Saturday, July 9, 2011

Road to getting my driving license (3rd Lesson)

My third lesson was just a day after the second...
It is my first time driving on the roads...
Actual roads with other drivers moving around...
I was taught how to change the gear as well as when to speed up and when to slow down..
I was instructed to move around the QTI area(the road for the trial exam) first...
And then later I was instructed to move to lane 1...
And then after that to lane 3...
I practiced moving around lane 3 a couple of times because it is most likely that I will do that for my driving exam...
Throughout the lesson, my instructed smoked so much I got so annoyed...
I just don't like the smell that comes from a cigarette smoke...
It annoys me...
But either way, he is the person who made me good at driving...
His formula and shouting really drills it all into ur head...
And once I got the hang of driving around, it got really fun...
Plus it was a cold rainy day, so it was comfortable to drive around...
Now that I have driven around, I feel confident that I can drive to most places already hehe... XP

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