Saturday, April 14, 2012

My best and considered first Ninjutsu class of the year 2012

Hello dear readers,
So how are you?
Feeling refreshed from my story of the Water Festival?
I hope you are because here comes another fun story just few hours after that fun night.

So I woke up this morning after sleeping for barely 4 hours because I couldn't sleep properly last night.
I woke up wondering where I was.
Got up from my mattress which is on the floor and sat on my bed.
Gazed into the nothingness for a few minutes and then I moved to wash up.
When I was ready to go, I suddenly had a stomach ache so I went to the toilet.
After finishing my business, I left home.

I stopped by 7 Eleven to get some chocolate buns for breakfast.
When I reached school, I saw some of my juniors already waiting there.
Azriel (who called to inform me about class just late last night) wasn't there yet.
For some unknown reason, I felt the stomach ache again and I rushed for the toilet.
I felt better after that but I took some stomach ache pills anyway.
I got changed and my sensei arrived not long after.

We started with the basic warm up which was our Kihon Waza.
I was sweating crazy even just by doing our Kihon Waza.
Then, sensei took out some bottles for us to practice our knife fighting and evasions.
1-on-1 , then 2-on1, and then 3-on1.
I was exhausted from the attackers and then chasing my victims =D
Azriel came as soon as the knife training ended.
Then he lead us with the Kihon Waza again.
Once we were done warming up, we did some training.
We worked on our blocks, evasion, striking and timing.
The seniors (including me) were paired with a junior each to hone up on their skills.

After about an hour of training, sensei took out some equipments for sparring which I never knew he had in school before.
He said the school sponsored the club.
So Azriel enthusiastic as usual, quickly put on the equipment and was ready to kill.
Ng Yun Fui also put on the equipment.
So the first match was between two experienced senior.
I was the referee =D
The fight match was fist only.
It was funny the way they attacked each other because these two are so used to using their legs and hands together.
In the second match, legs and hands were both allowed and it was intense.
The were leg checking the body, body blows, face strike, swing, jab, hook, and even those that landed straight on the face.
I as the referee had to observe and tell them when to stop and start.

After them, two juniors had a sparring match.
They were being trained on how to spar.
So we used the uke (attacker) and tori (defender) system.
One is uke and the other is tori.
They were stiff since they were new but good enough for juniors.
Two matches each taking the role of either uke and tori for each match.

Third match was between one of our senior student and one junior.
Though it was a senior student, he wasn't train in sparring before.
So he is still considered rather new.
Again the uke and tori system was used so I don't really need to explain.

And finally, I had a match with Azriel.
Something I've really been looking forward for ages.
To have a sparring match with Azriel until....
Sensei said I will be the tori and Azriel will be the uke ..... =O
Sweet Jesus, my hope shattered and I know I'll die for sure.
But then again I have years of experience.
Worse thought though is, Azriel is very aggressive.
To make things worse, I have no idea why sensei did that tiring drill with me.
He killed half my stamina and put me into a sparring where I can only dodge, evade, parry....
I was like a lamb to the slaughter.
First round, Azriel was only going to strike using his hands.
I was ok moving around.
Few blows landed on my head (thank God for the headgear ) and at least one or two on straight on the face.
Second round.
I thought I was going to be the uke this time but instead I was still the tori.
This time, Azriel was allowed to use both his hands and legs.
So it was basically over for me.
Started moving around well for a few seconds until my stamina started running low.
I started gasping for air and my legs started to give way a little.
But nonetheless I moved for my life and pushed him to widen the gap.
I got hit one too many times on the face and body.

By the time it was over, I was already six feet under.
I felt like I was dead after that.
But it was awesome and fun.
Of course I'm not that terrible, I did dodge and keep the distance but then stamina is not my game.
Too bad I was not allowed to strike back though.
Whatever it is, I had an awesome day of training today.
I sweat like a waterfall.
After that we had a long chat on martial arts with sensei.
Then, Azriel treated Ng Yun Fui and me to a meal at Mary Brown.

I went home dead, not half dead.
From the amount of fun from last night to this.
I took a showered and I went to sleep.
So this was my best Ninjutsu class so far for this year.
And this is definitely my considered first class because the other time I was only helping sensei to train the juniors.
That is all dear readers.
So stay tune to more interesting time of my life in future.
Take care dear readers =D

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