Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Precious memories and belongings / Have faith in God

Have you ever gone through something so memorable that you never want to forget about it....
Having precious stuffs like what you kept from that precious time, photos and all....
Or like in a wedding, a wedding ring....
Or something to remind you of your first kiss....
Well I know I do....
It was that yellow file, not just any ordinary file but the file which I got during my study day and confirmation camp....
But what made that file so precious???
Well, it was what I left inside of it... Not the file....
Inside my file was all the stuffs I kept from my confirmation camp....
But the most precious ones were the affirmation notes left by my dear friends and that small yellow book which was signed by them as well....
But why am I talking about this all of a sudden???
Well, it is because something happened to me yesterday and it wasn't something to be happy about....

Like any ordinary school day, I would be packing my bag around the night after relaxing after school and doing what needs to be done, like around 9pm....
So I did....
I wanted to play around with my sword model of Cloud from the movie Final Fantasy Advent Children which I got for Christmas that night...
While I was packing my bag, I took out my school file to clear it of papers and things I don't need inside of it..
And so I took out all the certificates I got from school in there...
I needed to use it for my Moral folio (which I'm still working on) so I decided to keep it on the cabinet along with my school books...
But I didn't want it to get bent so I looked for a file to keep it in....
Then I saw a pink file.... What was that you ask???
Well it is my file from the media camp....
I don't know why but the moment I saw that file the first thing that came into my mind was....
"Where is my confirmation camp file?? "
So I went around my house to search for it....
I recalled leaving it on my computer desk but after my dad spring cleaned the house for Christmas, everything has moved around....
I had already realised that I lost my song list but now I just realised that I am unable to find my confirmation camp file....
That file had lots of memories and was precious to me as I have explained....
So I went all around the house, high and low....
I asked my brothers and my mother where it was... But still I could not find it....
Then my mum asked me "What is that so precious you looking for?? "
It snapped to me.... If it was so precious, why didn't I take good care of it??  I could have kept it somewhere I can find easily....
I was devastated...
I took sat on a chair with half a bottle of Sprite all alone in despair....
I thought I had lost it....
I feared that it was thrown along with the other stuffs my mother thrown away while my dad spring cleaned the house....
I laid down on the floor of my computer room...
My brother saw me and ask "Are you crying? " .... I said "No" ...
My dad saw me and said "If you tired go to sleep, you look so tired" ....
I wasn't tired but still I went up to go to sleep....
After washing up and everything, I turned off the lights and laid down on my bed thinking....
At first I was angry that my dad spring cleaned the house and made me lost quite a number of stuff....
But then I realised that it really was my fault....
As I was lying on my bed, I said a prayer....
I thanked God with a sincere heart for everything and I prayed....
While I was praying tears shed down my eyes just thinking how blest I really am with everything and of thought of losing my file which I realised was very very precious to me...
I said my prayer something like this....
"   I thank you God for another day of my life...
                                   for my caring father...
                                   for my loving mother....
                                   for my brothers...
                                   for my friends whom I love so much...
                                   for all that you have given me....
   I am glad that you give me everything....
   You always search for me and I love you God....
    But please I ask you, to help me find my file...
   Please don't let it be lost.... It's very precious to me....          "
( The actual prayer I said was a bit longer than this but I can't remember it so well because I was crying very sadly that time)

I had full of faith that God will hear me...
Its almost like I shouted out to God with my heart...
And all of a sudden my stairs light when on as soon as I was about to finish my prayer...
My brother came up and he said to me... " I found your file already.It was on the black cupboard. I suddenly remember it. Maybe your song list is in there also. "
When I heard that I was so happy, but I was closing my eyes to hide the fact from my brother that I was crying...
And I said "Just put it on my desk "
He did so and went down...
I was so happy...
I woke up, went to wash my face and opened that file to look at all the things inside...

And I realised....
God was listening to my prayer....
I think he heard me calling out to him...
But in his mysterious way, he did not let me find it, but instead he helped my brother to remember where the file was kept....
So I believe that if you pray, truly with a very sincere heart, God will answer your prayer...
Besides that, I learnt on that night that you should take very good care of things which are very precious to you...
Yes, friendship is not measured by material stuff, but I am a person who likes to keep memories of all the good times.....
So I keep very dearly what I have shared and experience with my beloved friends....
So all my dear readers out there...
If so you have anything very precious to you, I ask of you to take very good care of it....
And remember, something precious can also mean friendship and love....
Till next time readers.....
Don't forget.... >.<


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