Saturday, February 12, 2011

A whole week of Chinese New Year fun

Happy Chinese New Year readers..
I'm sorry for not blogging so much lately...
Have been busy..
Well its already a week away from the Chinese New Year holiday week but I'm gonna blog about what I did anyways...
We had one whole week of holidays for Chinese New Year..
I was invited to my friends house for almost every single day...
So this is what I did (It's long as usual)

The first house on Monday (Alex's house)
         It was a Monday morning, I woke up early and had my breakfast. I got prepared to go to Alex's house and left early because my mother is sending my brother to college on the way. It has been raining since three days ago and it was still raining that morning. My mum dropped my off at the bus stop near the Domino's Pizza. I took my X-box 360 along. Yi Min and Bryan Han was already waiting there for me to arrive. Alex did not want us to go to his house too early. It was around 9+ in the morning. So the three of us went to a Chinese shop to 'Yam Cha' first. We sit there for a while then decided to go over to the mamak stall to have breakfast.(They did) We sat there for some time until after 10. We were supposed to buy some pizzas from Domino before going to Alex's house. But Domino only opens at 11am so we decided to walk to Alex's house first. We arrived there after a 15 minute walk. Alex has two dogs, Casper and Phoebe(I think thats how its spelled). Casper was fierce but Phoebe was adorable >.< . Okay so we went to Alex's room and chit chat for a while. Then we decided to use the X-box I brought just to realise, I have forgotten to bring the most important thing... THE BOOT DISC!!! After all the commotion I decided to go to Terminal 1 to buy a new one.(Becuase my mum did not want to bring it for me -.- ) I went there along with Yi Min. It was a half an hour walk there from Alex's house. We could not get the boot disc because there we no more stocks. We bought some snacks, orange juice and cranberry juice as Alex requested before taking a taxi to get back to Domino. We waited for a while to receive our order. Then... We walked back to Alex's house with 7 pizzas all placed in one plastic bag!!! I had to hold it with both my hands wide apart. I looked like a fool walking on the road with it. Every car we passed by, the driver stared at me. A lorry driver that passed by even said
" Wah, that's a lot of pizzas. " When we got back we had our lunch. We played Alex's PS3 instead. Then the guests(all our friends) came one by one as time went by. After some time Jason Too came and we started gambling (Chinese tradition). While gambling I was having a glass of red wine which was very dry and kinda strong. It was 13.5% alcohol. I got a headache after that. I had fun playing Call of Duty: Black Ops with Vijay, Adrian, Jason Too and Lai. It was an awesome game we played that day. We played for so long.
Then, we played this game called Little Big Planet 2. That game was so fun. We laughed so much playing that game. And so the day went by. We had pizza again for dinner (Pizza Hut this time) and I stayed there till around 10.30 pm . Harish, Jason Too, Philip and Jerome stayed over at his place. It was a fun day.

The second house on Tuesday (Philip's house)
      I went to Philip's house at around 5pm . I was the first one there (Not what Philip expected). We were having a potluck dinner that day. I brought egg sandwiches . And yet another house with a dog. The name was Fifi. The moment I entered his house, his dog was stalking me everywhere I go.(P.S. I am afraid of dogs a little) At first I was a bit scared of it, later I was playing and talking with it... Hehe XD . Philip was tired when I got there because he and the rest slept late last night at Alex's place. Since I was there early, he asked whether I wanted to use his computer but I decided to watch television. Black Butler at 5.30pm and Oh! My School (A Korean variety programme) at 6. While I was watching tv, Lim came with a carton of Coca-Cola. I continued watching tv with him while having a chat. Then Philip gave us a packet of Double Decker to share. His dog was jumping on us and barking trying to get it from us. To avoid that we hid the pack behind of us and ate like that... Haha XD . At around 7+ , some of the others started to come. By 8 o'clock almost everyone had arrived. We were gather outside around the table to mix the 'Yee Sang' first as a Chinese tradition for good luck. We had fun doing it because we were all teenagers and it got messy... Haha XD . After that we had our dinner with all the delicious food brought by everyone set on the table. With some music on using Daryl's laptop (I think it was his laptop) with Harish's stereos, we chit chat and enjoyed our meal. After eating, I challenged some of them around me to a competition. It was one of my favourite which was who can put their hand in the ice box for the longest time. I really enjoyed doing that whenever there is an ice box around. A few people accepted my challenge and the one's that lasted the longest of course is me and Lai. During the competition, my hand was starting to freeze but I did not give up, so I took my first ever can of beer that night to warm me up. Alex said "You always ask me not to drink so much but you opened the first can of beer?" Haha.... He was right about that. We lasted for around 4 minutes and then when we decided to take our hands out at the same time, Lai tricked me and I lost. I gave him RM1 (which Loi gave to me earlier) . After all that, it was time to gamble inside the house. We gambled for around an hour. We had ice-creams with whipped cream and chocolate too. Alex did his with beer. Before the real fun really began, my dad called. He said he was around and is going to pick me up. It was merely 10.30pm and I was the first to go back. What a waste >.<

The third house on Thursday, First day of Chinese New Year (Lim's house)
        I left my home at 7pm. Again I brought my X-box 360 because Sachin and Vijaya asked me to. When I arrived, Sachin, Vijaya and Joeyee was already there. I placed my X-box on the floor beside the living room table. I had a chat with Vijaya and Sachin outside while waiting for the rest to arrive. When Gerard, See and Kew arrived, we went into the room to fix the X-box on the television. We play Naruto first and then Fifa 2011. While we were playin Lai came. After that I left Sachin, Vijaya and Lim's little brother to play with the Xbox while I headed to Lim's room. They were already started to gamble when I entered. I joined in as usual XD . We were gambling while the girls were using his computer. After some time I started feeling hungry (never expected there to be no food to eat. Lucky I ate a little before coming) , so I asked for a drink. After gambling for some time, Vijaya father came and he went home. We decided to stop for a while. Sachin had already went back while we were gambling. Not long after, we started gambling again. Because we were losing to the dealer (See Soon Yang), we used a different decks of card (Philip's cards) and gamble at a different place (the dining room). We said it was to change the luck (feng shui.... hehe XD) . And guess what?? It really helped and See who won RM150 earlier lost RM160. It was gonna be 12 midnight. Slowly we started heading home. I was the last to go back that night. It was another fun night chatting while gambling. I was invited to Joeyee's house the next day (It can be consider making a new friend that night) .

The fourth house on Friday, Second day of Chinese New Year (Joeyee's house)
       It is the second day of Chinese New Year so I had to go to my mother's side of the family for gathering as usual. I ate like crazy for lunch XP because they were all so tasty. I got a lot of 'ang pow' too XD . After that my dad decided to go to KL where my father's side of the family is gathered at my cousin Danny's house.
I slept the whole way. We were lost finding his house. Soon after we found it. I did not wanted to go there at first. But I had fun there meeting up with my relatives. We had steamboat. I was using my cousin's computer after that. At around 6pm we headed back home to Seremban to have our dinner at my grandpa's house. After dinner, I left for Joeyee's house at 8pm. Boy was the house big. I was shocked when she said that I could have gone in from the other gate on the side. I was like "OMG!!! Got another gate on the side??" . It was a double level house. Some of there who where there were watching tv downstairs. As usual we had a chat while watching tv. Not so long after the guests started to arrive. We began gambling . Joeyee's dad sponsored money to her for banking (RM50 OMG!!! XD). Instead of playing 21 (blackjack) today we played a game called 'Ngau' . Lai explained to me how this game worked. Joevin (Joeyee's brother) did some dealing too. After a while we went to a table in the kitchen and played against Joeyee's father. His father was pro. He won us like crazy with doubles. It was the first time in the week I started losing money a little. After everyone lose a quite a sum of money, we stopped and moved on to play blackjack at a different spot. That small group did not lasted long. Joeyee asked us to combine with the girls in a room with a table there. Sean was the dealer this time. We played very long there. Sean lost a lot of money and finally Joeyee took over and became the dealer. But thanks to Sean losing so much I got back my 'modal' that I lost earlier. Then, Joeyee's mum came by. She took over for just one turn and she was so good at it. She could tell whether we burst or not. Both of her parents were very good at gambling. Half way while gambling her mum came with a basket full of 'ang pow' and gave out. We laughed and played like crazy that night. We had lots of fun. We gambled until past midnight and did not realise the time. My dad called and said he was outside. Everyone's parents we waiting and we rushed out. There were still some of them there. I made quite a number of friends that night.

So that is what I did throughout the week.
I had lots of fun and made some new friends.
Me and my friends don't usually gamble but only do it for Chinese New Year.
'Its once a year' we keep saying.
Win or lose we had lots of fun and laughs.
I started to enjoy beer a little but I'm not addicted to it .... Haha XD
Chinese New Year is fun.
I got a hell lot of 'ang pow' .
With the 'ang pow' money and the money I won while gambling I made RM200 that week.
I wish we can always have fun like this every year and in other occasions too.

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