Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lim's 17th Birthday

It is the 15th of January....
Its just one day before Lim's actual birthday...
He has invited some of us, his friends over to his house to celebrate his birthday....
I left my home together with Alex as soon as he came by....
We got there at around 5 o'clock ....
The house was kinda big....
It was a big single-story house....
We entered with the ingredients to make cocktails....
As soon as we enter, we headed for the kitchen to put the stuff into the fridge....
Philip had arrived there earlier than us...
As usual, I like to tour around the house of people when I go there for the first time...
We entered Lim's room (when he said not to) and put our bags in there....
After successfully putting the things into the fridge when there was no space in it, we decided to try out some cocktails.....
Alex made a 'Flaming Cow' for us to try....
While that was being done, Philip and me were having shots of whiskey, vodka, and whatever was there...
Only two shots of the Flaming Cow was made....
It was the first time I took anything stronger than red wine....
The same goes to Philip and Lim....
Alex is used to it so what can I say... He is the DON!!!
And so we tried the Flaming Cow....
Alex showed me an example of how to take it first and he showed an extremely crazy reaction....
It was freaking hot that he jumped around...
Then it was my turn to try....
I blew the flames off the top of the layer of whiskey...
The moment I tried to take it, I burn my lips as it was seriously hot...
It was like drinking water as soon as it boil...
But without much hesitation I took the whole thing in a shot and boy was it nice...
The experience was awesome...
You can feel the burn down your throat all the way to the stomach and then the milk cools it off....
Next, Alex decided to make this cocktail that uses orange...
I've forgotten what it was called....
This is a picture of it....

After making it, he gave a glass to Lim and one for himself...
Philip and me shared one by splitting it into our shot glasses....
Well, I think we took too much of alcohol and chocolate so early on the day....
Philip, Alex and me somehow had a sugar rush I think.... Haha XD
While Lim was slowly enjoying his 'orange cocktail' , we entered his room to choose some songs from his laptop for the party....
At around 6.30, Lim decided to take a shower to prepare for the party....
There was this drawer of his in the cupboard that he does not want us to open so he locked it....
I was somehow curious what was in it, but I could not open it...
All of a sudden the clothes in his cupboard caught my attention....
I browse through his cupboard and found two nice clothings...
One was his piano clothes and the other was a traditional chinese clothes for man...
I showed it to Philip and Alex and they decided to put it on for the party >.<

When Lim came back he was in a shock to see them wearing his clothes....

Then we decided to use some hair gel to spike up our hair....
We entered Lim's father room and used the gel there....
Not long after the guest started to arrive.....
We said the theme of clothing was to wear Lim's clothes....
And all the guys came one by one to try out his clothes.... LOL!!!
His shirt all got dirty thanks to us XD....
By 8 o'clock, everyone had arrived and we went out to barbeque our dinner....
Lim's dad had already prepared the barbeque pit while we were all having a chat inside....
There was chicken, hotdog, corn, otak-otak, crab....
But there was one problem...
The pit they have does not use the wire type....
It was using the iron bars so it was kinda big for us to barbeque it properly...
So we decided to use a frying pan... haha....
First time ever have you heard people barbeque with a frying pan....

Everyone was outside chit chatting and eating....
I was doing the barbeque and I sweat like hell because of the heat....
Soon after, we went in....
It showed 9.30 on the clock and it was time to blow Lim's birthday cake....
We had fun even just to sing a birthday song....
We even sang it in Malay because we do not know how to sing it in chinese of tamil....
Haha.... Then we asked Lim to do a certain birthday tradition which he does not know about....
Feeding the cherry to the people who are dear to him....
He gave one to his dad, his brother, Leng May (his girlfriend XD) and Alex....
After that, we ate some cake and we continue with our chit chat all around the house...
Some in his room, some at the living room.....
Loi was already high that time....
He was acting strange because earlier he had drank too much.....
It was kinda scary to see someone like that.... I'm not gonna say much about it but seriously it was not fun to see someone like that.... He even cried later on....
Leng May and Wendy was in the room at one time....
They were watching a video and some of us came in to watch....
It seemed like a horror at first but it was a freaking hilarious video.... You have got to watch it....
It's called the Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon by Richard Gale...
This is the link
Somewhere around 11+ ,  some of us were gathered at the dining table to have a private talk....
It was Alex, Jason Too, Philip, Daryl, Harish and me....
When it was almost around 12, we opened the red wine that Lim's dad gave us to chill earlier...
It was strong and nice wine...\
Alex mixed it using his bartending knowledge and it was delicious...
I do not want to mention the things he mix it with to keep his secret XD....
While drinking my dad came and I had no choice but to down my red wine... (Haiz... cannot enjoy it >.<)
Well we had lots of fun....
I did not take much photos though but there were a few....
One of which were Harish and Philip camwhoring....

I really enjoyed myself that day....
Lim is gonna invite us over again for Chinese New Year and I'm really looking forward to it...

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