Wednesday, May 12, 2010

School Drama Team

I have officially joined the school drama team.
It is so because Daryl had quit the team and a replacement was needed.
I took part as props(properties) only not an actor.
But I had took me a hard time to convience my mum to join the team.
After spending like RM1 to make the phone call, I went along with Sachin and Zafri to eat.
After eating I was like, time to see the teacher.
Instead, the teacher disappoint me by not showing up on that day.
The following day,
Which is today,
I receive news that we had to stay back for drama training and I had to call my mum and tell her to pick me up again.
She does not like it that I joined the team, but I really want to be in it for some reason, instead of always being at home.
The training was done smoothly(well not really because a few of them was sick).
After training I was told to take the mask for the drama back.
My mother had waited for like 15 minutes and waited for me.
Oooo....she was not happy.
Even until now, when I am typing this post, she is not talking to me.
Sometimes I wonder is it worth it getting agnry because she missed a tv programme, or is it worth it that I joined the school drama team and trouble my mother.
Well, I came up with a solution.
My friend Azriel lives at Rasah Kemayan(RK) and will pass by my residence on the way.
So I asked if he could give me a lift back home whenever we have training and he agreed so my problem is solved.
Sadly, due to the teachers gotong-royong this week there will be no ninjutsu class on Saturday.
But what the heck, I get to rest this Saturday hehe....

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