Sunday, January 2, 2011

First Day of school

Hello readers.....
Ahhh... Its already been 6 weeks since school ended....
Wow!!! Thats fast don't you think??
Anyways what can I say, its sometimes just so fun to go to school....
Irritating teachers...
Learn new stuffs...
Meeting friends...
Playing around...
Joking around....
Funny teachers...
Ahh.... Nothing could be better than all these...
But then again we have the...
Irritating teachers...
The strict teachers...
The torture of homework...
The punishments....
The RULEZ!!!
Well, thats school life.... But seriously, nothing beats school life...
Its already my senior year.... Wow!!!
I'm form 5 now and man how could it get any worse than going to school....
We have our SPM coming up...
Then its gonna be our last year of school... Imagine not being to see your friends so often....
The torture of always hearing... "You must get straight A's ah" and stuff like that....
Well all this beats going to work and paying taxes and all...
I seriously feel its all worth it...
School life is the best to be precise...
You won't get to see your friends or relax, joke around, make noise and stuff like that once you start working...
I think I went totally off topic...
Well as usual the first day comes with the busy road of students going to school...
Meeting our friends after such a long break....
Its all good here on my side because I really enjoy seeing my friends in school....
Then we had our loooooonnnnnngggggg first day of school speech by the principal as usual....
The results of the PMR for the year 2010 was announced and it was better than my badge by 5% (Man thats crazy)
Then of course we had to get down with all the class management stuffs with the class teacher after that as usual....
Electing the monitor , the assistant, the secretary and all....
Being notified about the PIBG and school payments and stuff....
But then again, something different happened for my class today...
We got the scolding for spending the class fund at Jusco... Haha XD
The teacher said it was corruption at a lower level.... Well it is our fault for not informing her about it...
Then we got our timetable....
Got a new chemistry teacher for this year... She is a nice teacher... Serious, weird way of talking and the 'senang kena bully type of teacher' but friendly in a way....
Then we had to write a "Vision for the Year 2011" for the Physics teacher....
And as usual the Physics teacher always talk in his weird way of "Stop vibrating your voice box" Instead of "Class keep quiet" ....
Basically thats what happened today.... Its the same old same old....
But its fun to go to school after such a long break... But of course I was hoping it would had lasted longer... Haha XD....
Anyways I hope that you all enjoy going to school, especially my senior friends who are currently in form 5 too....
Let's all make the best out of our school life so we can always remember the great times we had in our school life during our days of old....
Take care... Till next time.... (Can't wait to finish my post on my Cameron trip during the weekend XD )

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