Thursday, April 15, 2010

Feeling a sense of 'Tiredness'

Since yesterday,
The 14th of April 2010,
I've felt this sense of tiredness,
A type of tiredness that I've never felt before.
I'm feeling tired mentally,
I feel so weak,
No,it's not the weakness of my body,
Nor is it the stress I am feeling,
I feel tired,
I feel like just going to sleep and never wake up,
Even after sleeping,
I still feel this sense of feeling tired,
I am tired,
Tired of thinking about problems in life,
Disease, Natural disaster, Financial problem,
The sense of being left out, Losing a friend, Having relationship problem(which I don't have)
I like a girl in particular, but I dare not express how I feel,
Not to her, not to others,
I wanna honour my code,
To not start a relationship till I am financially stable and have more free time.
I do not wanna have problems during my school life.
The overabundance of homework,
It makes me tired,
Always thinking of how to solve the problems,
Add maths, Modern maths, Accounts,
Remember the terms,
Biology, Chemistry, Physics,
Knowing basic principles,
Morale, English, Bahasa Melayu,
Knowing the past,
It just makes me tired,
Always thinking,
Every second,
Every minute,
Every hour,
Every time.
Thats why.........I feel tired,
To think of what must I say when I speak,
Not to hurt others feeling,
Those who ignore me or just make me presence unknown,
Losing my close friends,
Feeling left aside,
I have to bear with it out of sadness,
The joy and love,
The laughter of people,
The breeze of the air,
The guidance of God,
This are what allows me to keep going on living,
Living this life whether it be miserable, happy or filled with love.
These are what keep me going,
Not ending my own life,
But no matter how I think of this,
In what I write.........I still feel tired.

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