Thursday, May 13, 2010

The 13th of May 1969

13th May 1969,
This is a very important date in the Malaysian history.
This is the day that the different races were in riot after the election.

The May 13 Incident is a term for the Sino-Malay sectarian violences in Kuala Lumpur (then part of the state of Selangor), Malaysia, which began on May 13, 1969. The riots led to a declaration of a state of national emergency and suspension of Parliament by the Malaysian government, while the National Operations Council (NOC or Majlis Gerakan Negara, MAGERAN) was established to temporarily govern the country between 1969 and 1971.

Officially, 196 people were killed between May 13 and July 31 as a result of the riots, although journalists and other observers have stated much higher figures. Other reports at the time suggest over 2,000 were killed by rioters, police and Malaysian Army rangers, mainly in Kuala Lumpur. Many of the dead were quickly buried in unmarked graves in the Kuala Lumpur General Hospital grounds by soldiers of Malaysian Engineers.

The government cited the riots as the main cause of its more aggressive affirmative action policies, such as the New Economic Policy (NEP), after 1969.

The riot ignited the capital Kuala Lumpur and the surrounding area of Selangor — according to Time, spreading throughout the city in 45 minutes. Many people in Kuala Lumpur were caught in the racial violence—dozens were injured and some killed, houses and cars were burnt and wrecked, but except for minor disturbances in Malacca, Perak, Penang and Singapore, where the populations of Chinese people were similarly larger, the rest of the country remained calm. Although violence did not occur in the rural areas, Time found that ethnic conflict had manifested itself in subtler forms, with Chinese businessmen refusing to make loans available for Malay farmers, or to transport agricultural produce from Malay farmers and fishermen.

Incidents of violence continued to occur in the weeks after May 13, with the targets now being not only Malay or Chinese but also Indian. It is argued that this showed that "the struggle has become more clearly than ever the Malay extremists' fight for total hegemony."

According to police figures, 196 people died and 149 were wounded. 753 cases of arson were logged and 211 vehicles were destroyed or severely damaged. An estimated 6,000 Kuala Lumpur residents — 90% of them Chinese[verification needed] — were made homeless. Various other casualty figures have been given, with one thesis from a UC Berkeley academic, as well as Time, putting the total dead at ten times the government figure.

Today, I heard a tale of the 13th May incident straight from the mouth of a victim of the riot.
He lives with his family by th border of Kuala Lumpur.
The population there were mostly Chinese gangsters.
They were one of the small group of Indians living there.
It is only thanks to the gangsters that they were protected.
During the time of incident, a curfew was done.
During the time of incident, many people faced injury.
According to this family, many screams was heard, many gunshots was fired, gangsters moving around and slashing people.
But one of the sadest thing I heard from it was this:
A little girl was crying and wanted to see her brother.
When she opened the curtain, the police just opened fire.....and the girl died on the spot.
The mother of the family who told me this true tale, out of fear faced some kind of a shock and got into a state which I'm not sure how to explain.

Behind all this, I'm sure many,many things had happened during this incident.
But it is through this incident that we are able to live as one multiracial, multireligious and multicultural country.
But as citizens of Malaysia, we must never ever forget this important date, the 13th of May 1969, a day of violence,fear and sadness, a incident that brought us together.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

School Drama Team

I have officially joined the school drama team.
It is so because Daryl had quit the team and a replacement was needed.
I took part as props(properties) only not an actor.
But I had took me a hard time to convience my mum to join the team.
After spending like RM1 to make the phone call, I went along with Sachin and Zafri to eat.
After eating I was like, time to see the teacher.
Instead, the teacher disappoint me by not showing up on that day.
The following day,
Which is today,
I receive news that we had to stay back for drama training and I had to call my mum and tell her to pick me up again.
She does not like it that I joined the team, but I really want to be in it for some reason, instead of always being at home.
The training was done smoothly(well not really because a few of them was sick).
After training I was told to take the mask for the drama back.
My mother had waited for like 15 minutes and waited for me.
Oooo....she was not happy.
Even until now, when I am typing this post, she is not talking to me.
Sometimes I wonder is it worth it getting agnry because she missed a tv programme, or is it worth it that I joined the school drama team and trouble my mother.
Well, I came up with a solution.
My friend Azriel lives at Rasah Kemayan(RK) and will pass by my residence on the way.
So I asked if he could give me a lift back home whenever we have training and he agreed so my problem is solved.
Sadly, due to the teachers gotong-royong this week there will be no ninjutsu class on Saturday.
But what the heck, I get to rest this Saturday hehe....

A wonderful blog

This is a blog written by a priest.
It is a very interesting blog relating the Christian faith and many wonderful meaning behind what is written.
You should read it.
The link is:

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there.
Today is the day that each and everyone of us should appreciate our mothers not only because they brought us to this world and care for us.
It is because of them that we are all here.
Whether it be me, you the readers, or even our mothers itself.
From the beginning of times, this mothers have continued our generations.
All the way from Adam and Eve to where we are now.
Sitting here as I write about the mothers of the world.
You the readers sitting in front of that computer screen reading this blog.
And all those who are around the world whether they read this or not.
I hope everyone will appreciate their mothers.
They nurtured us from the beginning, to childhood, to our teenage life and finnally we reach our adulthood.
But no matter what, we must never forget them.
Even if there are people who throw their child away, abuse their children, or anything....They still love the child.
Its because of the problems they face that they do what they do.
So no matter how much my mother can scold me, nag at me or do whatever that I don't like....She still loves me and I love her.
That is what matters.
Always love your mother, cherish them, because if you don't now....It may be too late when you regret later.
Make the best out of the time you have with your grandmother, your mother or anyone who is a mother.
Because our life is not in our hands.
Everyday we wake up and see the light, with our mother waking us up....Thats a blessing, a blessing that we cannot ask more for.
So do not forget your mother whether you are near or far, busy or not.
Because I know I will.
I love you mum, because you are my lifegiver and my blessing from God. :)

Dear readers,
I hope you reach out back to your mothers if you aren't lately.
Always remember them whether they are still with you or have parted.
But don't remember them only once a year on Mother's Day.
Instead say I love you to them every single day.
And again Happy Mother's Day to all mothers.
We all love you mothers of the world.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

7 Heavenly Virtue

Seeing that I wrote abit on the 7 Deadly Sins with some reference,
I thought I might as well write on the 7 Heavenly Virtue as well.

In Catholic catechism, the seven virtues refers to one of two lists of virtues, most commonly referring to the 4 Cardinal virtues of Prudence, Justice, Restraint or Temperance, and Courage or Fortitude, and the 3 Theological virtues of Faith, Hope, and Love or Charity; these were adopted by the Church Fathers.

An alternative list is the Seven heavenly virtues, opposed to the Seven deadly sins, and consisting of Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, and Humility.

The seven virtues were first penned by the Greek philosophers, Aristotle and Plato. However, when they first came into being, there were not seven of them as we know them now, but four. These four initial virtues Temperance, Wisdom, Justice, and Courage were seen as the main attributes for a person to have.

The virtues in Latin and what it signifies are as follows:

Chastity : Castitas - Purity, Knowledge, Honesty, Wisdom
Temperance : Temperantia - Self-Control, Justice, Honour, Abstention
Charity : Caritas - Will, Benevolence, Generosity, Sacrifice
Diligence : Industria - Persistence, Effort, Ethics, Rectitude
Patience : Patientia - Peace, Mercy, Ahimsa, Sufferance
Kindness : Humanitas - Satisfaction, Loyalty, Compassion, Integrity
Humility Humilitas - Bravery, Modesty, Reverence, Altruism

Restraint is the keystone of the seven holy virtues. The other holy virtues are created through selfless pursuits:

Valour: Pursuit of Courage and Knowledge
Generosity: Pursuit of Giving
Liberality: Pursuit of Will
Diligence: Pursuit of Ethics
Patience: Pursuit of Peace
Kindness: Pursuit of Charity
Humility: Pursuit of Modesty

This 7 Heavenly Virtue are importan in living a wonderful life.
We as humans are not pure and holy like God.
But regardless of how much we sin we can still try to be as good as we can.
It is because God created us in his own image that we are able to try and be more like him.
Let us put into action some of this virtues and see how much it can change our lives.

The 7 Deadly Sins

Today I have read some interesting post in a blog.
It somehow reflected on my life abit but this post is not about that.
Today dear readers I want to reveal the seven deadly sins.

The Seven Deadly Sins, also known as the Capital Vices or Cardinal Sins, is a classification of the most objectionable vices that has been used since early Christian times to educate and instruct followers concerning (immoral) fallen humanity's tendency to sin. The final version of the list consists of wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony.

They were translated into the Latin of Roman Catholic spiritual pietas (or Catholic devotions), as follows:

Gula (gluttony)
Fornicatio (fornication, lust)
Avaritia (avarice/greed)
Tristitia (sorrow/despair)
Ira (wrath)
Acedia (acedia)
Vanagloria (vainglory)
Superbia (Pride)

In 1589, Peter Binsfeld paired each of the deadly sins with a demon, who tempted people by means of the associated sin. According to Binsfeld's classification of demons, the pairings are as follows

Lucifer: Pride (superbia)
Mammon: Greed (avaritia)
Asmodeus: Lust (luxuria)
Leviathan: Envy (invidia)
Beelzebub: Gluttony (gula or gullia)
Satan/Amon: Wrath (ira)
Belphegor: Sloth (acedia)

The 7 Deadly Sins are something that we should prevent from.
This demons of temptation as mentioned are the cause of our actions that are known as sin.
Let us know this well so we can prevent doing it.
The mistakes made due to this 7 deadly sins can cause other to suffer, whether it be ourselves, our loved ones or people around.
So let us understand well the effects of this sins and distance ourselves from it.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Open Ninja Day

Today actually was suppose to be a ninjutsu class opened to all Alex and my friends.
But unfortunately only 1 of them could make it.
But we did have a fun day with Daryl, the only 1 I meant, and the rest of the members namely Azriel,Amandeep Singh, Arthur Tan, Mun(not sure bout his full name), Low Jun Keat and Jerome Cheo Jin Han.
We started out class with one of my personal favourite old activity that I did with my seniors often, the 4 directional jump.
While I was doing that, Alex was teaching Daryl some kenjutsu(sword arts)
After lots of jumping with those present, we went on with the evasion training.
This training is done by making an enclosed area and each member comes in one at a time.
I will use my rubber bokken(a weapon covered with rubber) and chase after them at a fixed pace.
They are given 5 chance, the longer the last the better their evasive skills are.
But today was not so satisfying, they did not do so well.
But it was ok for beginners.
Therefore, I trained their side rolling which is vital to the evasion training.
Later, we did some attacking training and followed with a flow attacking training.
We even had a lesson on tiger leopard(I cannot reveal what this is) and a follow-up lock called musha-dori.
This is to escape someone who is holding on to our shirt.
I brought my camera along today so I took some pictures to be uploaded.
Unfortunaly, as I mentioned in my previous post I cannot find the USB wire.
Lets pray that I can find it otherwise I cannot upload it ...... :(
If you know me or Alex wong by any chance and are interested to join the club who is supervised by our sensei(teacher), you can try to contact us for the details.

A day of Rat Catching/ My brother and I the rat catcher

Was already a weird day or as I call it Hari Malai.
When I came back, my mum told me there was a rat in her toilet.
At around 5.30 pm, my brother and I tried to get rid of the rat from the toilet.
He was already half-dead after eating the poison.
My mother told me he was at the back of some white holder in my mums toilet.
I used a stick and pushed that holder on the floor away.
And there it was , a helpless rat who is almost dying.
For your information readers, I do not like disgusting things or anything that makes me feel disgust.
So this rat was one of it.
I thought he was like dying, but no I was wrong.
When I touched him with the stick he started running and jumping a bit and then stopped.
Not only was he running, my brother and I was too......haha >.<
Then, I took the ridsect bottle to kill cockroaches and sprayed at him.
He somehow seemed to like the smell.
Then, my brother and I left him there for about 30 minutes.
All of a sudden, my brother thought, "Why not we put the dustpan near him and scared him into it.
And so we did.
I placed the dustpan there but the sink does not allow me to put it any closer.
Then my brother and I took each one long stick and knocked on the ground on both side to scare him into it.
Then, he walk in just like as thought he heard me saying , "Go in you rat".
After that, we thought "Oo no, how are we going to take him out now that he is on the dustpan."
Then we thought of the following plan.
1)Put a plastic under and place the dustbin into it.
2)Put him in a box and throw the box away.
We tried out plan no.2 but the he refused to go into the box and climbed back onto the dustpan.
So it gave me an idea ,"Since he don't want to come out we can just carry the dustpan"
We took him out very slowly afraid that he might jump of the dustpan and run around the house.
I was carrying it and I tell u readers, my sweat was dripping from my head.
At last, we took him out and set him free over at the trees at the other side of the road.
And that was my journey with my brother to catch the rat.
I actually took some pictures, but I can't find my camera USB wire so I will upload the pictures next time ....... >.<