Monday, April 12, 2010

Watch what you say when you talk

Today in the bus on the way back home,I was talking my usually daily random crap with my friend Praveen.
Out of all the nonsense that I speak I mentioned something that wasn't rite.
I said that,'You know, I actually feel very sorry for all the people that can't speak proper English. Its a language that you can use to communicate with almost anybody in the world. Except those SAD people that are not able to speak proper English.'
That was the wrong thing that I said ,'The SAD people that are not able to speak proper English.'
Then, Natasha who was sitting in front of me turned around and said,' It is not sad if people are not able to speak English.They can speak their different language.'
It when something like that, not too sure in particular.
I only realised that what she say is so true after I got home.
It is because I am among the OTHER PEOPLE who is unable to speak in the foreign language of the SAD people that I speak of........hahahhahahahahhahah >.<
So to all the people that I refer to hear I am sorry.
And to Natasha please forgive my rude way of putting things. XD

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