Saturday, July 16, 2011

Trip to Taylor's Lakeside Campus

Hi readers,
How have you all been??
Well this is my first post since my 100th post...
Its about the trip I went on just this morning...
It was a trip to Taylor's Lakeside College (Its a college/ university by the way)...

The day started off with me waking up at 6.15am ....
I was tired because I slept late the last night but I was aware that I am going on a trip today...
I got ready and packed whatever I wanted to bring along for the trip...
I brought my handphone, my camera (of course XP ) , my PSP, a bottle of water, and of course stationery to write down any important point on the talk later on...
By 7am, I was prepared and set to go to school...
My mum was going to the market with our neighbour so I followed my neighbour to school...
I was there earlier than we were suppose to...
But there already were some of them in school waiting for the teachers and the bus...
We waited until around 8am for everyone to arrive and we got on the bus...
And we were off...
Till we reached Era Square, we stopped and waited for one more student...
We were way off schedule and we had to wait for him...
My friends and I were sitting behind watching some videos or listening to music...
Then the boy came and the clock showed 8.30pm ...
It was going to be a one hour and thirty minutes drive to Taylor's Lakeside Campus ...
And we were off again....
Throughout the trip we were listening to music and watching videos...
I did walk up and down the bus to talk to the others who sat in front....
I even took some photos while we were on the bus...
We got there at around 9.30am...
We were late...
We were suppose to be there by 9am....
One of the Taylor's lecturer, Alice came out to greet us and show us the way....
As all 40 student walked down the path, suddenly....
Everyone took an early turn into the TOILET!!! (Hahahaha!!!!)
Everyone wanted to go the toilet after such a long drive....
After that, we all were lead to lecture room no.2
And as usual, I took photos of the surrounding on the way there...
The lecture room was just amazing...
I never thought that college could be so nice...
While I was taking some photos of the others in the lecture room, they asked us to pass the goodie bags to everyone....
Later, I went in front to sit with Sachin...
Everyone was sitted in the middle row from front all the way to the back whereas me and Sachin sat on the row on the right....
We saw Ashvin again....
He was the same person who did the teambuilding lecture at the beginning of the year...
Since we were all familiar with him, everything was just much more fun...
He promised that the talk would not be boring and it really wasn't...
The theme of today's lecture is:

"We become....
What we think about"

He did many things with us since we were at his college, he could do more things with us...
He started off with asking questions and giving out some goodies...
Then he began his lecture...
He asked who was the most confident person in the room...
Nobody admitted so he asked us to suggest who we think is confident...
And Harish raised his hand suggesting that he is the most confident person in the room...
He was then asked to point out the person who is the most shy....
Lim was pointed out....
So they were called out to stand in front....
And he asked us why we think Harish is confident and after that why we think Lim is shy...
It was funny what happened in between...
He also asked us what are our top three priorities....
He asked some of us and we answered...
He then gave us some quotes from people like Napoleon Hill, James Allen, Henry Ford and also by himself...
Why did he showed us this quotes???
Its because he wanted to give us some examples of how making a statement can make things become a reality...
He told some stories of how repeating the same statement to oneself over and over again can do...
He told us that when writing a statement, it has to be written in present tense as in we do not write:
"I want to be rich"
Instead we write:
"I am rich"
He also mentioned that the statement must be positive....
In the statement is should not be:
"I am not shy"
Instead it should be:
"I am confident"
Others were it has to be personal and specific...
Later, he gave us a S.M.A.R.T. Goal settings (some examples of statements)
(I am not going to state all, I'm just going to state a one as an example)
This is the one he used back then when he was shy according to his story:
"I am an ultra confident outgoing leader"
He used this and in two to three weeks he changed and now he is a happy outgoing lecturer...
He even used to be a DJ in Hitz.FM and some other radio station...
His story was very motivating in my opinion...
If his story were true (which I think is), then we have seen the result of a shy person becoming very outgoing by just reading a statement to ourselves once when we wake up and again before sleeping...
It only takes 2 minutes to read it out to ourselves everyday to make it work...
There were other statement and interesting stories but I'm not going to mention all...
And a certain point, he gave us all a paper to write down what we want to achieve in life, why is it important to us and what daily and weekly habits we will need to have to achieve them...
After that, a few were called out to share their achievement to us...
Everyone who came out talked with confident...
The lecture begins to show some results (so I think :P )
Before ending his lecture, he showed us the 10 Tips to Keep in Motion:
  1. Just Get Started
  2. Be Positive
  3. Be patient (Example : a seed doesn't grow instantly)
  4. Reward Yourself (small and simple)
  5. Set Daily Planner (If you fail to set a plan, then you plan to fail)
  6. Take a risk(Do something that we are not sure of with confidence)
  7. Is your daily schedule exciting? (Be creative and fun)
  8. Imagine it and it will come TRUE
  9. Repetition and hardwork is the key(Never give up and the results will show)
  10. Read Success Stories (as an inspiration)
And then he ended his lecture...
After that, he asked if anyone wanted to sing...
Instead some of them danced to Party Rock Anthem...
It was nice but halfway there was a funny incident and we had a great laugh....
Once that was over, Ashvin left the room and handed it over to Alice...
She gave us a lecture about studies after school....
It was suppose to be a boring talk but everyone took interest....
There is not much to say about this so I'm just gonna let it fly...

When it was almost 12pm, the lecture was over and we were given a RM5 voucher for food and RM2 for drinks...
We slowly left the lecture room and headed for the food court...
It was a long way from the lecture room to the food court, so I took some photos of the campus on the way there....
There was a huge lake in the middle of the campus (as the name states "Lakeside Campus" )....
The place was so beautiful...
As we got closer to the path that we were told to follow to reach the food court, we could see many other shops...
There were restaurants, souvenir shops, convenience store, etc.
There were just all kinds of shop on that pathway...
At the end was the food court...
There were only little people at the food court at that time...
We went around to see what is there to eat...
Some of the shops were closed so we have fewer choices...
In the end I decided to have the Grilled chicken chop from the Wild Wild West shop...
But instead they made a mistake and I got the grilled chicken rice...
But it was alright cause I saved some money...
We sat by the barrier where we could enjoy the breeze and the view of the lake...
I sat with Govinash as we both enjoy our grilled chicken rice...
After lunch, Sachin and me walked around the campus sightseeing...
And then Mr.Shan (our teacher in charge/ counselor) told us that we must all be at the bus by 1pm....
Sachin got some extra coupon so we decided to buy some French fries...
But the line at Wild Wild West was long...
Its a good thing that some of our friends were there so we did not have to queue up...
We went around searching for the others to tell them what Mr.Shan told us....
And then we came back and had our tasty French fries...
After that we took a toilet break before getting on the long drive back to Seremban...
The trip back was kind of exciting compare to when we were coming to the campus...
Everyone just seemed a little more excited and there was a more television had something more interesting on, Gulliver's Travel , a movie ....
Again, we at the back were watching videos or listening to music...
I was playing my PSP....
Another thing was everyone was moving about the bus on the way back...
Halfway through the trip home I began moving about as well and taking random photos...
Some of them were tired and sleeping after such a long exciting day....
And soon after we reached school and we all went our ways...
Some went home while some waited for their parents to come...

So at the end of the day I had fun...
The only thing I lost from the many things I brought was my camera casing...
Well at least I did not lose the camera with all the precious memories...
I am glad I went for this trip and I am quite motivated from the lecture...
I even feel a little more confident and took some photos of myself during the trip which I don't normally do....
And I have already began to use the statement...
Whenever I see myself in the mirror I just say to myself:
"I am a good-looking handsome guy"
Much appreciation to Ashvin for that fantastic lecture and to the school counseling teacher for arranging this trip...
I wish to go for more trips like this in future...
Till then readers....
Bye, good night XP

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