Monday, August 29, 2011

One Day Camp for Catholic Paulians

I attended a one day camp at school...
The camp was meant for the Catholic boys in St.Paul Secondary...
I was awake early at 7am to get ready to go to school...
My father sent me there...
I was excited as I already knew who was facilitating the camp...
The most hilarious priest alive...
Since he was facilitating, I was sure its gonna be fun...

So I arrived there around 8am...
Some of them were already there when I arrived...
I registered myself and got my name tag...
My friends were there already...
Ezra was there...
We were at the hall upstairs...
So we waited for others to come....
It was a cold morning as it had rain earlier....
In the chilly cool morning, we waited and chatted...
Not many turned up as expected...
Only around 20 turned up where the rest arrived later on when sessions had begun...
Soon after, the teachers arrive and so did Father Danny...
I learnt that he was in school since 8am loitering around...
And after chatting with Father and the teachers for awhile, session was about to begin...
We started off with the praise and worship session...
The singing was rather dull as many of them did not sing along...
After the singing, Father commented on the singing and made a joke out of it..
He mentioned about the cold morning which was suitable for...sleeping :P
He then requested that we move to the Form 6 classroom downstairs as it would be easier to hear each other in a smaller room rather than shouting in the hall...
It was a good idea and so we cleaned up the hall and quickly went down..
As they were organising themselves downstairs, I was closing up the hall...
I went down a joined them after that...
We rearranged the tables to put 5 group of 4 tables....
Then, when everyone entered and moved to the table of their choice, Father told us to stand at the back...
He used the number method to decide our group counting from 1 to 5...
I was in group 3...
So was Ezra, Zeke, Russell, and Charlene was in my group as well...
After rearranging, Ezra was separated and put into another group...
Once he was done arranging the groups, session began....

The teachers were kindly asked to leave the room for our first session...
Father Danny started with asking us about "What I like about being a Paulian"....
Then he started to talk about it and told some stories...
He mentioned a lot of stuff about how privileged we are to have a Catholic community and still continue to be called a Paulian...
He said one day when the school is taken over by the Malays, the name Paulians might be called Muhammadians... Haha... A real laugh...
But then he told us about the story of how Christians and Muslims actually worked together to fight for their rights against the Jews in the past....
And then we went on, he asked some people what they like about being a Paulian...
Then, he gave each group a mahjong paper to write it down...
Once we were done, he asked us to write "What I dislike about being a Paulian" .....
After writing down both the likes and dislikes, he asked us to present it group by group...
There were all kinds of funny answers and we had a great laugh...
Father commented on certain stuffs here and there...
We could share openly as the teachers were not there and it was only among us and Father...
After the session was over, we went for our tea break...
We had some mee hoon and tea....
During the break, I was asked to bring the small Bibles from the prayer room to the classroom and so I did along with the help of some others...

After the break, we returned to the classroom....
Once we were settled, Father asked us to sing the song 'Above All'...
I joined the group in front as the singing group and we sang it the first time...
After that, Father asked us to close our eyes and reflect on the lyrics of the song as he, Ezra and myself...
We sang the song meaningfully as the others listen...
It was a moment of awe as the room was filled with the praises to God on high....
Once we were done singing, he asked us this....
"Name me some teenagers from the New Testament of the Bible"
Everyone started with the easiest one Mother Mary when the angel Gabriel come down to her was a teenager...
Nobody knew who else there was after that...
So one by one, Father mentioned the names and the Bible texts which relates to them....
They were:
  • John Mark from the Acts of the Apostle 15:36
  • Timothy from 2 Tim 4:11
  • Rhoda the servant from Acts of the Apostle 12:7-17
  • And the boy who gave Jesus the 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes to feed 5000 men not including children and women
This were the examples who used to tell us about teenagers in the Bible...
Later, he asked Daryl to read from the Gospel of Luke 15:11-32 about the prodigal son...
He told us to remember this line:
'Severe famine in that Country'
What did it really meant??
The boy could feed the pigs when they mentioned 'severe famine' ...
By right if it is severe, there should not even have been food to feed the pigs...
What Jesus meant when he told the disciples this parable was that the severe famine is the sign of emptiness ...
In that Country was referring to the prodigal son...
It was fascinating how that line could hold such deep meaning...
After all the bible sharing stuff and all, he asked us about our struggles both in school and at home...
The teachers were again asked to leave during this session....
So everyone mentioned some struggles and Father explained and understood those struggles...
Then he asked some questions like, "Who has struggles with your parents?"
Something like that and people raised their hands according to the struggles...
Once all that was over with, he did some serious talk which was like some kind of advice to us...
He even told us some stories about others who struggle in life and all...
After that, we went for lunch...
We waited a little for the food to arrive...
As soon as the food arrived, everyone quickly went to help and bring the food in as everyone was hungry...
The food was spicy but delicious...
Some of us were literally sweating from the spiciness....

After lunch, we came back to the classroom...
I was not sure when but Father Danny had explained to us about another Bible text from
Mark 2:1-12 which was about a friend in need, is a friend indeed...
A was a story about how the faith of four men to help their paralytic friend made him well...
It was a great story to show us about helping others in our faith life...
Anyways, after lunch, the main program was the role play...
After discussing about the struggles and all, he asked each group to prepare a role play whether about the struggle at home or in school...
It was all spontaneous but it was done well and the message was there...
It was funny too..
My group did about "How you are treated is not necessarily how you should treat others"
After all the role playing, Father had taught us how to pray and also told some more stories...
He prayed for us and blessed us...
Once it was all done, Miss Lucy gave Father Danny a token of appreciation..
The tables and chairs were rearranged to its original positions while I was with Joan going to keep the mini Bibles back to the prayer room...
We were all given each a necklace of the Divine Mercy which was blessed by Father Danny...
Father had left in a hurry...
He did not have enough time to share some other things he planned out for us sadly...

Either ways,
We had fun that day....
Though it was half a day we learnt a lot of valuable stuff as teenagers and students...
Father Danny truly is awesome and we are blessed to have him, a Paulian and a Seremban local to be with us and share with us the love of Christ...
God bless us and I continue to pray that Father Danny remains healthy and continue to inspire more youths all around...

Friday, August 26, 2011

Such a mood killer!!!

Yesterday was a tiring, fun yet bad day for me...

We have just finished our last paper (for now actually), Biology, yesterday..
We planned a futsal game later that night...
We wanted to enjoy ourselves after two long week of exams...
And so I went home tired from doing the exam..
We were all excited that it was the last paper...
Lai had also planned a badminton game just before the futsal game...
At first I did not wanted to go, but after thinking about it, I decided to go for both....
So it was 4 hours straight of exercise. But I was down with it...
When I reached home, I took a shower first...
After that, I had a cup of milo with biscuits and a plate of mee...
I knew I have no time to have dinner because I would be out playing from 6.30pm to 10.30pm so I ate as much as I can first...
At 5pm, I watched the Challenger (A Korean variety program). It was a great episode which was rather hard to watch from what happened...
My favourite player was out of the game and I was rather pissed from what happened...
Right after that program, I rushed and packed my stuff...
I quickly got prepared and my dad took me to the badminton centre, Summer Sports...
I asked him for RM20 and he asked me a lot of questions...
On the way there, I got annoyed from the nagging he gave me....
When I got there, no one had arrived yet...
I called Lai and Sachin...
They both said they were on the way...
So I waited outside as it was my first time there....
When Lai arrived, we entered the building....
Lai had already booked a court but sadly there was only one available court...
So Lai and me started to play first...
It has been a long time since I last played badminton so I was a bit stiff...
After playing awhile, I slowly got my touch back..
Soon after, Loi came and the Sachin..
We had a problem that time, Lai only brought two shuttlecocks and they were cheap ones..
So we were running out of good shuttlecocks but we continued playing...
Later, Jason Too came and then Soong...
Soong was suppose to bring Kavee but he forgotten...
After playing awhile, the shuttlecocks was in such a bad shape and we needed a new one..
So they took one on the floor from another court...
But that got into a bad shape after a few games too...
In the end, Lai found some good shuttlecocks from the dustbin (LOL XD )
We used it though...
It was a good brand ~Sealion ~
There was so many of it...
We just had to take them...
We played with them despite it being dirty...
After some time, we saw Kavee coming in with his father and his father's friends..
Sachin told me that his father is a badminton player and they go there quite often...
We kept playing and had fun till the last minute...
When we were done, we changed and headed for futsal at Public Star just next door....

I was expecting a fun game of futsal even though I had already played badminton earlier...
We saw them and greeted them excitedly..
I was having some snacks while we were waiting for some of the others to arrive...
Once we had enough players, we entered the court...
We were having fun at first as we all played like how we always do...
Then when the crowd started getting bigger, they decided to break into two and open up two court...
But the problem here was that there would only be 8 players on both court...
They have taken all the ones that knew how to play on one court and does who do not play really well on the other...
I was among does who could not play so well...
I had argued with that fact a little at first and I also said that it is difficult to play a 4v4 match like that...
They did not listen and just went on with it...
So I played on...
As we were playing, I saw the others playing on the other court...
They were playing so seriously like as though it was some bloody competition...
We here on the other court was having fun...
But in the process of playing, I slowly saw them getting bored and playing without any spirit...
It was getting boring and we stopped playing...
Then we started to discuss about what was going on...
Some was not happy with what was happening....
We discussed with them on the other side..
They asked why we were not playing...
I told them again that we came to have fun, run around and laugh...
But that was not what was happening...
Slowly from a discussion it became an argument...
At first it was a rather small argument till I got totally pissed off by what Jason Too said:
"Why you all not playing? Don't tell me you all noob cause if you say that then I'll f*cked you up. I have a good reason to."
That line really crossed it...
It was damn pissed at him that I almost wanted to hit him...
Luckily we were on separate court and there was a net between us otherwise who knows what I would have done...
We broke up the discussion and I discussed with some of them at my court...
I was already angered at that point of time...
Angrily I said:
"We came here to have fun, not to play a bloody tournament. We are not training for a tournament. I came here despite being tired to have fun with friends. Not to be screwed by an ugly idiot like him (Jason Too I mean). I could have easily just stayed at home and be playing games now."
I even thanked Lai for inviting me for a fun badminton game before the futsal game...
Then I backed off the group, I was thinking to myself again as I always do when I get angry...
And then, I felt tears rolling down my eye...
It has been a long time since I ever cried from being angry...
And yet I cried again, because of the same fool who always makes me cry from anger....
I really could not hold it back already that time...
But the group then decided this:
"We are going to play for awhile more. We finish up one hour and then we close one court. We will just pay for one hour and go home rather than wasting our time here."

I agreed on that proposal and so we played awhile more till it was 9.30pm....
After that, one court was closed...
Lai, Sachin, Soong, Bryan and myself...
We decided to leave...
We sat at the bench and was discussing what to do...
The rest had entered the court and continued to play again...
We were deciding between playing badminton again, going home, going somewhere to eat or continue playing...
In the end we decided to go to Summer Sports first...
We all took out our share of the pay and gave it to Zafri...
We quietly left the futsal centre without saying bye...
I was the most pissed and sad I guess...
It really was a mood killer...
When we got to Summer Sports, we all finally decided to just go back home and have our rest...
Soong was the first one off as he could drive...
Then Lai went back not long after...
Bryan, Sachin and me...
We were waiting for our parents to arrive..
We sat on the block at the entrance of the badminton centre waiting for our parents...
We were having a chat about what had just happened and some other stuff...
After awhile, my father came and I was off back to my house...

The thing about all this was, I'm not sure who really is at fault actually...
When I got home and thought about it, I felt like I was the cause of all this commotion...
But there were certain events that would have triggered it...
One was what Jason Too had told me..
Two, I was tired and exhausted after such a long day...
Three, it was crowded...
Four, it was not well organised...
And there are many other more reasons...
But today, I have already said sorry to two person...
One was Jeyain and he was cool about it...
The other was Jason Too but despite me apologising, he had instead pissed me off again by saying this:
"You should've put aside your pride and ego and join us"
He actually had the nerve to say this despite being one of the person to start the commotion..
I had said yesterday to Bryan and Sachin that I would slap him on the face if he mentioned about it in school...
But lucky he said it through the Internet or I would have slapped him...
I hope events like this do not happen again anywhere in the future...
I never like arguing or fighting with friends as it would hurt me more than it would them...

So my message here to you readers,
If you can, don't be involved with an argument or fight with a friend...
It is painful and I really do regret my actions in a way...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Holiday at Port Dickson

Hello readers,
I have just returned from Port Dickson (PD) this morning and I'm exhausted from all the fun and excitement...
It was the kind of trip I've been waiting for quite some time...
Though there were disappointments during the trip...
Either ways, it was all fun...

It all started on Friday, 18th of August 2011...
I woke up in the morning and used the computer as I won't be around during the weekends...
After using the computer, I was actually expecting to leave for PD at around 3pm to 4pm....
So my family was busy packing our luggage and everything...
After that I was playing my X-box 360, playing F.E.A.R. 2 ....
Alma scared the shit out of me....AHHHH!!!! Haha ^^
Later I got to know that we are leaving only later at the night because the rest of them have something to do in the evening and all...
And so the day pass as usual till around 8pm ....
We left for PD...
My dad used the road through Seremban 3 to get to the highway from Rasah Jaya...
On the way he decided to stop at the petrol station...
There we saw Uncle Das and his wife..
We were talking to them there and discussing some stuff for awhile...
After that, my dad went around to get a pair of sports shoes...
In the end we got it at the 'pasar malam' ...
From there we headed for PD...
I was playing my PSP as usual....
My dad was driving fast so I was told...
I was too busy playing that don't even know what was happening around in the dark night..
Traveling in the night reminds me of the time we returned from Penang at night...
At least an hour or so drive and we got there...
That very same TNB apartment that we used to go back then when I was small..
Its the only place where we could actually get a 3-room apartment for RM50 a night...
Its very very cheap...
My dad booked two rooms...
We were going to be there for three days and two nights...
Truth to be told, it was almost like 2 nights and 1 day because we only arrive there late at night and return early on Sunday....
But what the heck, it was all for the fun and relaxing from the stressful world...
There was going to be 5 family...
Uncle Das's family , Uncle Peter.T 's family , Aunty Gloria's family, Uncle Dennis and wife , and my family...

So my family was the first to be there...
We checked-in at the counter....
It was room 502 and 503...
The rooms are connected which makes the apartment two times bigger....
So there are 6 bedrooms....
We went into room 503 as it was the closest to the elevator...
The floor was dirty and the place looks a bit of a mess....
The door connecting the two room was still close...
So we put our luggage into my parents bedroom and, my brothers and me took the other bedroom where there are two single beds...
We connected the beds together to make it bigger...
My dad went to complain about the dirty floor so they were gonna send someone to mop the floor...
Once we were settled waiting for the others to arrive, my mum realised that she forgotten to bring soap...
So parents went to get it and at the same time show the others the way to the apartment...
My brothers and I were watching television...
Planet of the Ape was on at that moment...
Then while I was in my room, the doorbell rang..
My eldest brother came in to call me out...
It was the cleaning service...
So I told her "Yes, both rooms please" in Malay....
And she began mopping...
While we were watching the television, my brother told me to keep an eye on the lady just in case...
We were cautious whether she might steal some stuff...
After awhile, she left through the other door...
After some time, my parents came back along with the others...
Everyone was here except Uncle Dennis and his wife...
They settled down and then they had a drink as usual >.<
While they were chatting, the children were watching television...
I was sitting in my room studying for my add maths paper the coming Monday while drinking red wine...
At around 1am, I was tired so I decided to go to sleep...
The children all went to sleep while the adults continue with their chit chat...

The next morning, I woke up at around 7.45am....
As my brothers were still sleeping, I slowly crept out of my room...
Nobody was awake...
I sat at the living room for awhile then my mother came out...
She ask why I was awake so early and told me to go back to sleep...
So I went back to sleep...
When I woke up later, it was around 8.30am ...
Some of the adults were already awake...
I woke up early actually so that we can go to the swimming pool as I was told yesterday...
"If you want to go to the swimming pool, wake up early and go."
But most of them were sleeping so I washed up and waited for them..
I had my breakfast, milo with biscuits...
After waiting for everyone, we only went down to the swimming pool around 10am...
We went to swim while the mothers went to the sauna...
Half way while we were swimming, it started to rain...
It was a real disappointment as we were having fun till it stopped us...
We went up disappointed...
After taking a shower, we were stuck inside the room again...
The children wanted to go to the arcade...
I was ready to go but we had to wait for the girls...
They took quite some time...
By the time they were prepared, it was time for lunch and we headed out for our lunch...
We went to this small little Indian shop where they opened up a stall at their own house...
The food was not bad and we enjoyed it...
When we got back, we headed for the arcade first...
It was a disappointment that some of the machines were not working..
But we still spent our time there...
Later, we went up and was yet again stuck in our rooms...

The rain started slowing down later in the evening, my eldest brother and I were hyped up to go to the swimming pool...
But my other brother did not wanted to go because it was still drizzling...
When the rain had fully stopped, me and my two brothers went down to the swimming pool by ourselves...
We expected some of them to come down but they did not...
Later, Thomas (Uncle Peter.T's son) came and join us...
Without knowing, the others were enjoying themselves in the beach playing Champion...
After swimming for about one and a half hours, the girls came to join us...
We were playing with the 'monkey' with the ball that time...
The girls joined us...
We had fun after 3 hours of being in the swimming pool...
We came out and went to our rooms to shower...
I was slightly disappointed at the fact that I would not have the chance to have fun in the beach...
I was eager to go to the beach since before even coming to PD...
Despite that disappointment, I had fun...
On the way out of the swimming pool, we saw the fathers playing ping-pong...
It was fun to watch..
After watching awhile we went up..
Thomas stayed down to learn how to play...
After taking my shower, I had a cup of tea and biscuit...
When I saw the photos of them playing in the beach, it looked like they had a hell lot of fun...
Even my mother had fun, I'm glad she did..
Once everyone had their shower, we were set to go for dinner...
We went to an open air Chinese restaurant...
It was quite a nice environment to have our dinner...
The adults were sat on once table while we, the children, sat on another...
The adults made the order while we just sit there and chat while waiting for the food to arrive...
As usual, in a Chinese restaurant, they gave us the cutlery first...
Then came the Chinese tea and the cup...
And one by one, the dishes came after we were served our plate of rice...
The 6 dishes were egg omelette, sweet and sour chicken, some veggie(no idea what it was), prawns, sizzling tauhu, and fish...
The fish was a bad idea by the adults to call for the children...
Either ways, we enjoyed our dinner and went straight back to our apartment after our meal....
My dad stopped by a grocery shop to get some ice and groundnuts..
Me and my eldest brother went in also to get some snacks...
We got back to the apartment not long after...
The adults were going to head down to the karaoke room...
My eldest brother and I followed while my second brother stayed back in the room as he was not interested...
The girls did not come down too...
When we reached the lobby, we had to wait for awhile before entering the room...
Someone came down, opened the room and set the karaoke machine up...
He explained to me how to use it and I was the one handling the machine throughout...
I just wanted to watch the adults sing and enjoy themselves...
I did not regret following them down as it was so much fun to watch them...
We laughed and sing-along with them as the old songs were played...
I really enjoy myself though I was not singing...
I particularly liked it when Uncle Dennis and his wife sang a duet ~ Endless Love ~ and when Elvis Presley's song ~Jailhouse Rock~ was played...
Those were the best two songs...
At about 11pm, the man came in and told us that our time was up...
After the last song, we left and went back up to our apartment room...
Again, the adults were chit chatting on the table while drinking...
The girls were watching a movie 'Paycheck' (If I was not mistaken) went we got back...
I joined them and watch the movie while drinking as well...
It was a nice movie (too bad I only saw half of it)...
After the movie, the children were all tired and all went straight to bed...
The adults followed soon after...
And that marks the end of that day...
We had to sleep early because we had to wake up early the next day to head back to Seremban for Mass....

I got up early the next morning, 6am to be precise...
Actually my brother woke me up from my phone alarm playing ~ Super Junior's 'Super Girl' ~
After my mother was done taking her shower, I went in next...
I had told my brother to continue sleeping and I would wake him up later...
Then, my eldest brother went in followed by my second brother...
Everyone slowly woke up and got ready in the process...
By around 7.30am, everyone was awake having a cup of hot drink...
We were packed and moving our stuffs down so that it would be easier to go down later...
Once, everyone was fully prepared to leave, we checked around to make sure nothing was left behind...
We got down and headed to the parking lot waiting for my father to deal with the checking out...
When he was done, we greeted our farewell and they thanked my father for inviting them..
We all had great fun and now we are headed by to church at Seremban town....
After Mass, we went out for breakfast...
Coincidently, we met up with Uncle Das's family and Uncle Dennis with his wife...
We went for breakfast together at the roti canai shop....
It was crowded...
The adults sat together again while my brothers and I sat with Audrey on another table...
After breakfast, we greeted farewell again...

And that dear readers, is the holiday I had...
It was wonderful as I had a week of stressful exam subject's next week (stressful for others and not me to be precise)
I look forward to more holidays like this and to tell you all about my fun time...
Till then dear readers...
Take care..

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Road to getting my driving license (The end)

Hey readers,
Guess what!!??
I finally got my driving license... WOOOOHOOO!!!!
I've been waiting for this day...
Funny thing is I have a license with no car but what the heck...

It was the 4th of August...
The day for my JPJ exam (the driving exam)...
I left school at 1.30pm...
My mum fetched me from school...
Along with my brother we went to do our JPJ exam...
The exam starts at 2pm but we were there at around 1.40pm...
My eldest brother failed the circuit at the parking so he was still there...
So I went in to get myself registered and get my number...
After that, I took a quick toilet break and we were off to the driving circuit...
All the students were sitted on the benches waiting for the JPJ examiners to finish what they are doing...
After awhile, those who failed the exam in the morning were called out one by one to resit for their exam...
Those who passed were also called out and ready to go for the road exam...
Those of us who were there for the third session which was the 2pm exam were all waiting...
Soon, the session 3 students were called to line up according to number to sign on the form...
We were then sitted according to our number...
After awhile, a JPJ examiner came to give us a briefing about the exam...
Once those who were re-sitting the circuit exam were finished, they called the session 3 students 5 by 5 to go to the starting line which was at the hill exam...
I was very confident about my exam the whole morning, but at that moment I felt nervous...
Its because I have not drove the car for about a month since my lesson ended...
I got to know two guys a little which was the guy with no.7 and no.9....
While no.1 to no.5 were doing their hill exam, we were watching from the hut....
When it was my turn, I got on the car...
I adjusted the seat and fastened my seat belt...
I was nervous...
The examiner then shouted out "no.8" (my number)...
I moved up the hill as usual I was looking out of the window to see the yellow line...
But due to nervousness, I accidentally pressed on the brake way too early...
I was barely near the yellow line...
So I went back down and used my second and last chance...
I could not afford to fail my exam after such a long wait...
So with cautious I did it and I made it...
I went down smoothly to the next exam, the parking exam...
It wasn't any challenge for me because I used my instructor's formula for the parking exam..
I took a little more time than usual but I passed it...
Next, I went into the last circuit exam, the 3-point turning...
I did it so easily that I could laugh...
When I was done, I wanted to park my car...
But I totally forgotten that I have to park at the starting line just at the hill exam...
Then the JPJ examiner on the motorcycle came and called me...
Just awhile before he called me, I recalled as well and so I quickly turn there...
After the exam, I went to sign the exam form and then I was sitted again at the benches...
My brother fail because he moved into the wrong lane for the 3-point turning..
I could feel his disappointment....

The sky slowly turn darker as we waited for the students from the morning session to finish their road exam...
I waited anxiously to be done with it...
My eldest brother failed because his engine died...
My other brother failed as well because he forgot to put his handbrake down...
And it was finally my turn...
With one of the examiner holding an umbrella covering me, I went into car no.7 ...
I adjusted my seat and got into the car...
I greeted the examiner which was the only lady examiner for the road exam...
Then, I did the pre-check before going off...
I was told to go to lane 3 for my road exam...
So I reverse and I accidentally made a sudden brake...
I was using the Viva which most people fear because it is harder to handle than the Kancil...
The brake gave me some problem...
So did the gear...
But I move smoothly as usual as though as I was with my instructor (except that I was a little more cautious)
With low lights on and the wiper functioning, I drove under the heavy rain..
Like my first experience on the road, I'm driving under the rain...
I was not afraid because I know that I can do it...
I drove with confidence with a little mistakes here and there...
At a certain traffic light, I was lucky that it was showing green...
Why I say I was lucky???
Its because at that area I once made a mistake when my instructor was teaching me to drive...
My car would move back a little when I want to move from a stop...
Its because that road was an uphill...
I was so happy that it showed green and passing there, I was 100% confident I would pass...
After driving for some time, I got back to the driving institute...
I sat there watching the examiner writing on the report...
She told me that she is giving me a chance for one of the point...
She says that my steering handling is a little unstable and that I should practice more on the road...
And with a score of 17/20 , I passed my JPJ exam...
I was hype up with the fact that I passed my exam...
I saw the guy with no.9 and he passed as well...
My brother came with an umbrella and took me to my mum at the main building...
After getting everything done at the office counter, we went back home with a smile on my face...

Its just a sad thing that my brothers failed their exam..
I hope they do well when they re-sit for the exam...
On the next day, my dad went to take my 'P' license from the JPJ office at Senawang...
I am now legally able to drive on the road...
I just can't wait to get a car...
Till then readers...
Take care..