Saturday, May 1, 2010

A day of Rat Catching/ My brother and I the rat catcher

Was already a weird day or as I call it Hari Malai.
When I came back, my mum told me there was a rat in her toilet.
At around 5.30 pm, my brother and I tried to get rid of the rat from the toilet.
He was already half-dead after eating the poison.
My mother told me he was at the back of some white holder in my mums toilet.
I used a stick and pushed that holder on the floor away.
And there it was , a helpless rat who is almost dying.
For your information readers, I do not like disgusting things or anything that makes me feel disgust.
So this rat was one of it.
I thought he was like dying, but no I was wrong.
When I touched him with the stick he started running and jumping a bit and then stopped.
Not only was he running, my brother and I was too......haha >.<
Then, I took the ridsect bottle to kill cockroaches and sprayed at him.
He somehow seemed to like the smell.
Then, my brother and I left him there for about 30 minutes.
All of a sudden, my brother thought, "Why not we put the dustpan near him and scared him into it.
And so we did.
I placed the dustpan there but the sink does not allow me to put it any closer.
Then my brother and I took each one long stick and knocked on the ground on both side to scare him into it.
Then, he walk in just like as thought he heard me saying , "Go in you rat".
After that, we thought "Oo no, how are we going to take him out now that he is on the dustpan."
Then we thought of the following plan.
1)Put a plastic under and place the dustbin into it.
2)Put him in a box and throw the box away.
We tried out plan no.2 but the he refused to go into the box and climbed back onto the dustpan.
So it gave me an idea ,"Since he don't want to come out we can just carry the dustpan"
We took him out very slowly afraid that he might jump of the dustpan and run around the house.
I was carrying it and I tell u readers, my sweat was dripping from my head.
At last, we took him out and set him free over at the trees at the other side of the road.
And that was my journey with my brother to catch the rat.
I actually took some pictures, but I can't find my camera USB wire so I will upload the pictures next time ....... >.<

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