Sunday, July 10, 2011

Lai's 17th Birthday Celebration

The 4th of July...
This is not only the national day for the US of A...
It is also the birthday of a good friend of mine, Lai Choon Kiat...
All his life, he hardly celebrates his birthday...
Unlike myself, my family celebrate each and every birthday...
Anyways, when we planned for this celebration, I could see this smile on Lai's face which I have never seen before...
It was a smile from within..
He was rather overjoyed that there are people who actually want to celebrate the anniversary of his birth...

Anyways, after all the planning and change of plans...
We finally ended up in Pizza Italia...
I was the first one there just around 10 minutes to 7pm...
We planned to gather there at 7pm but I waited for some time and there was no one to be seen..
After a while, I saw a black car stopping in a weird position..
I was sure that the driver is looking for a place...
After a while, I moved and stand on the road to check it out and the car came towards my direction...
To my amaze it was one of my friend, Soong...
He was driving already... (Wow >.< )
At the same time, Bryan arrived...
Not long after, Chew Joon Nick came...
It was the four of us now...
The place was booked for 17 people... (Thats a lot)
After chit chatting for a while, we decided to get a cake for Lai...
So Bryan, Soong and myself, we went to Jusco to get a cake...
Soong drove us there and it was a heck of a scary ride.... (Haha =D )
We got a chocolate cake from Secret Recipe for RM75....
And on it was written ' Happy Birthday LOL :) ' (Specially written words... Haha XD )
With the cake we returned to Pizza Italia, and the rest of them have already arrived...
Alex, Harinder, Vijaya, Lim and of course the birthday boy, Lai...
We gave to be refrigerated while we enjoy our meal....
Three pizzas were ordered along with our personal add-ons...
I ordered a plate of Pollo Lasagna and I gave a portion of it to Soong, Lim, Vijaya and Harinder to let them try it out...
And guess what, they all loved it...
Alex and me had our bottle of beer...
He had his Ludwig while I had a bottle of Hoegarden....
We ate, we chat, we laughed...
It was all fun...
After having our dinner, we asked for the cake...
As the workers there were very nice and provide great customer service, they served the cake for us instead (Wow!!! )
They even gave us plates and forks...
What more the cake is our own and they actually served it for us... (Awesome service)
We sang a birthday song for Lai and the look on his face is no different to that of a happy little boy celebrating his birthday...
Speaking of little boy, while we were enjoying our cake, one of the worker asked us to join in to sing a birthday song for a small little boy...
We sang our hearts out for that boy and it really made all the different for him...
He was excited..
Like I say, the face of that boy looked exactly like how Lai was...
Its because when people celebrate something for you, they are honoring you in a way and it makes u happy deep within...
We laughed off like mad the till around 9pm + and finally we all went to Jusco as planned to catch a movie...
Some followed Chew's mum while the rest followed Soong...
And again I went for a heck of a ride...

We reached there a little later then those who followed Chew's mum...
Jusco was packed so we had to go up the rooftop to find a place to park....
We went down to meet up with the others...
We wanted to watch transformer 3 the dark of the moon...
But they were sold out..
So we decided to watch Monte Carlo...
But there was only 4 tickets left and there were 9 of us...
All the movies were fully booked except 'Rasuk' which we do not want to watch...
So we went out of the cinema and discussed what to do...
We were deciding between Karaoke or Bowling...
In the end we chose bowling because karaoke that night was RM42++ per person...
It was to expensive and we were all like half broke already...
So some of us bowled while the others played pool...
We bowled and had fun...
There was even a problem where the bowling ball got stuck in the drain because the machine closed the path half way....
And we did something stupid by continuously bowling other ball to clear the drain...
It was stupid because everytime one of it goes in, the other gets stuck..
And finally Alex walked down the lane and pushed the ball in...
We all bowled for two games and then we headed home...
I followed Soong back along with Alex and Lim...
It was yet again a heck of a ride home...

So in the end of the day I had fun and I went home with a sore thumb...
Another great day spent with friends and hopefully stuff like this becomes a little more frequent for me in the future...
Thank God for friends that gives me so much of fun...
And to Lai, Happy Birthday again...

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