Saturday, July 30, 2011

OPA Games

The OPA (Old Paulian Association) Game was held...
I was there for the tug-of-war match...
So this is what happened...

I woke up early to get ready...
I left home at 8.45am ...
When I got there, the basketball game has already begun, the football players were getting warmed up while some of them were sitting at the pavilion...
After watching the football players, both the Old Paulians and the Paulians, warming up, I went to the basketball court to watch the game...
Even though it is called OLD PAULIANS , the old Paulians at the basketball court were just a few year senior to us...
But they are still considered old Paulians because they finished schooling already...
And the team playing for the Paulians were all my friends...
The game was awesome...
The passing, shooting, rebound taking, intercept....
Woah!!! It was all just too awesome to miss...
The first half of the game was over when I came...
They were just about to start the third quarter of the game...
There were many familiar faces there...
Our principal , Madam Yap was there to cheer the Paulians on...
At the end of that awesome game, the old Paulians totally owned the Paulians by 20 points with a score of 65-45 .....
While the basketball match was going on, I was also watching the football match at the same time (but of course I watched the basketball match more)
I saw the old Paulians taking a free kick twice and both of it went it... INCREDIBLE!!!
Can you imagine this middle age men who are at the age of around 40-60 are playing better than the youngsters???
Well I can because I saw it...
One of them shot a beautiful one from the left wing while the other shot a perfectly straight one from almost half the field away from the goal post...
Simply amazing...
These old Paulians just impressed me all the way to the top...
At the end of the basketball match, the football match just finished its first half...
After a short rest and some preparation, the volleyball match was about to begin and the 2nd half of the football match had begun...
Not as I expected, I was about to join the volleyball match...
I played the practice game with the school team and some other boys while waiting for the old Paulians who were resting...
After awhile, they arrived but there was only four of them sadly...
So the form 6 boys joined them...
The game began and I was a substitute along with some others...
So while waiting to join the game, I did some linesman work...
The sky was dark...
After some time, the score of both team were even and the football match has ended...
I was told that the football match ended with the Paulians winning with a score of 7-6...
Is impressive how those old Paulians could actually keep up with them at their age...
The first round of the volleyball match ended with the Paulians winning 25-17..
As the second round was going on, it suddenly started to drizzle at first...
Everything was okay and we played on...
But not long after, it just suddenly poured down heavily...
The game was cancelled...
The old Paulians and the Paulians ran and laughed as hard as we could to shelter which was far away...
We were at the edge of the field...
We ran like mad and laughed while enjoying the run...
It was fun...
I enjoyed that moment of the day...
The wind and rain at St.Paul is just simply amazing...
If it rains, it rains heavily and the wind becomes very cold...
I just love it..
Everyone was sitting either at the pavilion or at the hall...
They were all having a chat...
I took some photos of the view of the school in the rain...
It was beautiful in a way...
It rained so heavily (in fact the heaviest I've ever seen) that the field was almost flooded with water...
You can barely see the grass...
The teachers then told the boys that the equipments (net, volleyball pole, etc.) needs to be taken down and be placed back at the store room...
So these group of boys ran in the rain to get it all down...
Its so funny and nice to see them doing that...
It seems like so much of fun but I did not wanted to get too wet or I'll get the scolding of a lifetime...
But I wished I could have joined them and enjoy the rain...
Instead, I helped the teacher under the shelter to return move some stuff....
And soon after, everyone was trying to get themselves dried up...
The old Paulians, Paulians, and teachers were having a chat under shelter....
While I was drying myself up, I called my mum to fetch me from school and I waited for her at the canteen...

So at the end of the day,
I enjoyed myself and saw many awesome things...
Though I may have not done what I went there for, I'm happy I went there for my last year as a Paulian....

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