Saturday, April 14, 2012

My first experience of the Water Festival

Its hot and burning these days in Malaysia.
The heat just gets to you like as though it pierces through your skin.
But nevertheless, there are ways of course to enjoy despite the heat.
Air-cond ~~?? You may think, but no.
The Water Festival.
Ever heard of this dear readers?
Well you might have not, because this is the term used by the Westerners because people pour water at one another as part of the cleansing ritual to welcome the new year.
It has its own names which varies based on the different kind of people , which one for example is it is called 'Thingyan' by the Burmese people.
The reason why water is used for this festival is because the new year falls during the hottest month in South East Asia.
So here is my first experience of the water festival which I want to share with you.

It all happened just yesterday.
Jomanda (a friend of mine) invited me and some others over to her house to celebrate the water festival with her family.
Namely Luke, Raymond, Arthur, Judy and Samantha.
Of course she did invited some others but they couldn't make.
And with her permissions I invited Julian along XP
Jomanda's family celebrates the Water Festival because her great grandmother was a Burmese.
So the plan for me was simple, Julian comes over to my house and we'll head to Jomanda's house together.
Julian reached my house at about 5pm.
He spent about an hour and a half at my house before we went to Jomanda's house.
So we left at about 6.30pm.
We got there in about 5 to 10 minutes.
And also it was very easy to find because I was very familiar with the Seremban 2 roads and of course my dad is professional cause he knows almost all the road in Negeri Sembilan. XO

When we got there, Luke, Raymond and Arthur were outside already soaked and playing with water.
They were then much earlier then we were.
So we went in and greeted everyone.
After that, Jomanda showed us the way to her room so we could keep our stuff and get changed.
Julian and me got changed and we went out to join the rest.
And of course as you can guess, I got wet the moment I got out XD
Straight from a rather high pressured hose straight to the face to start off.
And then a whole bucket of water as the welcoming ceremony =P
Julian was next.
We were soaked and wet but not the kind where you just got pranked but the kind where you have fun.
Funny thing was, I told Julian it was damn hot that day, but I have no idea why it was so freaking cold at that time =O
The wind was a piercing kind of cold.
But despite that, we had fun with water, made jokes and acted like fools (of course that is our way of having fun though XD)
Some of which that we were disturbing passer-bys.
We laughed our hearts out even from the very start.
Then Jomanda's mother took out some flower or leaf kind of water to bless us.
I'm not sure what it is, but one thing for sure it smelt nice.

After some time, Judy came.
Without mercy they started spraying water on her even before she kept her stuff in the room.... Haha XD
And then when she came out, the welcoming ceremony for her too.
A whole bucket of water.
Then the water playing and the jokes and everything continued.
Jomanda was busy setting up the table and helping her mum.
Half way through, she joined us and got wet along.
And no escape even for the host, the welcoming ceremony with a bucket of water. XP
Once the table was set, we stopped and went to grab a bite and rest up a little.
Julian was shivering from the cold while we were eating.
And then, Samantha came at around that time we were eating.
Of course she got sprayed with water and then the welcoming ceremony again XP
While we were eating, Luke or Raymond (I'm not so sure already who asked) asked why Jomanda's brother Juan (or as he asked us to call him Matthew) didn't join us.
They convinced him to join us and finally he joined us.
I think he felt a bit awkward at first, but after listening to the way we speak and all he started getting interested and joined us in the fun.
And when you join in a fun that involves water, you never escape getting wet.
So through with the welcoming ceremony =P

The fun went on for hours.
The jokes, the laughter, the screaming, the running around, water spraying.
It was just too much of fun until....
The ice cold water came out =O
I was one of the first victim to it along with Luke.
Suddenly ice cold water came into play.
More screaming and of course, MORE COLDER~~!!!
Around some time ( I have no idea when because we were having too much of fun) while we were having fun playing with water, Jomanda's uncle , Justin, and 3 other girls joined us in the fun.
Though they were just acquaintance to us, we had fun with them like as though we knew them for so long.

The best attack with water was when Julian and me started singing.
We sang whatever that came to mind.
Then suddenly cold water shot from a water gun came to us.
We continued singing anyways, then Raymond and Luke came with a few buckets of water.
One after another ~~~ *splash*
The first few buckets we were still sitting.
There were mixture of cold water and warm water coming.
After too much, we couldn't take it anymore so we moved away from the chair and stopped singing of course.
And I tell you, the amount of water that entered my ears could fill a few thirsty people (jokingly meaning of course =P )
But still, a lot of water.
The fun went on through the night and of course, everything has to come to an end.
Everyone stopped exactly at the time we saw the big tear on Luke's shirt XP
They went to get changed.
Samantha went back after that.
Judy had went home earlier while we were still playing with water outside.
Julian and myself were having a nice chat with Juan while sitting on the floor at the gate of the house.
We three grew rather fond of each other, talking like 'brothers' (in the friend kind of brother).

After having a nice chat with Juan, Julian and me went up to get changed as well.
We showered and got changed.
And funny thing was, I had another first time experience on that day.
Did you know, it was the first time I actually used a hair dryer in the 18 years of my life.... Haha XD
After resting a little, Juan told us Jomanda, Luke , Raymond and Arthur were at the playground so we went together with Juan to join them.
We played at the playground for a while and then we headed back to Jomanda's place.
Julian and me sat at the dining table having some personal talk while eating whatever was on the table.
Juan was on the computer playing LOL (League of Legends) which of course I did take some interest on while sitting there.
Raymond, Luke and Arthur fell asleep upstairs which I later found out.

So the day ended and everyone headed home.
I think everyone had a whole lots of fun.
I knew I did though =D
There were actually a lot of other funny events that took place but of course I can't write them all down.
Photos were taken for memories as usual. (I'll just post the group one down over here)
I got back watched television till around 2.30am and then went to sleep.
I had to go for ninjutsu class the next morning.
So that was my experience of a Water Festival.
Maybe you should try once in your life to experience something like this.
So to my dear readers, take care and look forward to more of my stories and experiences.


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