Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The thought of losing a loved one / An Un-predicted Day

Have you ever experienced losing a loved one?
Someone close...
A relative...
I've never imagined such a thing happening before...
I always thought, I'm very lucky because I've never experienced such a thing before...
Till this happens...

It was just another busy day at college for me...
I had just completed my maths assignment (given today and need to hand in tomorrow -.- ) with my friends..
As I was walking back to my apartment, I received a message from my dad.
I had thought it was one of those usual message where he asked me to check my bank savings after he adds in some money...
Instead it was written :

"Your aunty Rita is going to be with the Lord,
please take a train home,
I will pick you up when you arrive."

At first I wondered what it was, but after reading it I was shocked.
Its bad enough that I had quite a rough day today.
Waking up late, boring classes, hectic homeworks.
Now my dad asked me to go back home to see my aunty.
The thing is, she had cancer for a long time now.
She once got better then years later she got it again.
It got worse with time.
Now she is admitted in the hospital, fighting for her life, bound to leave us, her loved ones, any time soon.
She is going to leave this world going to a better place, returning to our Lord, the Creator.

With everything being so busy lately, I was rather reluctant to return home especially when I need to take a train.
Plus, I have a quiz for business class tomorrow and a photo shoot session this evening.
Just the thought of having to go all the way back to see a loved one pass away annoys me. (Not that I don't want to see her >o< )
I was hesitating between going back or staying.
In the end I decided to return home.
I just had to see my aunty, to give her strength.
I can't even begin to imagine not being able to see her anymore.

So as I was waiting for the taxi to arrive, I wrote this down on my phone first.
I hate what is happening to me now.
Its such a B***h and cancer is one too.
Why does such a thing even exists~~!!??
That's why I'm glad that my class is going to run a charity fund-raising for cancer.
I hope it becomes a success and we can help other cancer patients out there.
May the Lord bless our cause and my aunty.

P.S. It would be awesome if God could grant a miracle at this moment to save my aunty. :(

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