Saturday, April 17, 2010

A day at City Park

Today, I've decided to officially go to S2 City Park with my friends for exercising.
When I say 'officially', its because the first time I've been there it was not open to the public yet.
I actually invited about 10 people to meet up, but ended up with only 6.
Lai, Zafri, Sachin, Ezra, Alex and myself of course.
I left home at 7 o'clock sharp.
Since it has been long since I last went there, I didn't know the way so I called Sachin and asked for directions.
When I got there, I went to the basketball court and saw a big black figure which was Lai who was waiting for us.
Then, Lai and I begin playin a game of basketball taking turn to shoot the hoops.
Later around 7.30 a.m., Zafri came and not long after Sachin came.
We continue shooting some hoops but this time with TWO balls. >.<
Half way through we started playin badminton.
Because of the wind we had dificulties playin badminton.
At around 8, I made a phone call to find out why Mr.Quek a.k.a. Ezra, has not arrived and he said give me 10 minutes.
After 30 minutes,which was at 8.30 a.m., he arrived.
Just before that Zafri, Sachin and I went for a jog around the park.
We stopped at each station for like 5 minutes to use the facilities.
Since I'm fat, as usual I slow downed, ran out of stamina and ask them to jog ahead of me while I make a quick walk instead.
Later, I got a phone call from Alex saying he was not feeling well.
He said that he might come slighty later.
While at the basketball court, there was a roller skating class going on.
The childrens training was fun to watch as they were filled with energy making me feel like joining them.
Then, Sachin brought a skipping rope for us all to try out.
I could barely make even 1, but I managed to make 2 later haha XD.
Then we went around the place making funny videos and stupid acts.
We even did one copy of Romeo and Juliet, and P.Ramlee's Do Re Mi.
At 9 o'clock, Lai and myself went to have our breakfast.
We were starving...... >.<
When we arrived back at the court after having our breakfast, Lai had to make his leave and Alex had hust arrived.
Then, we sat at the area with the exercising facilities and had a chat.
Later, Alex and Sachin played badminton.
Then, Sachin made another stupid video using Alex as the actor.
After that, Alex and Ezra decided to go and try out free running.
Free running is also known as Parkour which includes vaulting over poles, sliding under them and many other skills.
Alex and Ezra did a Parkour race at the stairs with many poles.
They ran along the stairway using basic parkour.
Meanwhile, Sachin was giving Zafri and me a exercise drill that he did in his prefect camp.
It was 10 push ups, run 10 steps, 10 sit ups, 10 star jump, 10 steps of duck walking and finally standing with bended knees at 90 degrees.
Ouch, it really hurt the legs.
After all that, we were tired so we sat under a shady tree, enjoy the breeze and had a little chit chat..... AGAIN.
At around 11.15-1130 a.m, the rest of them went to the same roti canai shop I went earlier.
Since I ate earlier I did not order anything.
Soon after 1 by 1 we left to return home.
First of was Alex taking a lift with Sachin, then Zafri, me and finally Ezra.
This was truly an exciting day.
Its actually full of fun and good exercise.
We were hoping to have this at least twice a month.
So readers, if you know me well, maybe you might want to come along with me and my friends next time.
This is a start for me to lose my weight.


  1. Well crafted. Keep it updated, you know who this is.

  2. Lol, I have no idea is it Lai? or someone else I know!?
