Friday, April 30, 2010

The 30th of April 2010 is the official day, Hari Malai

A spot check was done by the prefectorial board.
Just after assembly, both the first and second class of the form 4's were asked to stand in one straight line.
Before queing up, I quickly removed my new and valuable LIQUID PAPER from my bag to prevent it from being confiscicated( If this spelling is wrong someone pls do correct me).
I put it in my pants and unfortunately it fell down from my pants.
On the bad point of view the prefects would have taken it, but on the bright side none of them saw it.
So I quickly grabbed it and OMG!!! came into my head, I saw my prefect friend Sachin.
I had to ask him a favor that is against his law of conduct as a prefect.
I asked him to hide my liquid paper in his pocket and he agreed to help.
While I was in the line, another of my prefect friend was checking on us to see if we had anything hidden within us or our wallet.
When it was my turn , he opened my wallet, and there was my Yu-Gi-Oh card the Pyramid of Light, my so called good luck charm.
He took it out and I say its my good luck charm laaa.
And he was actually trying to put it back in, but unfortunately his superior senior prefect was nearby and he quickly took it out and said 'Sorry Jason'.
Then I was like 'Nevermind la, Mr Malai won't do anything'.
Later, I was pulled out to stand somewhere and Gerard was there as well.
He then asked me, 'Why always I get caught you also get caught ?'
Then I told him, 'We're brother mah, so everything also same la.'
Later I saw the whole long que of students from both classes.
So we qued up in front of the discipline teacher, Mr Malai's, room which is so called ,The Cabin.
Most of my friends committed the offence of bringing liquid paper to school.
But I managed to safe mine hehe. >.<
Loi on the other hand was caught for 4 offence.
1. Bringing a weapon (which was a knife carved by wood)
2. Bringing a earphone
3. Bringing perfume
and I'm not sure about the 4th one.
As I told the prefects , Mr Malai would let me go and so he did.
Those with the offence of having a liquid paper were given a warning letter to be signed.
When I saw that I thought, lucky I manage to escaped, but I felt bad for my other friends.
And so was this day called Hari Malai.
The day where a spot check was done, we were sent to the Cabin( or as me and my friends call it Malai Police) and was punished for our actions.
Hopefully this is not read by any of the school teachers or I will die hahaha..... XD

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