Saturday, July 30, 2011

OPA Games

The OPA (Old Paulian Association) Game was held...
I was there for the tug-of-war match...
So this is what happened...

I woke up early to get ready...
I left home at 8.45am ...
When I got there, the basketball game has already begun, the football players were getting warmed up while some of them were sitting at the pavilion...
After watching the football players, both the Old Paulians and the Paulians, warming up, I went to the basketball court to watch the game...
Even though it is called OLD PAULIANS , the old Paulians at the basketball court were just a few year senior to us...
But they are still considered old Paulians because they finished schooling already...
And the team playing for the Paulians were all my friends...
The game was awesome...
The passing, shooting, rebound taking, intercept....
Woah!!! It was all just too awesome to miss...
The first half of the game was over when I came...
They were just about to start the third quarter of the game...
There were many familiar faces there...
Our principal , Madam Yap was there to cheer the Paulians on...
At the end of that awesome game, the old Paulians totally owned the Paulians by 20 points with a score of 65-45 .....
While the basketball match was going on, I was also watching the football match at the same time (but of course I watched the basketball match more)
I saw the old Paulians taking a free kick twice and both of it went it... INCREDIBLE!!!
Can you imagine this middle age men who are at the age of around 40-60 are playing better than the youngsters???
Well I can because I saw it...
One of them shot a beautiful one from the left wing while the other shot a perfectly straight one from almost half the field away from the goal post...
Simply amazing...
These old Paulians just impressed me all the way to the top...
At the end of the basketball match, the football match just finished its first half...
After a short rest and some preparation, the volleyball match was about to begin and the 2nd half of the football match had begun...
Not as I expected, I was about to join the volleyball match...
I played the practice game with the school team and some other boys while waiting for the old Paulians who were resting...
After awhile, they arrived but there was only four of them sadly...
So the form 6 boys joined them...
The game began and I was a substitute along with some others...
So while waiting to join the game, I did some linesman work...
The sky was dark...
After some time, the score of both team were even and the football match has ended...
I was told that the football match ended with the Paulians winning with a score of 7-6...
Is impressive how those old Paulians could actually keep up with them at their age...
The first round of the volleyball match ended with the Paulians winning 25-17..
As the second round was going on, it suddenly started to drizzle at first...
Everything was okay and we played on...
But not long after, it just suddenly poured down heavily...
The game was cancelled...
The old Paulians and the Paulians ran and laughed as hard as we could to shelter which was far away...
We were at the edge of the field...
We ran like mad and laughed while enjoying the run...
It was fun...
I enjoyed that moment of the day...
The wind and rain at St.Paul is just simply amazing...
If it rains, it rains heavily and the wind becomes very cold...
I just love it..
Everyone was sitting either at the pavilion or at the hall...
They were all having a chat...
I took some photos of the view of the school in the rain...
It was beautiful in a way...
It rained so heavily (in fact the heaviest I've ever seen) that the field was almost flooded with water...
You can barely see the grass...
The teachers then told the boys that the equipments (net, volleyball pole, etc.) needs to be taken down and be placed back at the store room...
So these group of boys ran in the rain to get it all down...
Its so funny and nice to see them doing that...
It seems like so much of fun but I did not wanted to get too wet or I'll get the scolding of a lifetime...
But I wished I could have joined them and enjoy the rain...
Instead, I helped the teacher under the shelter to return move some stuff....
And soon after, everyone was trying to get themselves dried up...
The old Paulians, Paulians, and teachers were having a chat under shelter....
While I was drying myself up, I called my mum to fetch me from school and I waited for her at the canteen...

So at the end of the day,
I enjoyed myself and saw many awesome things...
Though I may have not done what I went there for, I'm happy I went there for my last year as a Paulian....

Monday, July 25, 2011

A trip to Penang

Hello readers,
I have gone to Penang the past weekend...
My family along with Uncle Das's family (P.S. They are a family friend) went on a trip to Penang...
It was Uncle Das, his wife , Rosemary, and his daughter, Audrey...
It was for our annual pilgrimage to St.Anne's Church....
And so here is how it all began...

It all started on a Friday night, 22nd of July 2011...
My family was packing our stuff pass midnight (when we could have done it earlier >.< )
We were done packing by around 12 - 1 am ...
The next morning, we woke up later than planned, at 6am...
We were suppose to be ready by 5am but because of the alarm we woke up late...
So we quickly got ready and went to meet up with Uncle Das and family at the Seremban rest stop...
And we were off to Ipoh first to meet up with Uncle Das nephew...
My dad asked my to sit in Uncle Das car but I did not wanted to...
And so we were off for a long ride on the road....
I was busy reading my new book "How to stop worrying and start living" by Dale Carnegie.....
An awesome book ^^
Then I decided to take a nap because I was still tired for not getting enough rest the night before...
After 2 hours on the road, we reached our usual stop at the Tapah rest stop to stretch and relax...
Then we headed to Uncle Das nephew's house...
From there, I started sitting on Uncle Das's car..
We just dropped by for awhile and headed off for Bukit Mertajam where St.Anne's Church is...
Sitting at the back with Audrey, I disturbed her quite a lot throughout the journey...
Childhood buddies since I was 3 years old...
Can you imagine???
Anyways it was another long trip to St.Anne.....
I had caught a flu at that time...
It annoyed me throughout the journey as well....
Audrey decided to play her Justin Bieber disc to annoy me....
Halfway on the road, Audrey fell asleep listening to her Justin Bieber music (which was suppose to be a torture for me or so it seems... ) and then I decided to sleep as well because I was tired due to the flu...

After some time we arrived at St.Anne's church...
It was an ever welcoming sight as usual...
We went to get the candles and flower and started by entering the old church building first to offer our prayer...
After that we walked up the stairs to reach the statue at the top for a more powerful prayer...
Halfway up the stairway, we decided to stop and take some photos....
As usual I'm with my camera busy taking photos all around.... (hahaha!!! =D )
After reaching the top, lighting our candles and saying our prayers, we went down to the middle where the statue of Mother Mary is located....
There we usually say a group prayer together, I lead the prayer...
Lighting the candle proved to be difficult as the strong wind of St.Anne blew...
I said "Our prayer has been accepted when the candles were blown off."
After that, we went down to where the waterfall is...
And a Dejavu happened , it rained again like last year when we went to the waterfall... (P.S. It is just a small waterfall not a huge one... )
We went to the toilet and then waited under the shade while the my father and Uncle Das went to get the umbrellas...
When they got back with the umbrellas, we went towards the tap where we could collect the Holy Water...
We drank the water and washed our face...
At that moment, the rain subsided and we closed our umbrella...
After that, we went to offer Mass....
After giving our Mass offering, we went into the new church building...
This might have been the first time I got to take pictures inside the new church building...
We all say yet another prayer there before moving around to check out the inside of the church...
They have a beautiful altar with many wonderful statues around...
Once we were done, we headed out to go to the souvenir shop...
The rain starting pouring again while we were walking towards the souvenir shop...
There was many cool things in the shop...
After buying some souvenirs, we got some ice-cream (even though I had flu)...
After finishing our ice-cream, we were off to Penang island...
We were way ahead of schedule...
We took the ferry to get to the island...
We enjoyed the ride under the hot sun on the ferry and took some beautiful photos...
When we got off the ferry, it took some time for us to get to our apartment...
Before going to our apartment, stopped by a bakery to get something to eat because there was no time to have lunch...
We were going to be late for checking in and might just be late for Mass at the church on Penang Island...
We bought what we wanted and ate in the car while trying to get to our apartment...
The lady arrived and brought us to our apartment room...

We just put our luggage down and quickly drank some hot drinks and ate a little snack...
Those who wanted to shower took a quick shower and we got ready to go for Mass...
Audrey wore her Justin Bieber shirt (which was a gifted to her by someone >.<)
While we were going to be late for Mass, I was on my own car this time and taking a nap because I was exhausted from the flu and having a headache... (The flu really spoiled my day)
While my brothers and I were sleeping, we missed a rare police action...
My mother said that there were some police surrounding a pale man...
She said that he was shot....
Darn it, of all the time for us to fall asleep, we missed all the action :C
Anyways, we arrived at the usual church we go for Mass, the Immaculate Conception...
Thinking that we were going to be late for Mass, I saw some people walking around and I said "I think Mass not yet start la."
So my mum asked me to check the time for Mass and we were not late...
Mass was at 6.30pm and we were there at 6.10pm ...
After Mass, we relaxed around the church compound for awhile...
Once the adults were done discussing, we decided to have dinner at the same food court we went to last year and meet up with the Sequerah's (some other family friends who were around in Penang)....
After finding a place to park in that crowded food court, we went inside and ordered some food before the Sequerah's arrive because we did not have a proper lunch in the afternoon....
Aunty Ros, my mum and I ordered char kuay teow, one of Penang's delicacies....
The rest ordered claypot chicken rice....
My dad and Uncle Das were drinking beer....
Audrey took my camera to see all the photos that I have taken and then she took some photos at the food court as well....
While we were enjoying our dinner, the Singapore vs Malaysia football match was being broadcast....
Enjoying the game while having our dinner...
It was disappointing though that Malaysia lost...
But it what was awesome was the fact that people shot up firework when Malaysia scored two goals...
The Sequerah's did not show up because they went to the wrong place but what does it matter huh??? Hehe >.<
After enjoying dinner for a long time, we headed back for our apartment...
Everyone was tired after the long, long day...
We washed up one by one to get ready for bed...
My dad went straight for bed without washing up because he did not get enough sleep the night before...
The mothers were busy having a chat while me and my brothers waited for our turn to take a shower and get ready for bed...
Audrey was watching Tomb Raider without her eyes barely open...
She was so sleepy...
After awhile Uncle Das headed for bed and so did Audrey....
My brothers and I waited for the mothers to finished their conversation before we could sleep...
We slept at the living room because there were only two bedrooms....
One for my parents and the other for Uncle Das's family....
My brothers and I did not get a really good sleep that night because it was very cold...
The fan was at full blast at speed 5 while the air-cond was with the temperature of 16 degree...
I woke up a several few times and so did my brothers...
I woke up at 3am to go the the toilet and also to slow the fan down...
Again at 5am to increase the temperature to 25 degree...
Throughout the night I could hardly feel my legs and I knocked my head on the chairs so many times...
I was right under the air-cond so I used the mattress which we were suppose to sleep on as a blanket...
Because of that I had to put my pillow under the chair where my head was too of course..
That is why I knocked my head every time I woke up...

The next morning, at 7am....
I woke up and bumped my head yet again on the chair...
I did not wanted to knock my head again so I decided to wake up...
I turned off the air-cond and opened the sliding door so that it would warm up a little...
As I was approaching the cabinet where the water was, I knocked my head on the cabinet instead....
Ouch!! What a head knocking sensation >.<
I still had flu in the morning....
My brothers, my mother and I were the awake already...
I washed up and changed out of my pyjamas....
Because of my sneezing and coughing, I woke Aunty Rose and Uncle Das up...
Aunty Rose asked Uncle Das to get the medicines from their car...
So Uncle Das went down to get it...
I was enjoying a cup of coffee with some biscuits....
When Uncle Das got back up with the medicine, I took three of those yellow tablets and it slowly got better...
Everyone was slowly waking up and getting changed, having breakfast with some hot drinks...
The last to wake up was Audrey...
Once everyone was changed and ready, it was about 9am...
We went out to go see my pick up my grandaunt from her apartment so that she can show us the way to the old folks' home, the Little Sister of the Poor....
My other grandaunt was there....
I was sitting on my own car this time (Wow I keep changing between two cars >.< )
On the way there, I told my dad about the scratch on my camera screen because I had lost my camera casing when I went for the trip to Taylor's College....
I also told my mum that Audrey mentioned that she wanted to go to Tesco the day before...
So my dad decided to stop by Tesco to walk around a little and to get my camera casing....
The casing cost RM100, it was very expensive...
I got scolding from my mum for losing it...
We walked around a little after that...
Then at a point, Aunty Rose gave Audrey RM10 to buy something but she did not buy anything and decided to keep it instead...
She insisted on getting an Angry Birds merchandise but there wasn't any around....
I bought the new Mentos brand which was the Air Action Mentos...
It was to help improve the condition of my flu ( It really did in the end >.< )
And then we left for my grandaunt's apartment...
I sat on Uncle Das's car again and luckily I did...
Even on the way out of Tesco building, we lost my father's car...
Can you imagine??
Why would they put so many way out of a single building... -.-
So we waited beside a construction site and Uncle Das called my dad....
Later we made a U-turn and finally found my father further down the road...
And we are off again....
When we reached there, I got off the car to see my grandaunt...
She wanted to treat us to breakfast but we told her that we have eaten already...
And so we left for the Little Sisters of the Poor...
After some time, we got there....
It was a beautiful place, simply marvelous...
It was almost like paradise for this old folks' ....

As we walked towards the building, my brothers, Audrey and I saw a cage with a parrot in it...
This was our first encounter with a real parrot and so we played with it...
I always that what we see on television is fake but I was amazed at what the parrot could do...
We tried saying "Hello" and the parrot replied "Hello" back to us...
We even tried many other lines and sounds but he did not do all of it...
Later, we decided to get into the building with our parents and so we said "Bye" and it replied "Bye" back to us...
It was really cool how it was able to speak just like us...
So awesome!!!
The moment we walked in, I was astonished by the inner beauty of the building...
It was so refreshing and nice...
I took a photo of the dining hall but then I was told that I cannot take pictures without permission so I stopped....
And then my grandaunt took us up to see my other grandaunt...
We went on the elevator up to the second floor....
Yet another beautiful sight...
We walked around a little and soon after we saw our grandaunt who was staying there...
The moment she saw us she started shedding tears of joy and asked my brothers and I , "Where is your mummy?? "
And we told her she is around...
Soon after, my mum came and she hugged her...
They both were crying...
My mother was so happy to see her...
And then we entered the chapel....
It was so beautiful I almost couldn't believe it...
The crucifix was so detailed with the blood marks and all...
It was so peaceful in the chapel...
I wanted to take a photo but my dad told me not to...
Later I went out to where Uncle Das and his family was...
I saw them talking to one of the nuns which was actually the Mother Superior (or so my grandaunt says), which is the head of all the nuns there....
I greeted her "Good morning" and she was telling us about the place...
Later she decided to show us around the place...
We asked for permission to take photos and she said "Certainly"
So I quickly went in a took just one picture of the chapel...

The first place sister showed us was the living room where the senior citizens gather to have a sing-along or watch television...
She then showed us the one of the folks' room ....
She told us "You see one then you've seen them all"
Next, was the place where volunteers have their break....
After that, was the kitchen where I could see some of the senior citizens helping out along with the nuns...
The laundry was the next place...
There she explained how they wash the clothes of 63 old folks' ...
She even showed us this machine that helps to iron the clothes and another machine to iron the bed sheets....
She showed us the mortuary as well...
I thought it was going to be scary to go in but then I only saw holy statues...
She told us a story about a Hindu man who died with no relatives...
His final wishes was that they prayed the Catholic prayer for him...
A wonderful story that sister told us....
The mortuary was a simple place though...
After that, we saw the multi-purpose hall...
In here they hold a lot of events...
Like bowling, the men and women challenged each other in darts, performances....
They even have sound systems and a LCD projector to let them watch movie...
Wow, what a life don't you think??
And to think I said it was a boring place...
Just outside of the hall, we saw a lady playing the piano...
Is amazing how such an old lady can play the piano so well, without GLASSES!!
Then there was this board where coloured pictures was put up...
Sister explained to us that a session for colouring is held once a week...
Through the colours used to colour their pictures, the sisters would know how the folks' are feeling....
Then, she took us out the back way...
There was a beautiful park like place there and the old building was there as well...
We passed a workshop where all repairs and everything were done...
We arrived at a small building...
There was a statue of St.Joseph...
She told us that they gather at that statue to pray for the conversion of those who were non-Catholic there...
She then told us that the small building there was actually the original building of the Little Sisters of the Poor, Penang...
She told us a story about how the place came to be...
A non-Catholic man one day was amazed at the work of the Little Sisters of the Poor at Kuala Lumpur so he asked the sisters to open one at Penang...
He donated the land and the building itself...
Its a wonder how kind he was to donate the land despite not being a Catholic...
God bless this man...
She told us then that everything in the place is donated....
Then sister asked whether we want to see the gymnasium...
We were shocked to hear that there is a gymnasium in an old folks' home...
So we were excited to see it...
We went back into the building and she showed us the way to the gymnasium...
I as usual was taking photos all around....
I even took one photo of a hallway which looked almost the one in the movie Exorcism of Emily Rose...
When I got back and saw that picture, there was a light image of a couple standing there...
It spooked me when my mum and dad told me about it...
Anyways, sister showed us the doctor room next...
There I saw a beautiful picture of Jesus and St.John...
I took a photo of it...
Next we walked to a hallway with three room covered by a glass mirror and door...
The first one was a reading room or a library to be precise...
In the middle there was a saloon where the folks' hair would be able to cut their hair once a week...
On the other side was a convenience store where those folks' who are unable to go out of the place can get what they want...
After passing all that, we reached the gymnasium which was empty at that moment...
It was amazing for an old folks' home to have such a well equipped gym...
I immediately started talking photos of each equipment as it was amazing...
Its specially built for old people...
The only common gym equipment was the treadmill...
The rest were specially made...
For example one was like a paddle for hands to help strengthen the arm muscles....
Then there was another that looked like a ladder to help them stimulate their leg muscles...
One for training them to raise their legs up when walking...
Then there was a scanner and so much more equipment there....
Sister allowed us to try out some of it and she explained about each one of it...
After that, she took us further down the hallway to show us another room...
On the way we saw an arts and craft room...
There was so many nice things done by the old folks' there that were for sale...
She told us that there was even a place for them to make rosaries with beads...
Then there was this craft that was made out of ice-cream sticks...
A man had made it out of creativity...
On the way to that same room, I saw a dark room with a computer in it...
She said it was a computer room.. (Wow!! Can you imagine that old people also enjoy using the computer >.< )
Finally we reached the room...
It was a room with a huge plasma tv...
She said that the room was for a more personal gathering....
There was a carved decoration in that room that was donated and been there for 70 over years...
Amazing don't you think??
It was a nice room for personal gatherings....
She showed us a round many places (some which I do not really remember) and told us many story about the place...
And that gathering room was the last room before we wanted to leave...
On the way out, outside of the reading room, there was a man sitting there...
We greeted him earlier, his name is Lawrence (I think that's how its spelled)
Sister then told us a tale about him saving the old folks' home during the time they were still using the old building...
The damp broke down and everyone was sleeping...
Lawrence was the one who woke all the nuns up and saved everyone there...
Its cool how a there is a living hero there ^^
Everyone was truly blest to have this man..
We greeted him goodbye and promised to keep him in our prayers...
After that long tour, we asked sister to take a group photo with us...
We had to take to split group photos because the counter lady did not wanted to help us take the picture...
First I was taking the picture then later my dad...
Sister was standing next to Audrey and she said that she would be a future nun...
Uncle Das even mentioned me to sister and she said she would pray for me (Awesome in a way but I don't think I really wanna be a priest XP )
After that, I took a photo of my mum with both of my grandaunts...
While the adults continue talking with sister and my mum talked with my grandaunts, my brothers, Audrey and I went to disturb the parrot again...
Uncle Das came in for a while and at that time the parrot showed us some stunts...
It was just too bad I did not catch a video of him doing it..
It was awesome...
He first slowly opened up his wings and all...
And then he did a spin around the stick and started making this weird screeching sound...
Later when Uncle Das had left, my dad came by...
He taught the parrot some other words and the parrot did say it...
Too bad the mums did not get to see this...
After some time, it was time to leave...
The last photo I took there was the electrical belt on top of the building...
And then we bid farewell and left as the old folks' have their lunch...

After leaving the Little Sisters of the Poor, we were suppose to send my grandaunt home but she wanted to treat us to lunch and so we stopped by that food court near her apartment...
The adults were sitted on while table while we the children was sitted on another...
We ordered our food and drinks...
When the char kuay teow arrived, Audrey asked whether there was oyster in it and she said that she was allergic to seafood...
So she put the seafood aside and slowly ate it...
One my eldest brother, Nicholas, and I was done eating, we decided to walk around outside to look for that Muar Chee shop we usually go to...
The way they make it is awesome and it is very tasty so we really wanted to find this shop...
So we took a stroll outside...
We walked around and then we saw this shop with a lot of Angry Birds merchandise which we wanted to show Audrey one she is done eating...
And then we found that very same Muar Chee shop...
We went to look for our dad to get some money and then we took my other brother, Kevin, and Audrey with us...
We took Audrey to the shop with the Angry Birds stuff first and let her have a look around...
She was so excited to buy the merchandise but she only had RM10 with her (which she got while we were in Tesco, lucky she did not use it >.< )
So in the end she got a pencil box worth RM5 and two keychains (the pig and the yellow bird) which cost RM2.50 each...
She was happy but she could not get the bag worth RM38 which she really wanted...
Another good thing was we told her to get what she want first before we return to our parents because we might not be able to come back to that shop...
And guess what?? It really did happen like that >.<
After that, we went to get our Muar Chee and we returned back to our parents...
Later, we sent my grandaunt back....
We were suppose to return to our apartment actually but then my dad decided to go get the famous Tambun biscuits first before returning to our apartment to pack up and check out...

It was raining when we got there...
We were all holding umbrellas and walking towards the very same shop we go to every year...
The rain eventually slowed down as we approached the shops...
Along the way, Audrey saw some things that she wanted to buy so she went with her mum to buy something while my mum and dad was busy buying the Tambun biscuits and all...
My brothers, Uncle Das and I were sitting on the chair waiting for them...
The raining started pouring heavily again...
After awhile, they got back and when all was done we walked back towards the car...
We wanted to have the all so famous cendol from the street side shop but we could not as it was raining...
Getting back on the car, we were off back to the apartment...
My dad wanted to stop by the cendol shop so that my mum can have the cendol but there was no place to park so we moved on back to the apartment...
While Uncle Das was trailing my dad back to the apartment, many uncourteous driver keep cutting in between making it difficult to trail my dad's car...
At a point when there was a turning to the left and right, I realise that the number plate of the Proton Saga was not my dad's...
So we stopped and had lost the way...(Its a good thing I sat on Uncle Das's car >.< )
So Uncle Das called my dad and after that we decided to go back to that same road and turn the other way this time...
We stopped by a shop and asked for directions to Batu Ferringhi...
There was two Chinese man who gave a very difficult instruction to get there...
Thank God for this Indian man on a motorcycle who came out of nowhere and decided to show us the way on his motorcycle...
He showed us the way and brought us back on the right track...
My father had told me on the phone to continuously follow the signboard that says Batu Ferringhi but the Indian man had taken us to Pulau Tikus instead...
So in the end we stopped in front of the Pulau Tikus police station for my dad to come and pick us up...
After quite a long wait, my dad came and we trailed him again...
This time my dad called Uncle Das and told him not to be courteous to other driver and keep trailing him right on the back...
And so he did but the uncourteous drivers around did not give in and kept making it difficult to trail my dad...
But its a good thing we have reached the area which I'm familiar with so we got back to the apartment in the end...
This has caused a major delay so we were way off schedule to go back...
When we got back, we quickly went up and packed up...
Uncle Das was taking a quick shower to freshen up...
I was taking pictures of my dad at the balcony with the view of the sea...
At that time, my brothers and Audrey were watching television so I took photos of them and then I joined in and my dad took a picture of us...
Once we were all prepared, we went down to the parking lot and loaded the luggage into the car..
We took a group photo at the parking lot before leaving...
Once we were done, we were off for home...

We stopped by the petrol station first to fuel up before going home...
After that, we stopped by Gurney Drive for awhile to take some photos of the beautiful sea (which did not seem so beautiful anymore)
Then, we left for the ferry...
We waited in the long queue to get onto the ferry...
After some time, we got onto the ferry and I took my last few shots of photos for this trip...
There wasn't anymore after that, its a stop for this trip...
We enjoyed the breeze of the sea on the ferry on that cold day...
Sitted on Uncle Das's car again, we moved out of the ferry first before my father...
My father had specifically said to turn right after the traffic light but Uncle Das made a mistake and went in front...
He stopped and waited for my dad...
Because it was the wrong way, my dad did not appear so I called my father...
We made a U-turn and moved towards the road that we were suppose to take...
After the toll, we saw my dad and we moved on back home...
Throughout the trip home, I was playing with my PSP...
It was very cold in the car due to the rain...
Audrey was listening to her musics and felt asleep half way...
After a long drive, we reached the ever so busy Tapah rest stop...
We bought the guavas there as usual...
We went to the restroom and after that had our dinner there....
The food was good...
After dinner, we were back on the move...
From there on I was suppose to get on my own car already but instead my father told me to follow Uncle Das and get back on once we reach the Seremban toll...
And so I did...
We left the rest stop at 9pm...
Again I was playing my PSP and the sleepy Audrey was sleeping throughout the journey...
At 10pm, I decided to sleep as there was school the next day...
I knew that it would take two hour or so to reach back to Seremban from the Tapah rest stop that is why I knew I could sleep for an hour at least...
When we were approaching the Seremban toll, I woke up and was still sleepy...
My dad was there for some time already..
When we got there, I went out of the car and greeted Uncle Das and family goodnight and goodbye...
And finally we reached home after a long a tiring journey to Penang...

This must be the longest post I have ever written.... Haha!!!
Well, in short, I had an awesome time with my family and Uncle Das family...
I hope I can enjoy myself like this more often in future...
Well there is another trip with family friends to Port Dickson coming around so I'm looking forward to it...
Till next time readers...
Take care ^^

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Trip to Taylor's Lakeside Campus

Hi readers,
How have you all been??
Well this is my first post since my 100th post...
Its about the trip I went on just this morning...
It was a trip to Taylor's Lakeside College (Its a college/ university by the way)...

The day started off with me waking up at 6.15am ....
I was tired because I slept late the last night but I was aware that I am going on a trip today...
I got ready and packed whatever I wanted to bring along for the trip...
I brought my handphone, my camera (of course XP ) , my PSP, a bottle of water, and of course stationery to write down any important point on the talk later on...
By 7am, I was prepared and set to go to school...
My mum was going to the market with our neighbour so I followed my neighbour to school...
I was there earlier than we were suppose to...
But there already were some of them in school waiting for the teachers and the bus...
We waited until around 8am for everyone to arrive and we got on the bus...
And we were off...
Till we reached Era Square, we stopped and waited for one more student...
We were way off schedule and we had to wait for him...
My friends and I were sitting behind watching some videos or listening to music...
Then the boy came and the clock showed 8.30pm ...
It was going to be a one hour and thirty minutes drive to Taylor's Lakeside Campus ...
And we were off again....
Throughout the trip we were listening to music and watching videos...
I did walk up and down the bus to talk to the others who sat in front....
I even took some photos while we were on the bus...
We got there at around 9.30am...
We were late...
We were suppose to be there by 9am....
One of the Taylor's lecturer, Alice came out to greet us and show us the way....
As all 40 student walked down the path, suddenly....
Everyone took an early turn into the TOILET!!! (Hahahaha!!!!)
Everyone wanted to go the toilet after such a long drive....
After that, we all were lead to lecture room no.2
And as usual, I took photos of the surrounding on the way there...
The lecture room was just amazing...
I never thought that college could be so nice...
While I was taking some photos of the others in the lecture room, they asked us to pass the goodie bags to everyone....
Later, I went in front to sit with Sachin...
Everyone was sitted in the middle row from front all the way to the back whereas me and Sachin sat on the row on the right....
We saw Ashvin again....
He was the same person who did the teambuilding lecture at the beginning of the year...
Since we were all familiar with him, everything was just much more fun...
He promised that the talk would not be boring and it really wasn't...
The theme of today's lecture is:

"We become....
What we think about"

He did many things with us since we were at his college, he could do more things with us...
He started off with asking questions and giving out some goodies...
Then he began his lecture...
He asked who was the most confident person in the room...
Nobody admitted so he asked us to suggest who we think is confident...
And Harish raised his hand suggesting that he is the most confident person in the room...
He was then asked to point out the person who is the most shy....
Lim was pointed out....
So they were called out to stand in front....
And he asked us why we think Harish is confident and after that why we think Lim is shy...
It was funny what happened in between...
He also asked us what are our top three priorities....
He asked some of us and we answered...
He then gave us some quotes from people like Napoleon Hill, James Allen, Henry Ford and also by himself...
Why did he showed us this quotes???
Its because he wanted to give us some examples of how making a statement can make things become a reality...
He told some stories of how repeating the same statement to oneself over and over again can do...
He told us that when writing a statement, it has to be written in present tense as in we do not write:
"I want to be rich"
Instead we write:
"I am rich"
He also mentioned that the statement must be positive....
In the statement is should not be:
"I am not shy"
Instead it should be:
"I am confident"
Others were it has to be personal and specific...
Later, he gave us a S.M.A.R.T. Goal settings (some examples of statements)
(I am not going to state all, I'm just going to state a one as an example)
This is the one he used back then when he was shy according to his story:
"I am an ultra confident outgoing leader"
He used this and in two to three weeks he changed and now he is a happy outgoing lecturer...
He even used to be a DJ in Hitz.FM and some other radio station...
His story was very motivating in my opinion...
If his story were true (which I think is), then we have seen the result of a shy person becoming very outgoing by just reading a statement to ourselves once when we wake up and again before sleeping...
It only takes 2 minutes to read it out to ourselves everyday to make it work...
There were other statement and interesting stories but I'm not going to mention all...
And a certain point, he gave us all a paper to write down what we want to achieve in life, why is it important to us and what daily and weekly habits we will need to have to achieve them...
After that, a few were called out to share their achievement to us...
Everyone who came out talked with confident...
The lecture begins to show some results (so I think :P )
Before ending his lecture, he showed us the 10 Tips to Keep in Motion:
  1. Just Get Started
  2. Be Positive
  3. Be patient (Example : a seed doesn't grow instantly)
  4. Reward Yourself (small and simple)
  5. Set Daily Planner (If you fail to set a plan, then you plan to fail)
  6. Take a risk(Do something that we are not sure of with confidence)
  7. Is your daily schedule exciting? (Be creative and fun)
  8. Imagine it and it will come TRUE
  9. Repetition and hardwork is the key(Never give up and the results will show)
  10. Read Success Stories (as an inspiration)
And then he ended his lecture...
After that, he asked if anyone wanted to sing...
Instead some of them danced to Party Rock Anthem...
It was nice but halfway there was a funny incident and we had a great laugh....
Once that was over, Ashvin left the room and handed it over to Alice...
She gave us a lecture about studies after school....
It was suppose to be a boring talk but everyone took interest....
There is not much to say about this so I'm just gonna let it fly...

When it was almost 12pm, the lecture was over and we were given a RM5 voucher for food and RM2 for drinks...
We slowly left the lecture room and headed for the food court...
It was a long way from the lecture room to the food court, so I took some photos of the campus on the way there....
There was a huge lake in the middle of the campus (as the name states "Lakeside Campus" )....
The place was so beautiful...
As we got closer to the path that we were told to follow to reach the food court, we could see many other shops...
There were restaurants, souvenir shops, convenience store, etc.
There were just all kinds of shop on that pathway...
At the end was the food court...
There were only little people at the food court at that time...
We went around to see what is there to eat...
Some of the shops were closed so we have fewer choices...
In the end I decided to have the Grilled chicken chop from the Wild Wild West shop...
But instead they made a mistake and I got the grilled chicken rice...
But it was alright cause I saved some money...
We sat by the barrier where we could enjoy the breeze and the view of the lake...
I sat with Govinash as we both enjoy our grilled chicken rice...
After lunch, Sachin and me walked around the campus sightseeing...
And then Mr.Shan (our teacher in charge/ counselor) told us that we must all be at the bus by 1pm....
Sachin got some extra coupon so we decided to buy some French fries...
But the line at Wild Wild West was long...
Its a good thing that some of our friends were there so we did not have to queue up...
We went around searching for the others to tell them what Mr.Shan told us....
And then we came back and had our tasty French fries...
After that we took a toilet break before getting on the long drive back to Seremban...
The trip back was kind of exciting compare to when we were coming to the campus...
Everyone just seemed a little more excited and there was a more television had something more interesting on, Gulliver's Travel , a movie ....
Again, we at the back were watching videos or listening to music...
I was playing my PSP....
Another thing was everyone was moving about the bus on the way back...
Halfway through the trip home I began moving about as well and taking random photos...
Some of them were tired and sleeping after such a long exciting day....
And soon after we reached school and we all went our ways...
Some went home while some waited for their parents to come...

So at the end of the day I had fun...
The only thing I lost from the many things I brought was my camera casing...
Well at least I did not lose the camera with all the precious memories...
I am glad I went for this trip and I am quite motivated from the lecture...
I even feel a little more confident and took some photos of myself during the trip which I don't normally do....
And I have already began to use the statement...
Whenever I see myself in the mirror I just say to myself:
"I am a good-looking handsome guy"
Much appreciation to Ashvin for that fantastic lecture and to the school counseling teacher for arranging this trip...
I wish to go for more trips like this in future...
Till then readers....
Bye, good night XP

Sunday, July 10, 2011

St.Paul Secondary Concert- A Musical Mozart / My 100th post

Hello everyone...
I'm happy to say that this is my official 100th post....
After 3 years of blogging I have reached my 100th post...
And with it comes a great exciting moment of my life...
My school concert which is called 'A Musical Mozart'...

It was the 8th of July...
You can say that it was teens night...
The concert was only for students not only from my school but also from others...
The concert only begins at 8pm but I was at Terminal 2 around 6pm to wait for Lai and have our dinner...
When he arrived, we discussed on what to eat and finally we went to have our dinner at New Town...
We ordered two plates of Fried chicken chop but instead we got a grilled one...
But who cares, the chicken chop was quite nice compared to other shops I have been too before..
And I tried ice blended chocolate for the first time...
It was just amazing how chocolate sinks into your taste buds through the ice.... AMAZING!!!
After having our meal, I realised that I forgotten to bring my ticket ( LOL!!! XP )
So I decided to call my mum to bring the ticket to me...
Lai and myself, we walked over to the school gate and saw some of the others there...
Lai went in with some of them first while I was waiting outside with Kew for my dad to come and give me the ticket...
Not long after, my dad came and gave me the ticket and I went in together with Kew..
We went to the front seats where the others have already taken a few rows just for our group of friends...
Why in front?? Because we wanted to support all our friends that are performing for the night...
While waiting for the concert to start, we were all busy chatting while I took some photos...
And as soon as the lights went off, the audience went wild and everyone started to shout and scream with excitement...
The Zo'Fonk which consists of Jason Too, Harish Pal, Daryl Luke, Philip Goh and Danesh was the opening act as they made the audience go wild...
Everyone was screaming, shouting, whistling...
Oh it was amazing..
I even shout my heart out...
At the end of their performance, I did as Jason Too asked me to...
I asked my friends who were all seated at the front rows to give him a standing ovation...
We stood up and clapped and shouted like crazy....
Ahhh!!!! It was so fun...
And then we had the 1 Malaysia dance, singing Mandarin songs, a traditional Indian dance...
Then came another performance by my two buddies Syukran Azizi a.k.a Slim-Z and Julian Sebastian....
They were rapping for their performance...
And the rap was just awesome...
Whenever Julian went "Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" , everyone followed him screaming back the same way...
We even had a Michael Jackson dance...
Everyone was singing along to the song 'Beat It'
After that, we had the violin & piano performance...
I did not enjoy that performance because I knew that it was suppose to be performed by my friends , Lim and Zafri....
But instead the teachers chose them over my friends...
I know that they would have performed better....
Next was the English drama...
This time the drama was a little more interesting compared to the one from the previous concert three years ago in the year 2008 (I think) ....
People enjoyed the music and dance in between the drama...
Pn.Shan really made a drama worth watching...
It was followed up by the exciting modern Indian dance, singing Malay songs.....
Which then finally came to another of my friend's group, Ezra's group...
It was an acoustic band....
They sang the song 1985 and Rhythm of Love ....
The girls all loved it and kept screaming their hearts out....
Ezra went down the stage while singing the Rhythm of Love and moved down the lane to the back where Sonia was seated...
I did not see what she did but Ezra told me that they planned that out already...
After that performance, we had the Hip Hop dance by none other than Nicholas...
He is a great dancer from my school (an ex-student actually) with a little girlish figure...
He can pole dance so what do you think he did for this performance???
His group dance to the song by Pussycat Dolls "When I Grow Up"...
His dance was just amazing and yet again the crowd went wild with the screaming and shouting...
For the next performance, it singing Tamil songs...
Me and my friends did not wanted to watch that performance so we headed out to the toilet for a while and got a little fresh air while we were at it....
Finally came the last and I would say one of the best performance...
It was the MASKED dance by my friend Brendan along with 5 other guys....
The dance was first seen by our school on Teacher's Day...
At that time, he did it with only himself and Russell...
The performance was a mixture of a few songs and it was just amazing....
When Party Rock Anthem was played, the guys on stage clapped their hands asking us to join them...
I saw no one joining in so I decided to stand and clapped along with them to the beat of the song....
And I got everyone else sitting at the back to stand and clap along...
It was an amazing view to see people standing up one by one and joining in the fun....
Ahhh!!! Yes, the performance got the wildest reaction from the crowd...
Everyone loved it...
At the end everyone stood up and gave them a standing ovation with screaming and shouting...
My friends and I even started to shout out Brendan's name...
We went " Brendan, Brendan, Brendan"
And finally all the performance came to an end...
Then the host came out to announce the best performance of the day...
And guess what???
They chose the worse among them...
The 1 Malaysia dance and the modern Indian dance (The modern Indian dance was ok but still)..
They could have chosen the final performance which got everyone standing and cheering...
Not a boring performance where everyone did not really enjoy...
My group even went on and did our signature move which is "Boo sama dia!!!"
Tiness which was a friend of ours who shifted school was there and he went "Boo sama dia!!"
And we all followed saying "Boo!!!"
And when everyone was noisy I shouted "Who's the judge??" out loud...
At that very moment everyone was quiet and they all heard me...
The ones sitting in front turned back to look ...
My friends and I were all laughing like crazy....
Well, I did not get caught for that so it was all great and fun...
Then they said there is a surprise performance...
Guess what?? It was the 1 Malaysia dance with teachers dancing along this time...
No surprise for me...
We all went out because we did not wanted to watch that performance...
I caught up with all my other friends who came after the concert...

Well, the concert was awesome and it really is perfect seeing that everyone is stressed up from studies...
For me, it was an awesome time to spend together with friends...
And I also realise that cheering for others is as exciting as being cheered...
At the end of the day, I took a group photo outside of school and then I headed for supper with my family...

Lai's 17th Birthday Celebration

The 4th of July...
This is not only the national day for the US of A...
It is also the birthday of a good friend of mine, Lai Choon Kiat...
All his life, he hardly celebrates his birthday...
Unlike myself, my family celebrate each and every birthday...
Anyways, when we planned for this celebration, I could see this smile on Lai's face which I have never seen before...
It was a smile from within..
He was rather overjoyed that there are people who actually want to celebrate the anniversary of his birth...

Anyways, after all the planning and change of plans...
We finally ended up in Pizza Italia...
I was the first one there just around 10 minutes to 7pm...
We planned to gather there at 7pm but I waited for some time and there was no one to be seen..
After a while, I saw a black car stopping in a weird position..
I was sure that the driver is looking for a place...
After a while, I moved and stand on the road to check it out and the car came towards my direction...
To my amaze it was one of my friend, Soong...
He was driving already... (Wow >.< )
At the same time, Bryan arrived...
Not long after, Chew Joon Nick came...
It was the four of us now...
The place was booked for 17 people... (Thats a lot)
After chit chatting for a while, we decided to get a cake for Lai...
So Bryan, Soong and myself, we went to Jusco to get a cake...
Soong drove us there and it was a heck of a scary ride.... (Haha =D )
We got a chocolate cake from Secret Recipe for RM75....
And on it was written ' Happy Birthday LOL :) ' (Specially written words... Haha XD )
With the cake we returned to Pizza Italia, and the rest of them have already arrived...
Alex, Harinder, Vijaya, Lim and of course the birthday boy, Lai...
We gave to be refrigerated while we enjoy our meal....
Three pizzas were ordered along with our personal add-ons...
I ordered a plate of Pollo Lasagna and I gave a portion of it to Soong, Lim, Vijaya and Harinder to let them try it out...
And guess what, they all loved it...
Alex and me had our bottle of beer...
He had his Ludwig while I had a bottle of Hoegarden....
We ate, we chat, we laughed...
It was all fun...
After having our dinner, we asked for the cake...
As the workers there were very nice and provide great customer service, they served the cake for us instead (Wow!!! )
They even gave us plates and forks...
What more the cake is our own and they actually served it for us... (Awesome service)
We sang a birthday song for Lai and the look on his face is no different to that of a happy little boy celebrating his birthday...
Speaking of little boy, while we were enjoying our cake, one of the worker asked us to join in to sing a birthday song for a small little boy...
We sang our hearts out for that boy and it really made all the different for him...
He was excited..
Like I say, the face of that boy looked exactly like how Lai was...
Its because when people celebrate something for you, they are honoring you in a way and it makes u happy deep within...
We laughed off like mad the till around 9pm + and finally we all went to Jusco as planned to catch a movie...
Some followed Chew's mum while the rest followed Soong...
And again I went for a heck of a ride...

We reached there a little later then those who followed Chew's mum...
Jusco was packed so we had to go up the rooftop to find a place to park....
We went down to meet up with the others...
We wanted to watch transformer 3 the dark of the moon...
But they were sold out..
So we decided to watch Monte Carlo...
But there was only 4 tickets left and there were 9 of us...
All the movies were fully booked except 'Rasuk' which we do not want to watch...
So we went out of the cinema and discussed what to do...
We were deciding between Karaoke or Bowling...
In the end we chose bowling because karaoke that night was RM42++ per person...
It was to expensive and we were all like half broke already...
So some of us bowled while the others played pool...
We bowled and had fun...
There was even a problem where the bowling ball got stuck in the drain because the machine closed the path half way....
And we did something stupid by continuously bowling other ball to clear the drain...
It was stupid because everytime one of it goes in, the other gets stuck..
And finally Alex walked down the lane and pushed the ball in...
We all bowled for two games and then we headed home...
I followed Soong back along with Alex and Lim...
It was yet again a heck of a ride home...

So in the end of the day I had fun and I went home with a sore thumb...
Another great day spent with friends and hopefully stuff like this becomes a little more frequent for me in the future...
Thank God for friends that gives me so much of fun...
And to Lai, Happy Birthday again...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Road to getting my driving license (3rd Lesson)

My third lesson was just a day after the second...
It is my first time driving on the roads...
Actual roads with other drivers moving around...
I was taught how to change the gear as well as when to speed up and when to slow down..
I was instructed to move around the QTI area(the road for the trial exam) first...
And then later I was instructed to move to lane 1...
And then after that to lane 3...
I practiced moving around lane 3 a couple of times because it is most likely that I will do that for my driving exam...
Throughout the lesson, my instructed smoked so much I got so annoyed...
I just don't like the smell that comes from a cigarette smoke...
It annoys me...
But either way, he is the person who made me good at driving...
His formula and shouting really drills it all into ur head...
And once I got the hang of driving around, it got really fun...
Plus it was a cold rainy day, so it was comfortable to drive around...
Now that I have driven around, I feel confident that I can drive to most places already hehe... XP

Road to getting my driving license (2nd Lesson)

My 2nd lesson was on the 27th of June, 2011..
It was almost similar to the first one except that I was thought an extra which was the three point turning...
It is very easy compared to the others...
And then my instructor gave me a full 2 hours to run through the whole course over and over again...
It was fun...
Well its because I love games that is why...
I made it like a game challenge to me...
To complete it all without making a mistake...
And it really helped me...
See, gaming isn't all that bad >.<

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Monday, July 4, 2011

Difficulty to blog

Due to the problems I had with my Internet last week,
I was unable to post some exciting events that took place...
But don't worry, I 'll still post it maybe a little bit later...
But now that I've found out the problem and fixed it,
I can start posting when I find some free time and get the mood too...
And to my readers, you can also catch up with some interesting quotes or some short post at my other blog in tumblr which is:

Thank you all for your continous support...
Till then readers...
Take care ^^