Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there.
Today is the day that each and everyone of us should appreciate our mothers not only because they brought us to this world and care for us.
It is because of them that we are all here.
Whether it be me, you the readers, or even our mothers itself.
From the beginning of times, this mothers have continued our generations.
All the way from Adam and Eve to where we are now.
Sitting here as I write about the mothers of the world.
You the readers sitting in front of that computer screen reading this blog.
And all those who are around the world whether they read this or not.
I hope everyone will appreciate their mothers.
They nurtured us from the beginning, to childhood, to our teenage life and finnally we reach our adulthood.
But no matter what, we must never forget them.
Even if there are people who throw their child away, abuse their children, or anything....They still love the child.
Its because of the problems they face that they do what they do.
So no matter how much my mother can scold me, nag at me or do whatever that I don't like....She still loves me and I love her.
That is what matters.
Always love your mother, cherish them, because if you don't now....It may be too late when you regret later.
Make the best out of the time you have with your grandmother, your mother or anyone who is a mother.
Because our life is not in our hands.
Everyday we wake up and see the light, with our mother waking us up....Thats a blessing, a blessing that we cannot ask more for.
So do not forget your mother whether you are near or far, busy or not.
Because I know I will.
I love you mum, because you are my lifegiver and my blessing from God. :)

Dear readers,
I hope you reach out back to your mothers if you aren't lately.
Always remember them whether they are still with you or have parted.
But don't remember them only once a year on Mother's Day.
Instead say I love you to them every single day.
And again Happy Mother's Day to all mothers.
We all love you mothers of the world.

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