Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas

Hello dear readers,
Despite my busy schedule and what not, I can't miss this chance to wish you all....


Yes, the world is still here despite people taking about "THE END OF THE WORLD".
I actually have lots of stories to share for you and as a memory/diary for me.
Lots to be told but so little time.
I will share it with you all though so don't worry.
Well truth be told, one of my worst Christmas actually.
Only good thing was I got myself a new jacket which I LOVE~~~!!! so much, I had a tasty meal HOMEMADE for Christmas with a delicious Turkey, had a brief but nice family gathering with relatives, and just finished a rather exciting event.

Sounds interesting for Christmas despite me saying worst?
Yea but far from my normal Christmases, I missed Boxing Day that's for sure.
Had to return to university ON CHRISTMAS~~!!
Got too much personal stress up my head.
Feeling heavy up my chest.
Got some really messed up sh*t up my head.
Have to solve something VERY VERY BIG~~!!
And lots more....

Damn my definition of a Good Christmas is just something fun and relaxing.
Here's a little secret.
I have a secret sweetheart in mind but I can't tell anymore than that.
One of many reasons to actually clogged my mind up with thoughts.
Hopefully God sees through all this with me and I get to clear all this troubles up.
Again MERRY CHRISTMAS dear readers and be thankful we are all still alive.
New Years is in a few days, I have an coming up, and camping on the weekends.

Enjoy the festive season and take care of yourselfs =)
Look forward to more from me =P

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What TOMORROW holds...

Hi readers,
Its been way TOO LONG~~!!!
Sorry =(
I've been so busy running events and what not in UNITEN (my college =P)
I'm glad one of my classmate came to know bout my blog (by opening in when my laptop was vacant and turned on) and actually was interested.
Anyways, today I decided to write a post....

Well, its just that time of the year again.
The time where I somehow get so busy with things and get rather emotional.
And to top things up, it was just another of my bad day today.
I'm so packed up with running my events.
Namely the events are "Charity for Cancer" which will be going on all the way to 21st of December and the Prom Night : Masquerade which will be on either the 19th or the 26th of December.
I'm so busy doing not only my job but the job of many others.
Oh, I'm not complaining here actually.
Its just that I find some people to be rather selfish.

These events are our class projects which were meant to help us get our marks.
But for some reason, me and my group of friends are working I would say 10x more than most of the others.
It seems rather unfair.
To top that, some of them are actually giving me loads of crap while they're working.
Thankfully I'm not as bad-tempered as I used to be.
I'm much better this days =D

But that aside, as I said its just another of my bad day.
I'm not sure why but I was in a really bad mood this morning.
After business class, I actually only planned to just do a short briefing to inform my classmates about something.
But what happened instead was I suddenly got rather angry and started scolding them.
Actually not really scold, it was rather like warning and giving advice.
I think I was rather harsh but its not because I wanted to, it was because I cared.
The weird thing about it all was, I think deep inside I'm very angry and disappointed.
I felt that shivering anger which I never felt for ages now.
The last time was in school back at 2009 when I was in Form 3.
I literally felt my arms and hands shivering.
My eyes would usually teared at times like that.
But I had to avoid that.
Well, so it ended up on that note (hopefully no one holds a grudge on me XP )

Truth be told I was in a bad mood because I was thinking too much about something.
Something that seems to have no solution to it....
I would say that I was worried about TOMORROW.....
What do we really know about what lies ahead in the world TOMORROW...
Would we wake up to the morning light or would there never be a TOMORROW...
I'm a type of person who likes to think, and I think this time I'm troubled by the thought...

How would both my events end up?
Will there be a 26th of December or the year 2013?
Will I ever be able to fulfill my dreams of being a successful game designer, a millionaire??
Will I be alone or would I have a lovely wife when I grow up?
How would things in the world be many years from now?
Could I ever be with that ideal girl of mine?
And it goes on...
And on....
And on....
I keep asking questions to myself till I feel so weak...

I'm exhausted but I'm not tired..
My body has the energy but my will is gone...
I couldn't even gather up the strength to use my physical energy...
I'm tired of thinking and doing stuff that sometimes not having a TOMORROW could be a good thing..
But that would just be escaping from REALITY...
So I want to know how TOMORROW will be...
I'm gonna live on till I see my TOMORROW and hope for the better...
As for this time of the year, I'm gonna keep thinking till I find an answer even to the impossible...
God bless me and all our TOMORROW's ...
So what do you think your TOMORROW will be like dear readers??

Take care =D

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Losing a Loved One/ To my dearest aunty Rita

This post continues my story from The Thought of Losing a Loved One/ An Un-predicted Day.

So after a long journey back by train, I reached my hometown where my aunty was, Seremban.
I waited for my other aunty to come fetch me and my brother ,who just came back from work, to the hospital.
So we rushed there.
On the way there, my mother told me what happened.
I was told that my aunty's heart beat has stopped and reached 0 at one point before I got back.
But then it suddenly rose up again.
She refuses to let go and kept on fighting.
It was in fact rather a miracle in a way.
Soon, we got to the hospital.

As we approached the gate towards the ward rooms, the guard stopped us and told us to go and register at the front counter.
Already my aunty was in a critical condition and still they give sh*t like this.
I was quite pissed.
Imagine if someone was rushing to see someone and while registering their loved one passes away....
Imagine how angry the people would be...
Yeah its standard procedure and all but my brother and I came all the way back home to see my aunty.
So we quickly registered and rushed to room 6A.

As we were walking towards the elevator, we saw my grandparents.
My grandfather was smiling very happily.
I've never seen such a happy smile on his face before.
He told us that my aunty's condition was improving.
You just can't tell how relieved I felt at that moment.
So we went up to the 6th floor and saw some of my other aunty, my uncles and my cousins.
My brother and I went in to see my aunty who was in critical condition.

When we got there, I saw my uncle (aunty's husband) sitting by her bedside with a extremely worried and sad face.
Apart from that, I saw my aunty.....
Struggling for her life, to fight the cancer, to live on....
The suffering she was going through, it pierced my heart.
I couldn't even bear to watch her being like that.
She held a rosary on her hands and a photo of Jesus was on her.
My brother went closer first and told her he was here to see her.
Then, I did the same.
I told her "Aunty Rita, I'm Jason. I came back from college to see you."
I said that and gave a warm smile with pain in my heart.
But one thing that really made me a bit unhappy was the fact I was rushed to leave the ward.
I came all the way back to see her only for a mere 2 minutes~!!?? >:O
I wanted to stay there for just at least awhile longer, but thinking about it, maybe it would have been better for me not to see her suffering like that.

Just that 2 minutes was rather hard for me actually.
I couldn't imagine how hard it was for my relatives to have stayed by her side for so long watching her suffer.
They were all there for so long that they were so hungry, that was why they rushed.
So after that mere 2 minutes I got to see my aunty, we went off to a food court for dinner.
After dinner, we decided that I return to college with my cousin. (since he lived close-by hehe =D )
So I got back by 10.30pm.
I went to my room, washed my clothes and then took a shower.
I decided to stay up late that night.

Little did I know, things can't always go the way we want it to.
Later that night, at around 1am, while taking a shower, I heard message from my phone.
Somehow my instincts told me it was going to be bad.
I walked towards my phone saying "No,no,no.... Damn, damn, damn."
Then I saw the message from my brother.
I almost couldn't even open my message but I did.
It was news that my aunty has passed away. :'(
My brother also told me not to spread the word around first.
I was so sad.
I may have not been all that close with her but everytime during a family gathering, she was one of the person who makes it so lively.
Making nice food for us, cakes......
It was a very sad news.
I just couldn't believe it....

As I've said before in my previous post, I've never experience such a thing.
This was my first.
The first thought that came to me actually was a imagination of how things happened at the ward.
The first person who came in mind was my uncle.
I just couldn't imagine how sad he would be.
I felt sorrow.
The Internet died (not working XP ) not long after I got the message so I decided to sleep early.
As I was about to sleep, I prayed to God for my aunty's soul and her family. 
After that I went to bed.

Since it happened at around 1am on the 24th of October, the first day of prayer (following the Catholic 7 days of rosary/prayer) was on that Wednesday night.
I had class the whole day so I couldn't go back for the first day.
My brothers called me and told me that there were many who attended the prayer.
But the saddest part of it was they told me how sad my grandparents were.
My grandpa cried by the coffin very sadly, talking to himself.
He must have blamed himself for something.
The news was devastating for me because I knew how sad they are.
They are around 80 years old but their daughter left before them.
It saddens me :'(
My brothers said many who were there cried for her.

On that very same night, I knew that people have already known of my aunty's passing so I checked on Facebook.
The news was spread so I decided to write as such on my status :

"Always love and treat your loved ones well..
Life has no cue cards to show you whats next, you can lose anyone without warning or invitation...
It all happened in a blink of an eye.
Though I only got to see my Aunty Rita Niap Yoke Moi for a short while yesterday, I'm glad I did.
Her suffering has ended and she has left for a better place to be with God.
Worries has left the heart of her family but sadness remains.
May God bless her soul that she may rest in peace.
May God also bless her family that sadness will not dwell too long in their heart and to be assured that she is in good hands, with the Lord.

R.I.P. Aunty Rita  

Yes, my aunty may have passed away.
But I believed she lived a miraculous life.
Though she had cancer, she had lived long enough to see her children grow up.
To see her eldest son get married....
To see her 3 younger ones enter college....
To see her first grandchild...
She was very lucky.
And I believed that God did hear my prayer for a miracle on my way back home to see her.
As mentioned earlier, her pulse reached 0 yet she was able to fight back to live.
The greatest miracle was the fact that she lived long enough for each and everyone of us to come see her.
My brother and I was the last two.
She lasted that whole evening all the way to the night being strong so that she can see us before leaving us behind.
Even after that, she lived on to allow her family to spend quality time with her till 1am in the morning.
It was truly a miracle.

So I do believe in miracles.
God is not cruel for making people suffer, God is kind to grant blessing and ending the pain.
He has done much in this one occasion.
For one, my aunty's suffering has ended and she can return to the Father in Heaven.
Then, her family and us relatives can stop worrying about her condition but left with sadness and sorrow in our hearts.
Next is that my ever older grandparents can get some rest not having to take care and worry about of her all the time.
Not to say that I want her to pass away but ain't it the best God can give to us?? =O
Well, I just hope that my aunty's soul may rest in peace and God may bless us all so that sorrow will not remain too long in our hearts.
I know my aunty will continue watching over us from above.
May God bless her soul and her family.

I love you aunty Rita
I will always remember you
keep you in my heart.

The thought of losing a loved one / An Un-predicted Day

Have you ever experienced losing a loved one?
Someone close...
A relative...
I've never imagined such a thing happening before...
I always thought, I'm very lucky because I've never experienced such a thing before...
Till this happens...

It was just another busy day at college for me...
I had just completed my maths assignment (given today and need to hand in tomorrow -.- ) with my friends..
As I was walking back to my apartment, I received a message from my dad.
I had thought it was one of those usual message where he asked me to check my bank savings after he adds in some money...
Instead it was written :

"Your aunty Rita is going to be with the Lord,
please take a train home,
I will pick you up when you arrive."

At first I wondered what it was, but after reading it I was shocked.
Its bad enough that I had quite a rough day today.
Waking up late, boring classes, hectic homeworks.
Now my dad asked me to go back home to see my aunty.
The thing is, she had cancer for a long time now.
She once got better then years later she got it again.
It got worse with time.
Now she is admitted in the hospital, fighting for her life, bound to leave us, her loved ones, any time soon.
She is going to leave this world going to a better place, returning to our Lord, the Creator.

With everything being so busy lately, I was rather reluctant to return home especially when I need to take a train.
Plus, I have a quiz for business class tomorrow and a photo shoot session this evening.
Just the thought of having to go all the way back to see a loved one pass away annoys me. (Not that I don't want to see her >o< )
I was hesitating between going back or staying.
In the end I decided to return home.
I just had to see my aunty, to give her strength.
I can't even begin to imagine not being able to see her anymore.

So as I was waiting for the taxi to arrive, I wrote this down on my phone first.
I hate what is happening to me now.
Its such a B***h and cancer is one too.
Why does such a thing even exists~~!!??
That's why I'm glad that my class is going to run a charity fund-raising for cancer.
I hope it becomes a success and we can help other cancer patients out there.
May the Lord bless our cause and my aunty.

P.S. It would be awesome if God could grant a miracle at this moment to save my aunty. :(

Monday, August 13, 2012

Note to readers....

Hey readers,
Sorry for not posting anything for the past few months.
Been really busy (lazy sometimes -.-" ) with college life.
So yeah, I actually have a lot of interesting story to share beginning with my orientation week which is still currently in a draft.
But don't worry, I'll try to use some spare time to blog more if I get the chance.
Look forward to my stories  =D

Saturday, April 14, 2012

My best and considered first Ninjutsu class of the year 2012

Hello dear readers,
So how are you?
Feeling refreshed from my story of the Water Festival?
I hope you are because here comes another fun story just few hours after that fun night.

So I woke up this morning after sleeping for barely 4 hours because I couldn't sleep properly last night.
I woke up wondering where I was.
Got up from my mattress which is on the floor and sat on my bed.
Gazed into the nothingness for a few minutes and then I moved to wash up.
When I was ready to go, I suddenly had a stomach ache so I went to the toilet.
After finishing my business, I left home.

I stopped by 7 Eleven to get some chocolate buns for breakfast.
When I reached school, I saw some of my juniors already waiting there.
Azriel (who called to inform me about class just late last night) wasn't there yet.
For some unknown reason, I felt the stomach ache again and I rushed for the toilet.
I felt better after that but I took some stomach ache pills anyway.
I got changed and my sensei arrived not long after.

We started with the basic warm up which was our Kihon Waza.
I was sweating crazy even just by doing our Kihon Waza.
Then, sensei took out some bottles for us to practice our knife fighting and evasions.
1-on-1 , then 2-on1, and then 3-on1.
I was exhausted from the attackers and then chasing my victims =D
Azriel came as soon as the knife training ended.
Then he lead us with the Kihon Waza again.
Once we were done warming up, we did some training.
We worked on our blocks, evasion, striking and timing.
The seniors (including me) were paired with a junior each to hone up on their skills.

After about an hour of training, sensei took out some equipments for sparring which I never knew he had in school before.
He said the school sponsored the club.
So Azriel enthusiastic as usual, quickly put on the equipment and was ready to kill.
Ng Yun Fui also put on the equipment.
So the first match was between two experienced senior.
I was the referee =D
The fight match was fist only.
It was funny the way they attacked each other because these two are so used to using their legs and hands together.
In the second match, legs and hands were both allowed and it was intense.
The were leg checking the body, body blows, face strike, swing, jab, hook, and even those that landed straight on the face.
I as the referee had to observe and tell them when to stop and start.

After them, two juniors had a sparring match.
They were being trained on how to spar.
So we used the uke (attacker) and tori (defender) system.
One is uke and the other is tori.
They were stiff since they were new but good enough for juniors.
Two matches each taking the role of either uke and tori for each match.

Third match was between one of our senior student and one junior.
Though it was a senior student, he wasn't train in sparring before.
So he is still considered rather new.
Again the uke and tori system was used so I don't really need to explain.

And finally, I had a match with Azriel.
Something I've really been looking forward for ages.
To have a sparring match with Azriel until....
Sensei said I will be the tori and Azriel will be the uke ..... =O
Sweet Jesus, my hope shattered and I know I'll die for sure.
But then again I have years of experience.
Worse thought though is, Azriel is very aggressive.
To make things worse, I have no idea why sensei did that tiring drill with me.
He killed half my stamina and put me into a sparring where I can only dodge, evade, parry....
I was like a lamb to the slaughter.
First round, Azriel was only going to strike using his hands.
I was ok moving around.
Few blows landed on my head (thank God for the headgear ) and at least one or two on straight on the face.
Second round.
I thought I was going to be the uke this time but instead I was still the tori.
This time, Azriel was allowed to use both his hands and legs.
So it was basically over for me.
Started moving around well for a few seconds until my stamina started running low.
I started gasping for air and my legs started to give way a little.
But nonetheless I moved for my life and pushed him to widen the gap.
I got hit one too many times on the face and body.

By the time it was over, I was already six feet under.
I felt like I was dead after that.
But it was awesome and fun.
Of course I'm not that terrible, I did dodge and keep the distance but then stamina is not my game.
Too bad I was not allowed to strike back though.
Whatever it is, I had an awesome day of training today.
I sweat like a waterfall.
After that we had a long chat on martial arts with sensei.
Then, Azriel treated Ng Yun Fui and me to a meal at Mary Brown.

I went home dead, not half dead.
From the amount of fun from last night to this.
I took a showered and I went to sleep.
So this was my best Ninjutsu class so far for this year.
And this is definitely my considered first class because the other time I was only helping sensei to train the juniors.
That is all dear readers.
So stay tune to more interesting time of my life in future.
Take care dear readers =D

My first experience of the Water Festival

Its hot and burning these days in Malaysia.
The heat just gets to you like as though it pierces through your skin.
But nevertheless, there are ways of course to enjoy despite the heat.
Air-cond ~~?? You may think, but no.
The Water Festival.
Ever heard of this dear readers?
Well you might have not, because this is the term used by the Westerners because people pour water at one another as part of the cleansing ritual to welcome the new year.
It has its own names which varies based on the different kind of people , which one for example is it is called 'Thingyan' by the Burmese people.
The reason why water is used for this festival is because the new year falls during the hottest month in South East Asia.
So here is my first experience of the water festival which I want to share with you.

It all happened just yesterday.
Jomanda (a friend of mine) invited me and some others over to her house to celebrate the water festival with her family.
Namely Luke, Raymond, Arthur, Judy and Samantha.
Of course she did invited some others but they couldn't make.
And with her permissions I invited Julian along XP
Jomanda's family celebrates the Water Festival because her great grandmother was a Burmese.
So the plan for me was simple, Julian comes over to my house and we'll head to Jomanda's house together.
Julian reached my house at about 5pm.
He spent about an hour and a half at my house before we went to Jomanda's house.
So we left at about 6.30pm.
We got there in about 5 to 10 minutes.
And also it was very easy to find because I was very familiar with the Seremban 2 roads and of course my dad is professional cause he knows almost all the road in Negeri Sembilan. XO

When we got there, Luke, Raymond and Arthur were outside already soaked and playing with water.
They were then much earlier then we were.
So we went in and greeted everyone.
After that, Jomanda showed us the way to her room so we could keep our stuff and get changed.
Julian and me got changed and we went out to join the rest.
And of course as you can guess, I got wet the moment I got out XD
Straight from a rather high pressured hose straight to the face to start off.
And then a whole bucket of water as the welcoming ceremony =P
Julian was next.
We were soaked and wet but not the kind where you just got pranked but the kind where you have fun.
Funny thing was, I told Julian it was damn hot that day, but I have no idea why it was so freaking cold at that time =O
The wind was a piercing kind of cold.
But despite that, we had fun with water, made jokes and acted like fools (of course that is our way of having fun though XD)
Some of which that we were disturbing passer-bys.
We laughed our hearts out even from the very start.
Then Jomanda's mother took out some flower or leaf kind of water to bless us.
I'm not sure what it is, but one thing for sure it smelt nice.

After some time, Judy came.
Without mercy they started spraying water on her even before she kept her stuff in the room.... Haha XD
And then when she came out, the welcoming ceremony for her too.
A whole bucket of water.
Then the water playing and the jokes and everything continued.
Jomanda was busy setting up the table and helping her mum.
Half way through, she joined us and got wet along.
And no escape even for the host, the welcoming ceremony with a bucket of water. XP
Once the table was set, we stopped and went to grab a bite and rest up a little.
Julian was shivering from the cold while we were eating.
And then, Samantha came at around that time we were eating.
Of course she got sprayed with water and then the welcoming ceremony again XP
While we were eating, Luke or Raymond (I'm not so sure already who asked) asked why Jomanda's brother Juan (or as he asked us to call him Matthew) didn't join us.
They convinced him to join us and finally he joined us.
I think he felt a bit awkward at first, but after listening to the way we speak and all he started getting interested and joined us in the fun.
And when you join in a fun that involves water, you never escape getting wet.
So through with the welcoming ceremony =P

The fun went on for hours.
The jokes, the laughter, the screaming, the running around, water spraying.
It was just too much of fun until....
The ice cold water came out =O
I was one of the first victim to it along with Luke.
Suddenly ice cold water came into play.
More screaming and of course, MORE COLDER~~!!!
Around some time ( I have no idea when because we were having too much of fun) while we were having fun playing with water, Jomanda's uncle , Justin, and 3 other girls joined us in the fun.
Though they were just acquaintance to us, we had fun with them like as though we knew them for so long.

The best attack with water was when Julian and me started singing.
We sang whatever that came to mind.
Then suddenly cold water shot from a water gun came to us.
We continued singing anyways, then Raymond and Luke came with a few buckets of water.
One after another ~~~ *splash*
The first few buckets we were still sitting.
There were mixture of cold water and warm water coming.
After too much, we couldn't take it anymore so we moved away from the chair and stopped singing of course.
And I tell you, the amount of water that entered my ears could fill a few thirsty people (jokingly meaning of course =P )
But still, a lot of water.
The fun went on through the night and of course, everything has to come to an end.
Everyone stopped exactly at the time we saw the big tear on Luke's shirt XP
They went to get changed.
Samantha went back after that.
Judy had went home earlier while we were still playing with water outside.
Julian and myself were having a nice chat with Juan while sitting on the floor at the gate of the house.
We three grew rather fond of each other, talking like 'brothers' (in the friend kind of brother).

After having a nice chat with Juan, Julian and me went up to get changed as well.
We showered and got changed.
And funny thing was, I had another first time experience on that day.
Did you know, it was the first time I actually used a hair dryer in the 18 years of my life.... Haha XD
After resting a little, Juan told us Jomanda, Luke , Raymond and Arthur were at the playground so we went together with Juan to join them.
We played at the playground for a while and then we headed back to Jomanda's place.
Julian and me sat at the dining table having some personal talk while eating whatever was on the table.
Juan was on the computer playing LOL (League of Legends) which of course I did take some interest on while sitting there.
Raymond, Luke and Arthur fell asleep upstairs which I later found out.

So the day ended and everyone headed home.
I think everyone had a whole lots of fun.
I knew I did though =D
There were actually a lot of other funny events that took place but of course I can't write them all down.
Photos were taken for memories as usual. (I'll just post the group one down over here)
I got back watched television till around 2.30am and then went to sleep.
I had to go for ninjutsu class the next morning.
So that was my experience of a Water Festival.
Maybe you should try once in your life to experience something like this.
So to my dear readers, take care and look forward to more of my stories and experiences.


Sunday, April 8, 2012

A little to catch on about...

Hi readers,
Has been long huh? =D
As usual, I've been lazy and playing games for the past few weeks.
So how are you all?
Hope you're fine.

So here's a glimpse of what happened in the past few weeks.
I've finally gotten my SPM results :)
And guess what...
I've got exactly as I predicted and wanted (minimum actually XP )
5A's 3B's 2C's
Everything above standard (which is C and above)
But of course would have been better if I've gotten a straight -.-

Anyways, with that result, I registered at INTI for the Diploma in Information Technology course.
But then few days later, a friend of mine convinced me to go to UNITEN (University Tenaga National).
He said he might be going there too.
So I registered there for the Foundation in Information Technology course instead.
Things were hectic for awhile getting all the paperwork to get the YTN (Yayasan Tenaga National) loan.
And after about a week everything was done.
Just today I came to know that friend of mine has registered at MMU (Malaysia Multimedia University) instead.
Some friend he turned out to be.
But whatever it is, I'm glad he convinced me to do so.
Plus, it would be easier on my parents because my father will receive the privilege as a staff of Tenaga National.
I'm looking forward to life in college there =)

So apart from the studies stuff, my birthday has pass not so long ago =D
About a week or so....
And I'm officially 18 now =D
All the things I could wish to do (18+ movies... hehe XD )
It was also so nice to receive so many greetings on facebook...
The best was a group of my friends called me early in the morning while they were in school to wish me =D
P.S. They were not there for class or anything, they were there for an IPTA thing
My dad even took the whole family out for a treat at Kensington for my birthday =D
Yummy food =P
Even better yet, my brother who is working bought me a Kinect and sent my X-box for and upgrade..
Yay ME~~!! =D
So it was a good birthday.

And then I also had my friends over just last week Saturday.
Namely they were Vijaya, Daryl, Ezra, Zafri, Heng Yi Min, and Julian.
They came over at around noon.
We were upstairs playing with my X-box (before we send it for upgrade).
Daryl, Ezra and Vijaya were so engrossed in playing football.
Yi Min, Zafri and myself were busy talking while doing stuff on the laptop.
Julian came way much later in the evening.
At around 6, we went to our main event.
The main purpose for them coming over~~~ Playing pool =)
I have a pool board so we could play 24/7 for free =P
So we played pass the night till the dark.
Coincidently, it was Earth Hour.
The rest went home already but Yi Min and Julian were there.
My family went out to celebrate my parent's anniversary by having dinner outside.
So it was just me and my two buddies.
We had dinner in the dark, played pool in the dark, and we even shared ghost stories =)
And the night passed, they went home earlier then expected but I had a great day that day.

So that about roughly summarise my past few weeks.
And in which this week I was celebrating the Holy Week.
I'll continue to write my stories here readers so don't miss out on my life.
It could be fun, it could be emo...
It could be spiritual, it could be anything...
But if you wanna know about my life, you're in the right place.
Take care readers =)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Epic Meal Time

Miss you all so much.
I'm so sorry for not blogging for almost 2 months out of laziness.
Yes I know that is bad.
Okay so I've done so many things in the past two months.
But one of the most fun of all was this.

What does that means?
It means eating a lot definitely but how much is a lot?
So we created what I would call a 'masterpiece' of a meal.
(Ideas from the Internet actually... haha XD )
So I woke up early that day with my mum baking a cake.
Why? Because Lim's birthday was two days away so we decided to surprise him on that day.
So once the cake was done I left for Alex's house. (The venue for the event)
And as usual I was the first one there.
So we hid the cake well in the fridge.
And then we waited for the rest.
Slowly the rest arrived and finally it was time to go out to get the ingredients.

We left the house in two cars.
In Alex's car was, Goh and Lai while in Soong's car was me and Ng.
We headed for Tesco first.
We got what we wanted.
But there we got an awesome idea as well.
What was that idea?
We were gonna smash a cake on Lim's face.... HAHAHAHA XP
So we got a cheap sponge cake and whipped cream.
We then left for Jusco.
There we got the remaining of the ingredients and most importantly the burgers from McDonald's and KFC.
When we ordered 12 burger sets you should have seen how it looked like.
The amount of fries and drinks we had... Haha XD
Lim joined us at Jusco.
So once we had everything we need we headed back for Alex's house.

We got back.
We relaxed for awhile played some games and all then it was time.
So we set up the stuff at the back.

Everything was set and we began work.
Unpacking the ingredients and all.
So we layer the bottom part which was with 12 McChicken burgers (which we realised later was the wrong choice of burger)

Then we put the bacon into the oven to cook it.

While that was happening, Jamie and Alex was busy cooking the minced beef.

We chit chat and chowed down on the loads of fries that we had while waiting.

Once the bacon was done we layered it on top of the burgers.

Followed by the minced beef.

Then we put 6 KFC toasted twister on top where we covered the gaps with the extra fries.

And most importantly the last and final layer, THE CHEESE~~!!!
Lots and lots of it.

We even used some fries to write "ALEX GOD" on it for fun >.<

And then we put it into the oven.. (It nearly couldn't fit into the oven XP )

So while waiting for it to cook in the oven, we decided to go on with our prank on Lim.
Alex and me headed into the kitchen to grab the sponge cake and the whipped cream.
We put loads of whipped cream on top of the sponge cake.
Then we went out.
We sang a birthday song and he was like so surprised and happy.
But never in the least did he expect the cake to get smashed onto his face.
We burst out laughing and Lim was furious.

We couldn't stop laughing XD
And then we cleaned up the mess and Lim went to wash his face.

The Faces Behind All This.

Soon, it was ready.
We took it out of the oven...

The "ALEX GOD" word seen after it was cooked.

Alex cut a big piece and he took the first bite...

Oooohhh~~~!!! It looked awesome...
We all took a big slice each and took a photo with a huge bite on it..

It was a very VERY filling meal and there where slight bits that we were unable to finish...
It was too much >.<
So after chilling a while, we prepared the actual birthday cake...
Jamie had a function so he left early...
While having the others distract Lim, Alex and me went to take the cake out with the candle lit...
Lim was even more surprise because there was an actual cake.
He was so happy =D
So we sang a song and he blew the candles marking that he is 18 years old now...

We all had a piece of cake (still full from the Epic Meal)
And Lim took the rest back.
So Soong took Ng and Lim back.
Lai and me waited and later Alex sent us home.

So the day ended on that note.
It was such a fun day.
We had lots of laughter and fun that day.
A day I will really remember.
So look forward to more fun stories from me about Chinese New Year.
Take care readers ;)