Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Balance made in the world

Everytime in life people will discriminate others, insult each other, look low on others.
But the truth is everything is made balance in the world.
God saw this and made fairness in all of it.
Okay here I go,
Darkness exist because there is no light,
Cold exist because there is no heat,
Hatred exist because there is no love.
If there are no poor people, then no one is rich,
If there are no stupid people, then no one is clever,
If there are no weak , then no one is strong,
If there are no thin, then no one is fat,
If there are no newbie, then no one is pro,
If there the breeze does not exist, there will be no storm,
If there is no earthquake, then there is no tremor.
Without the slow there is no fast,
Without the weak there is no strong,
Without the workers the boss is nothing,
Without the students there is no teacher,
Without God there is no nature, no human, no nothing.
All is made to be balance one must exist for the other to exist.
It is similar to how we humans need one another to exist.
Nothing can be done by yourself.
Do not live a life with the deadly sins of extravagence, lust, gluttony, greed, despair, sloth, wrath, envy, pride and vainglory.
Insted live a life filled with love, care, kindness , gentleness , fairness, trust, faith and believe.
Make life better take the right step live with the balance.

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