Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year

Happy New Year my dear readers...
It is truly amazing that it has already been a whole year...
Well 2010 was indeed a great and memorable year...
I had my bad times and I had my good times...
All my friends, family, the people around me....They made it a year I would actually to say never forget..
Its truly amazing how you will look back on everything that has happened the whole year through when it comes to at end but not while its happening...
When I reflect back, I realised I have done many things and many things have happened to me...
Like confessing what you feel to others....
Telling friends big secrets...
Screwing things up..
Getting punished...
Getting closer with friends...
Finding a second "family"....
Falling in love and getting heartbreaks...
Falling into sadness and rising again to soar the skies....
I've seen joy, I've seen sadness...
I've seen love, I've seen hatred...
I've seen light, I've seen darkness...
I've seen people hugging, I've seen people fighting....
But in the end it will all be just memories...
Memories that we will cherish and not let go of....
All of it whether it be bad or good is well remembered in our hearts....
For all I know, there is a feeling for the past in everyone's heart that can never fade...
We remember the good times to put that smile on our face when we are feeling troubled...
And we remember the bad times to bring out that laughter of how stupid it actually was...
We only realise things when it has become the past...
So why don't we just stop.... Yes, stop just for that very brief moment in time and sit.... Just relax and reflect on all we have done in the year 2010 and make our NEW YEAR RESOLUTION!!!!
To be someone better...
To change all that is bad to good...
All that is dark to light...
All that is sad to joy....
All that is hate to love...
And all that is bitter to sweet old memories that we will once again remember in our days of old....
I will keep the year 2010 in my heart forever and use it to start off this year 2011 to the best I can...
I will overcome my weakness and shine as bright as the sun....
Let us all do so to make this world a brighter and better place to live in....
Again, Happy New Year everyone and may the blessings of the heaven be showered upon us all as we begin this year..... 2-0-1-1 .....

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