Sunday, April 8, 2012

A little to catch on about...

Hi readers,
Has been long huh? =D
As usual, I've been lazy and playing games for the past few weeks.
So how are you all?
Hope you're fine.

So here's a glimpse of what happened in the past few weeks.
I've finally gotten my SPM results :)
And guess what...
I've got exactly as I predicted and wanted (minimum actually XP )
5A's 3B's 2C's
Everything above standard (which is C and above)
But of course would have been better if I've gotten a straight -.-

Anyways, with that result, I registered at INTI for the Diploma in Information Technology course.
But then few days later, a friend of mine convinced me to go to UNITEN (University Tenaga National).
He said he might be going there too.
So I registered there for the Foundation in Information Technology course instead.
Things were hectic for awhile getting all the paperwork to get the YTN (Yayasan Tenaga National) loan.
And after about a week everything was done.
Just today I came to know that friend of mine has registered at MMU (Malaysia Multimedia University) instead.
Some friend he turned out to be.
But whatever it is, I'm glad he convinced me to do so.
Plus, it would be easier on my parents because my father will receive the privilege as a staff of Tenaga National.
I'm looking forward to life in college there =)

So apart from the studies stuff, my birthday has pass not so long ago =D
About a week or so....
And I'm officially 18 now =D
All the things I could wish to do (18+ movies... hehe XD )
It was also so nice to receive so many greetings on facebook...
The best was a group of my friends called me early in the morning while they were in school to wish me =D
P.S. They were not there for class or anything, they were there for an IPTA thing
My dad even took the whole family out for a treat at Kensington for my birthday =D
Yummy food =P
Even better yet, my brother who is working bought me a Kinect and sent my X-box for and upgrade..
Yay ME~~!! =D
So it was a good birthday.

And then I also had my friends over just last week Saturday.
Namely they were Vijaya, Daryl, Ezra, Zafri, Heng Yi Min, and Julian.
They came over at around noon.
We were upstairs playing with my X-box (before we send it for upgrade).
Daryl, Ezra and Vijaya were so engrossed in playing football.
Yi Min, Zafri and myself were busy talking while doing stuff on the laptop.
Julian came way much later in the evening.
At around 6, we went to our main event.
The main purpose for them coming over~~~ Playing pool =)
I have a pool board so we could play 24/7 for free =P
So we played pass the night till the dark.
Coincidently, it was Earth Hour.
The rest went home already but Yi Min and Julian were there.
My family went out to celebrate my parent's anniversary by having dinner outside.
So it was just me and my two buddies.
We had dinner in the dark, played pool in the dark, and we even shared ghost stories =)
And the night passed, they went home earlier then expected but I had a great day that day.

So that about roughly summarise my past few weeks.
And in which this week I was celebrating the Holy Week.
I'll continue to write my stories here readers so don't miss out on my life.
It could be fun, it could be emo...
It could be spiritual, it could be anything...
But if you wanna know about my life, you're in the right place.
Take care readers =)

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