Friday, April 30, 2010

The 30th of April 2010 is the official day, Hari Malai

A spot check was done by the prefectorial board.
Just after assembly, both the first and second class of the form 4's were asked to stand in one straight line.
Before queing up, I quickly removed my new and valuable LIQUID PAPER from my bag to prevent it from being confiscicated( If this spelling is wrong someone pls do correct me).
I put it in my pants and unfortunately it fell down from my pants.
On the bad point of view the prefects would have taken it, but on the bright side none of them saw it.
So I quickly grabbed it and OMG!!! came into my head, I saw my prefect friend Sachin.
I had to ask him a favor that is against his law of conduct as a prefect.
I asked him to hide my liquid paper in his pocket and he agreed to help.
While I was in the line, another of my prefect friend was checking on us to see if we had anything hidden within us or our wallet.
When it was my turn , he opened my wallet, and there was my Yu-Gi-Oh card the Pyramid of Light, my so called good luck charm.
He took it out and I say its my good luck charm laaa.
And he was actually trying to put it back in, but unfortunately his superior senior prefect was nearby and he quickly took it out and said 'Sorry Jason'.
Then I was like 'Nevermind la, Mr Malai won't do anything'.
Later, I was pulled out to stand somewhere and Gerard was there as well.
He then asked me, 'Why always I get caught you also get caught ?'
Then I told him, 'We're brother mah, so everything also same la.'
Later I saw the whole long que of students from both classes.
So we qued up in front of the discipline teacher, Mr Malai's, room which is so called ,The Cabin.
Most of my friends committed the offence of bringing liquid paper to school.
But I managed to safe mine hehe. >.<
Loi on the other hand was caught for 4 offence.
1. Bringing a weapon (which was a knife carved by wood)
2. Bringing a earphone
3. Bringing perfume
and I'm not sure about the 4th one.
As I told the prefects , Mr Malai would let me go and so he did.
Those with the offence of having a liquid paper were given a warning letter to be signed.
When I saw that I thought, lucky I manage to escaped, but I felt bad for my other friends.
And so was this day called Hari Malai.
The day where a spot check was done, we were sent to the Cabin( or as me and my friends call it Malai Police) and was punished for our actions.
Hopefully this is not read by any of the school teachers or I will die hahaha..... XD

Saturday, April 17, 2010

A day at City Park

Today, I've decided to officially go to S2 City Park with my friends for exercising.
When I say 'officially', its because the first time I've been there it was not open to the public yet.
I actually invited about 10 people to meet up, but ended up with only 6.
Lai, Zafri, Sachin, Ezra, Alex and myself of course.
I left home at 7 o'clock sharp.
Since it has been long since I last went there, I didn't know the way so I called Sachin and asked for directions.
When I got there, I went to the basketball court and saw a big black figure which was Lai who was waiting for us.
Then, Lai and I begin playin a game of basketball taking turn to shoot the hoops.
Later around 7.30 a.m., Zafri came and not long after Sachin came.
We continue shooting some hoops but this time with TWO balls. >.<
Half way through we started playin badminton.
Because of the wind we had dificulties playin badminton.
At around 8, I made a phone call to find out why Mr.Quek a.k.a. Ezra, has not arrived and he said give me 10 minutes.
After 30 minutes,which was at 8.30 a.m., he arrived.
Just before that Zafri, Sachin and I went for a jog around the park.
We stopped at each station for like 5 minutes to use the facilities.
Since I'm fat, as usual I slow downed, ran out of stamina and ask them to jog ahead of me while I make a quick walk instead.
Later, I got a phone call from Alex saying he was not feeling well.
He said that he might come slighty later.
While at the basketball court, there was a roller skating class going on.
The childrens training was fun to watch as they were filled with energy making me feel like joining them.
Then, Sachin brought a skipping rope for us all to try out.
I could barely make even 1, but I managed to make 2 later haha XD.
Then we went around the place making funny videos and stupid acts.
We even did one copy of Romeo and Juliet, and P.Ramlee's Do Re Mi.
At 9 o'clock, Lai and myself went to have our breakfast.
We were starving...... >.<
When we arrived back at the court after having our breakfast, Lai had to make his leave and Alex had hust arrived.
Then, we sat at the area with the exercising facilities and had a chat.
Later, Alex and Sachin played badminton.
Then, Sachin made another stupid video using Alex as the actor.
After that, Alex and Ezra decided to go and try out free running.
Free running is also known as Parkour which includes vaulting over poles, sliding under them and many other skills.
Alex and Ezra did a Parkour race at the stairs with many poles.
They ran along the stairway using basic parkour.
Meanwhile, Sachin was giving Zafri and me a exercise drill that he did in his prefect camp.
It was 10 push ups, run 10 steps, 10 sit ups, 10 star jump, 10 steps of duck walking and finally standing with bended knees at 90 degrees.
Ouch, it really hurt the legs.
After all that, we were tired so we sat under a shady tree, enjoy the breeze and had a little chit chat..... AGAIN.
At around 11.15-1130 a.m, the rest of them went to the same roti canai shop I went earlier.
Since I ate earlier I did not order anything.
Soon after 1 by 1 we left to return home.
First of was Alex taking a lift with Sachin, then Zafri, me and finally Ezra.
This was truly an exciting day.
Its actually full of fun and good exercise.
We were hoping to have this at least twice a month.
So readers, if you know me well, maybe you might want to come along with me and my friends next time.
This is a start for me to lose my weight.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Feeling a sense of 'Tiredness'

Since yesterday,
The 14th of April 2010,
I've felt this sense of tiredness,
A type of tiredness that I've never felt before.
I'm feeling tired mentally,
I feel so weak,
No,it's not the weakness of my body,
Nor is it the stress I am feeling,
I feel tired,
I feel like just going to sleep and never wake up,
Even after sleeping,
I still feel this sense of feeling tired,
I am tired,
Tired of thinking about problems in life,
Disease, Natural disaster, Financial problem,
The sense of being left out, Losing a friend, Having relationship problem(which I don't have)
I like a girl in particular, but I dare not express how I feel,
Not to her, not to others,
I wanna honour my code,
To not start a relationship till I am financially stable and have more free time.
I do not wanna have problems during my school life.
The overabundance of homework,
It makes me tired,
Always thinking of how to solve the problems,
Add maths, Modern maths, Accounts,
Remember the terms,
Biology, Chemistry, Physics,
Knowing basic principles,
Morale, English, Bahasa Melayu,
Knowing the past,
It just makes me tired,
Always thinking,
Every second,
Every minute,
Every hour,
Every time.
Thats why.........I feel tired,
To think of what must I say when I speak,
Not to hurt others feeling,
Those who ignore me or just make me presence unknown,
Losing my close friends,
Feeling left aside,
I have to bear with it out of sadness,
The joy and love,
The laughter of people,
The breeze of the air,
The guidance of God,
This are what allows me to keep going on living,
Living this life whether it be miserable, happy or filled with love.
These are what keep me going,
Not ending my own life,
But no matter how I think of this,
In what I write.........I still feel tired.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Watch what you say when you talk

Today in the bus on the way back home,I was talking my usually daily random crap with my friend Praveen.
Out of all the nonsense that I speak I mentioned something that wasn't rite.
I said that,'You know, I actually feel very sorry for all the people that can't speak proper English. Its a language that you can use to communicate with almost anybody in the world. Except those SAD people that are not able to speak proper English.'
That was the wrong thing that I said ,'The SAD people that are not able to speak proper English.'
Then, Natasha who was sitting in front of me turned around and said,' It is not sad if people are not able to speak English.They can speak their different language.'
It when something like that, not too sure in particular.
I only realised that what she say is so true after I got home.
It is because I am among the OTHER PEOPLE who is unable to speak in the foreign language of the SAD people that I speak of........hahahhahahahahhahah >.<
So to all the people that I refer to hear I am sorry.
And to Natasha please forgive my rude way of putting things. XD

Sick and Tired

At the moment, I'm feeling very sick and tired of school.
I can't take the pressure that the teachers give in school.
The amount of homeworks, their noisy lecturing, their ways of teaching that almost no one can understand.
And after all that, they expect us to do very well in our examinations.
Yes, I know they do this for our own good, but I can' take it anymore.
Somehow thats what my mind feels, but somewhere deep down my heart, theres a voice calling out to me which eases my mind.
Not only that my friends are there with me.
I tell them what I feel, whether it is something embarassing or something stupid, I tell them.
This is one of the best way to relax yourself.
Otherwise,we can use any other alternative that helps us relax.
Like listening to slow relaxing music, not super fast rap and hip hop.
Or just lying down on a grassy field and feel the breeze.(unfortunately Malaysia is too hot)
Or talking with your pet.
Or just go to sleep, where all troubles are faded in a glimpse of an eye, to get that rest.
Or like me I love playing video game, it eases me because I forget everything else and put in all my concentration.
You can always do what you lie most, your hobby, to stay relax.
Do not take this sick and tiring peer pressure from school, a small thing in life, too much into your life.
Some people take away their own life, attempting suicide, thinking that this will take away all the troubles of life.
But it doesn't.Insted it adds on to the pain and stress of others who are still alive.
Don't take life into your own hands.
Let God deicide.
Life is ours to share the love and care with everybody, as we humans are made out of love.
Take not the pressure of life too much into heart.
Come readers as you read this, whether out of stress or not, lets just close our eyes just for a few second and think of all the happy moments in life that we can continue sharing with others as long as we are still alive.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Balance made in the world

Everytime in life people will discriminate others, insult each other, look low on others.
But the truth is everything is made balance in the world.
God saw this and made fairness in all of it.
Okay here I go,
Darkness exist because there is no light,
Cold exist because there is no heat,
Hatred exist because there is no love.
If there are no poor people, then no one is rich,
If there are no stupid people, then no one is clever,
If there are no weak , then no one is strong,
If there are no thin, then no one is fat,
If there are no newbie, then no one is pro,
If there the breeze does not exist, there will be no storm,
If there is no earthquake, then there is no tremor.
Without the slow there is no fast,
Without the weak there is no strong,
Without the workers the boss is nothing,
Without the students there is no teacher,
Without God there is no nature, no human, no nothing.
All is made to be balance one must exist for the other to exist.
It is similar to how we humans need one another to exist.
Nothing can be done by yourself.
Do not live a life with the deadly sins of extravagence, lust, gluttony, greed, despair, sloth, wrath, envy, pride and vainglory.
Insted live a life filled with love, care, kindness , gentleness , fairness, trust, faith and believe.
Make life better take the right step live with the balance.

Fat people

Hello readers,
If u do not already know, I'm a fat guy.So living as a fat guy I came up wit something.
Did u realise that all fat people will go crazy and do crazy stuff often?
Did u realise that all fat people have their own signature funny laughs?
And most importantly,
Did u realise that all fat people are filled with fats?
This is juz some nonsense crap that I came up wit out of boredom.
So to all fat people out there who read this, pls do not be offended coz I'm fat too.