Sunday, August 7, 2011

Road to getting my driving license (The end)

Hey readers,
Guess what!!??
I finally got my driving license... WOOOOHOOO!!!!
I've been waiting for this day...
Funny thing is I have a license with no car but what the heck...

It was the 4th of August...
The day for my JPJ exam (the driving exam)...
I left school at 1.30pm...
My mum fetched me from school...
Along with my brother we went to do our JPJ exam...
The exam starts at 2pm but we were there at around 1.40pm...
My eldest brother failed the circuit at the parking so he was still there...
So I went in to get myself registered and get my number...
After that, I took a quick toilet break and we were off to the driving circuit...
All the students were sitted on the benches waiting for the JPJ examiners to finish what they are doing...
After awhile, those who failed the exam in the morning were called out one by one to resit for their exam...
Those who passed were also called out and ready to go for the road exam...
Those of us who were there for the third session which was the 2pm exam were all waiting...
Soon, the session 3 students were called to line up according to number to sign on the form...
We were then sitted according to our number...
After awhile, a JPJ examiner came to give us a briefing about the exam...
Once those who were re-sitting the circuit exam were finished, they called the session 3 students 5 by 5 to go to the starting line which was at the hill exam...
I was very confident about my exam the whole morning, but at that moment I felt nervous...
Its because I have not drove the car for about a month since my lesson ended...
I got to know two guys a little which was the guy with no.7 and no.9....
While no.1 to no.5 were doing their hill exam, we were watching from the hut....
When it was my turn, I got on the car...
I adjusted the seat and fastened my seat belt...
I was nervous...
The examiner then shouted out "no.8" (my number)...
I moved up the hill as usual I was looking out of the window to see the yellow line...
But due to nervousness, I accidentally pressed on the brake way too early...
I was barely near the yellow line...
So I went back down and used my second and last chance...
I could not afford to fail my exam after such a long wait...
So with cautious I did it and I made it...
I went down smoothly to the next exam, the parking exam...
It wasn't any challenge for me because I used my instructor's formula for the parking exam..
I took a little more time than usual but I passed it...
Next, I went into the last circuit exam, the 3-point turning...
I did it so easily that I could laugh...
When I was done, I wanted to park my car...
But I totally forgotten that I have to park at the starting line just at the hill exam...
Then the JPJ examiner on the motorcycle came and called me...
Just awhile before he called me, I recalled as well and so I quickly turn there...
After the exam, I went to sign the exam form and then I was sitted again at the benches...
My brother fail because he moved into the wrong lane for the 3-point turning..
I could feel his disappointment....

The sky slowly turn darker as we waited for the students from the morning session to finish their road exam...
I waited anxiously to be done with it...
My eldest brother failed because his engine died...
My other brother failed as well because he forgot to put his handbrake down...
And it was finally my turn...
With one of the examiner holding an umbrella covering me, I went into car no.7 ...
I adjusted my seat and got into the car...
I greeted the examiner which was the only lady examiner for the road exam...
Then, I did the pre-check before going off...
I was told to go to lane 3 for my road exam...
So I reverse and I accidentally made a sudden brake...
I was using the Viva which most people fear because it is harder to handle than the Kancil...
The brake gave me some problem...
So did the gear...
But I move smoothly as usual as though as I was with my instructor (except that I was a little more cautious)
With low lights on and the wiper functioning, I drove under the heavy rain..
Like my first experience on the road, I'm driving under the rain...
I was not afraid because I know that I can do it...
I drove with confidence with a little mistakes here and there...
At a certain traffic light, I was lucky that it was showing green...
Why I say I was lucky???
Its because at that area I once made a mistake when my instructor was teaching me to drive...
My car would move back a little when I want to move from a stop...
Its because that road was an uphill...
I was so happy that it showed green and passing there, I was 100% confident I would pass...
After driving for some time, I got back to the driving institute...
I sat there watching the examiner writing on the report...
She told me that she is giving me a chance for one of the point...
She says that my steering handling is a little unstable and that I should practice more on the road...
And with a score of 17/20 , I passed my JPJ exam...
I was hype up with the fact that I passed my exam...
I saw the guy with no.9 and he passed as well...
My brother came with an umbrella and took me to my mum at the main building...
After getting everything done at the office counter, we went back home with a smile on my face...

Its just a sad thing that my brothers failed their exam..
I hope they do well when they re-sit for the exam...
On the next day, my dad went to take my 'P' license from the JPJ office at Senawang...
I am now legally able to drive on the road...
I just can't wait to get a car...
Till then readers...
Take care..

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