Sunday, August 21, 2011

Holiday at Port Dickson

Hello readers,
I have just returned from Port Dickson (PD) this morning and I'm exhausted from all the fun and excitement...
It was the kind of trip I've been waiting for quite some time...
Though there were disappointments during the trip...
Either ways, it was all fun...

It all started on Friday, 18th of August 2011...
I woke up in the morning and used the computer as I won't be around during the weekends...
After using the computer, I was actually expecting to leave for PD at around 3pm to 4pm....
So my family was busy packing our luggage and everything...
After that I was playing my X-box 360, playing F.E.A.R. 2 ....
Alma scared the shit out of me....AHHHH!!!! Haha ^^
Later I got to know that we are leaving only later at the night because the rest of them have something to do in the evening and all...
And so the day pass as usual till around 8pm ....
We left for PD...
My dad used the road through Seremban 3 to get to the highway from Rasah Jaya...
On the way he decided to stop at the petrol station...
There we saw Uncle Das and his wife..
We were talking to them there and discussing some stuff for awhile...
After that, my dad went around to get a pair of sports shoes...
In the end we got it at the 'pasar malam' ...
From there we headed for PD...
I was playing my PSP as usual....
My dad was driving fast so I was told...
I was too busy playing that don't even know what was happening around in the dark night..
Traveling in the night reminds me of the time we returned from Penang at night...
At least an hour or so drive and we got there...
That very same TNB apartment that we used to go back then when I was small..
Its the only place where we could actually get a 3-room apartment for RM50 a night...
Its very very cheap...
My dad booked two rooms...
We were going to be there for three days and two nights...
Truth to be told, it was almost like 2 nights and 1 day because we only arrive there late at night and return early on Sunday....
But what the heck, it was all for the fun and relaxing from the stressful world...
There was going to be 5 family...
Uncle Das's family , Uncle Peter.T 's family , Aunty Gloria's family, Uncle Dennis and wife , and my family...

So my family was the first to be there...
We checked-in at the counter....
It was room 502 and 503...
The rooms are connected which makes the apartment two times bigger....
So there are 6 bedrooms....
We went into room 503 as it was the closest to the elevator...
The floor was dirty and the place looks a bit of a mess....
The door connecting the two room was still close...
So we put our luggage into my parents bedroom and, my brothers and me took the other bedroom where there are two single beds...
We connected the beds together to make it bigger...
My dad went to complain about the dirty floor so they were gonna send someone to mop the floor...
Once we were settled waiting for the others to arrive, my mum realised that she forgotten to bring soap...
So parents went to get it and at the same time show the others the way to the apartment...
My brothers and I were watching television...
Planet of the Ape was on at that moment...
Then while I was in my room, the doorbell rang..
My eldest brother came in to call me out...
It was the cleaning service...
So I told her "Yes, both rooms please" in Malay....
And she began mopping...
While we were watching the television, my brother told me to keep an eye on the lady just in case...
We were cautious whether she might steal some stuff...
After awhile, she left through the other door...
After some time, my parents came back along with the others...
Everyone was here except Uncle Dennis and his wife...
They settled down and then they had a drink as usual >.<
While they were chatting, the children were watching television...
I was sitting in my room studying for my add maths paper the coming Monday while drinking red wine...
At around 1am, I was tired so I decided to go to sleep...
The children all went to sleep while the adults continue with their chit chat...

The next morning, I woke up at around 7.45am....
As my brothers were still sleeping, I slowly crept out of my room...
Nobody was awake...
I sat at the living room for awhile then my mother came out...
She ask why I was awake so early and told me to go back to sleep...
So I went back to sleep...
When I woke up later, it was around 8.30am ...
Some of the adults were already awake...
I woke up early actually so that we can go to the swimming pool as I was told yesterday...
"If you want to go to the swimming pool, wake up early and go."
But most of them were sleeping so I washed up and waited for them..
I had my breakfast, milo with biscuits...
After waiting for everyone, we only went down to the swimming pool around 10am...
We went to swim while the mothers went to the sauna...
Half way while we were swimming, it started to rain...
It was a real disappointment as we were having fun till it stopped us...
We went up disappointed...
After taking a shower, we were stuck inside the room again...
The children wanted to go to the arcade...
I was ready to go but we had to wait for the girls...
They took quite some time...
By the time they were prepared, it was time for lunch and we headed out for our lunch...
We went to this small little Indian shop where they opened up a stall at their own house...
The food was not bad and we enjoyed it...
When we got back, we headed for the arcade first...
It was a disappointment that some of the machines were not working..
But we still spent our time there...
Later, we went up and was yet again stuck in our rooms...

The rain started slowing down later in the evening, my eldest brother and I were hyped up to go to the swimming pool...
But my other brother did not wanted to go because it was still drizzling...
When the rain had fully stopped, me and my two brothers went down to the swimming pool by ourselves...
We expected some of them to come down but they did not...
Later, Thomas (Uncle Peter.T's son) came and join us...
Without knowing, the others were enjoying themselves in the beach playing Champion...
After swimming for about one and a half hours, the girls came to join us...
We were playing with the 'monkey' with the ball that time...
The girls joined us...
We had fun after 3 hours of being in the swimming pool...
We came out and went to our rooms to shower...
I was slightly disappointed at the fact that I would not have the chance to have fun in the beach...
I was eager to go to the beach since before even coming to PD...
Despite that disappointment, I had fun...
On the way out of the swimming pool, we saw the fathers playing ping-pong...
It was fun to watch..
After watching awhile we went up..
Thomas stayed down to learn how to play...
After taking my shower, I had a cup of tea and biscuit...
When I saw the photos of them playing in the beach, it looked like they had a hell lot of fun...
Even my mother had fun, I'm glad she did..
Once everyone had their shower, we were set to go for dinner...
We went to an open air Chinese restaurant...
It was quite a nice environment to have our dinner...
The adults were sat on once table while we, the children, sat on another...
The adults made the order while we just sit there and chat while waiting for the food to arrive...
As usual, in a Chinese restaurant, they gave us the cutlery first...
Then came the Chinese tea and the cup...
And one by one, the dishes came after we were served our plate of rice...
The 6 dishes were egg omelette, sweet and sour chicken, some veggie(no idea what it was), prawns, sizzling tauhu, and fish...
The fish was a bad idea by the adults to call for the children...
Either ways, we enjoyed our dinner and went straight back to our apartment after our meal....
My dad stopped by a grocery shop to get some ice and groundnuts..
Me and my eldest brother went in also to get some snacks...
We got back to the apartment not long after...
The adults were going to head down to the karaoke room...
My eldest brother and I followed while my second brother stayed back in the room as he was not interested...
The girls did not come down too...
When we reached the lobby, we had to wait for awhile before entering the room...
Someone came down, opened the room and set the karaoke machine up...
He explained to me how to use it and I was the one handling the machine throughout...
I just wanted to watch the adults sing and enjoy themselves...
I did not regret following them down as it was so much fun to watch them...
We laughed and sing-along with them as the old songs were played...
I really enjoy myself though I was not singing...
I particularly liked it when Uncle Dennis and his wife sang a duet ~ Endless Love ~ and when Elvis Presley's song ~Jailhouse Rock~ was played...
Those were the best two songs...
At about 11pm, the man came in and told us that our time was up...
After the last song, we left and went back up to our apartment room...
Again, the adults were chit chatting on the table while drinking...
The girls were watching a movie 'Paycheck' (If I was not mistaken) went we got back...
I joined them and watch the movie while drinking as well...
It was a nice movie (too bad I only saw half of it)...
After the movie, the children were all tired and all went straight to bed...
The adults followed soon after...
And that marks the end of that day...
We had to sleep early because we had to wake up early the next day to head back to Seremban for Mass....

I got up early the next morning, 6am to be precise...
Actually my brother woke me up from my phone alarm playing ~ Super Junior's 'Super Girl' ~
After my mother was done taking her shower, I went in next...
I had told my brother to continue sleeping and I would wake him up later...
Then, my eldest brother went in followed by my second brother...
Everyone slowly woke up and got ready in the process...
By around 7.30am, everyone was awake having a cup of hot drink...
We were packed and moving our stuffs down so that it would be easier to go down later...
Once, everyone was fully prepared to leave, we checked around to make sure nothing was left behind...
We got down and headed to the parking lot waiting for my father to deal with the checking out...
When he was done, we greeted our farewell and they thanked my father for inviting them..
We all had great fun and now we are headed by to church at Seremban town....
After Mass, we went out for breakfast...
Coincidently, we met up with Uncle Das's family and Uncle Dennis with his wife...
We went for breakfast together at the roti canai shop....
It was crowded...
The adults sat together again while my brothers and I sat with Audrey on another table...
After breakfast, we greeted farewell again...

And that dear readers, is the holiday I had...
It was wonderful as I had a week of stressful exam subject's next week (stressful for others and not me to be precise)
I look forward to more holidays like this and to tell you all about my fun time...
Till then dear readers...
Take care..

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