind. You are still gonna sing praises to me for my birthday."
I put a smile on my face...
Another thing I realised soon after was that I can still see my friends and give them the Christmas hug I'm gonna miss for not being during Christmas Eve this year for my family is gonna go to Cameron Highlands with my dad's friends....
I saw merely a few of them though but its a wonderful gift just to see them for Christmas.... XD

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