Sunday, May 8, 2011

Confirmation , The 7th of May

It is the 7th of May...
A day that we have been waiting for ages....
The day of Confirmation...
It all started with me being late...
I was suppose to be there by around 5pm but I was late due to unseen circumstances...
But on my arrival everyone was still in the hall and they were pass schedule too...
I entered with a sigh of relieve and went to register myself...
I was amazed with how beautiful all the girls looked and how handsome all the guys were...
Plus everyone was in white which makes it such a beautiful sight...
We were arranged and then taken to the front for a group photo under the blazing sun (But we all got 'hotter' after confirmation... haha XD )
The archbishop, Archbishop Murphy Pakiam (I hope I spelled his name right >.< ), entered first and we followed his back...
After bowing he took our seats....
Mass went on.... blah blah blah....
And then we reached the important part of the celebration....
The placing of the chrism on the forehead of the confirmants...
When it was my turn, I went forward and bowed...
Then I went forward, the archbishop placed his hand on my shoulder and he looked at my name tag and said "Angelo" in a rough but gentle kind of way...
Then, he said " Be sealed with the Holy Spirit" (or something like that) while placing the chrism in a shape of a cross on my forehead...
After that, he placed his hand on my shoulder again and said "Peace be with you" slowly...
A kind of joy that I can explain was felt when he said that...
After that everything went on as usual, and then finally Mass ended...
The most enjoying part came along...
We took another group photo on the altar with the archbishop and cameras were flashing all around....
They were like paparazzi's while we were like superstars ....
It was an awesome (but pain to the eye) feeling...
After the photo shoot was over, everyone went around congratulating each other and give hugs...
I went around giving hugs to most people (I wished I could hug everyone though)
Everyone was still posing around for the cameras... haha :P
It was wonderful how happy everyone seemed.... It was an unforgettable experience...
Though it was just a Mass we had fun....
Everyone sang from the bottom of their heart and praised God with joy...
I have never heard such a lively Mass before...
Sometimes I wish we could always be like that but time will come when we have to go our own ways...
Until Stephanie came up with the most wonderful idea that even I never thought of...
We have decided that we will make it a point to meet up every year on the 7th of May...
And I hope that every year we can always see that smile on everyone's face....
Praise the Lord ^^

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