Friday, December 17, 2010

The thing about Friendship that feels so wonderful

Hello readers,
How are you today??
I hope you are fine...
You might be wondering why I ask this today because today I'm gonna blog a little about friends today...
And you are my friend by reading this blog so I must know that you are doing fine... haha >.<
Do you have a friend??? Well I know I do... Many wonderful ones in fact...
So what is a friend???
What makes having a friend feel so wonderful??
Well, heres what I think about friendship...

Before we enter into the world of others, we were always stuck in our own world...
That world is our house...
Just a small enclose place where you only know your family and meet only people who come by or your parents visit....
Its a small world at that time...
Then it advances towards pre-school and later on to primary and then secondary school...
This is where our world begins to become bigger as we enter into the community...
Now at this point we begin to make friends....
Well friends can be of all sort....Depending on what type of people you meet....
It can be good, funny, naughty, bad all whatever type of friends.... You name it...
Well the thing is, no matter what or who they are, the sort of personality they have does not really matter...
Everyone is special the way they are so to say (I will write on being special in another post haha XD)
And so we communicate to make friends...

After all I said you must be wondering what is wonderful about this all huh???
Well the thing is... Nobody in this world is born perfect....
Whether in sense of physical or mental.... Nobody is perfect...
Only God is perfect....
Is because we are made in his image, we are all given a small part of his talents....
Whatever we can do... God can do....
So this small bits of talents, knowledge or whatever it is....
Is separated to mankind all around the globe (No idea if there are live forms like us out there)
All this imperfect part.... Scattered....

I think God did this on purpose.... So to say....
To give us a big task, which is to create that perfection by making friends....
Everybody with their talents when put together becomes something great...
One person can only do so much, but together we create a miracle....
Like how scientists work together to research on something...
Like how surgeon and the nurses help each another to perform a surgery...
Like how we as a community help on another in our daily life...
All this act of helping one another eventually creates friendship.....

In my tale of friendship, I've met so many nice and wonderful people....
Whether in person or virtually through social networks....
When we are down, we look for friends first most of the time....
Its because in the presence of a friend, we find this sense of joy.... An unexplainable feeling... A wonder...
The perfection created between to people....
But I'm not saying this wonder can't be found at home with our family...Its possible...
But its so much more nicer to find that sense with people other than our family...
God did not wanted us to be perfect so that we would not only depend on ourself too much that we don't make friends....

Friends are people we can share almost anything with...
Our worries...
All sorts....
We can find this sense of love for one another once we reach a certain level of friendship...
We will start to care more for one another and just seem to miss each other more often...
I'm not talking about the lovey dovey kind of love.... I'm talking about the friendly love... 
This feeling is so wonderful once its found....

Well, I think I've said too much on this topic... haha...
Anyways, I've experienced this sense of love for one another already....
I hope you have....
Because if you haven't.... You better find it...
Its beautiful and magical.... Again, unexplainable...
Well all the best to you all readers.... To find your friends that you can feel this sense of perfection...
And a piece of advice.....Everyone is considered friend, only if you make the effort to be friends.... 

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