Tuesday, May 4, 2010

7 Heavenly Virtue

Seeing that I wrote abit on the 7 Deadly Sins with some reference,
I thought I might as well write on the 7 Heavenly Virtue as well.

In Catholic catechism, the seven virtues refers to one of two lists of virtues, most commonly referring to the 4 Cardinal virtues of Prudence, Justice, Restraint or Temperance, and Courage or Fortitude, and the 3 Theological virtues of Faith, Hope, and Love or Charity; these were adopted by the Church Fathers.

An alternative list is the Seven heavenly virtues, opposed to the Seven deadly sins, and consisting of Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, and Humility.

The seven virtues were first penned by the Greek philosophers, Aristotle and Plato. However, when they first came into being, there were not seven of them as we know them now, but four. These four initial virtues Temperance, Wisdom, Justice, and Courage were seen as the main attributes for a person to have.

The virtues in Latin and what it signifies are as follows:

Chastity : Castitas - Purity, Knowledge, Honesty, Wisdom
Temperance : Temperantia - Self-Control, Justice, Honour, Abstention
Charity : Caritas - Will, Benevolence, Generosity, Sacrifice
Diligence : Industria - Persistence, Effort, Ethics, Rectitude
Patience : Patientia - Peace, Mercy, Ahimsa, Sufferance
Kindness : Humanitas - Satisfaction, Loyalty, Compassion, Integrity
Humility Humilitas - Bravery, Modesty, Reverence, Altruism

Restraint is the keystone of the seven holy virtues. The other holy virtues are created through selfless pursuits:

Valour: Pursuit of Courage and Knowledge
Generosity: Pursuit of Giving
Liberality: Pursuit of Will
Diligence: Pursuit of Ethics
Patience: Pursuit of Peace
Kindness: Pursuit of Charity
Humility: Pursuit of Modesty

This 7 Heavenly Virtue are importan in living a wonderful life.
We as humans are not pure and holy like God.
But regardless of how much we sin we can still try to be as good as we can.
It is because God created us in his own image that we are able to try and be more like him.
Let us put into action some of this virtues and see how much it can change our lives.

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